People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 279 Rabbit Spirit Bai Xue【Please subscribe】

"Donor Xu, please don't be impulsive. The Master of the Qiankun Cave has few enemies in the world of demons and demons. Even the immortals and Buddhas in the sky must be treated with caution and don't be impulsive."

Daoji spoke at the right time, and then he changed the subject and said to Bai Ling and Heifeng, "Are you two monsters who don't know the heights of the world still here to wait for death?"

"Stinky monk, do you want you to pretend to be a good person?"

Bai Ling blurted out, and Daoji almost vomited blood. He finally came out to smooth things over. He didn't want to see Bai Ling and his senior brother Heifeng die in the hands of Zhang Jingyun, but in the end, he was treated as a donkey liver lung for his good intentions.

Zhang Jingyun pretended to fight, and Daoji quickly advised him: "How accomplished is Donor Xu, it would be beneath his status to care about the two of them? Besides, your lady is special, you should take more care of the demon clan, right?"

Zhang Jingyun made a movement with his hands, turned his eyes, and looked at Daoji with a half-smile. After listening to some words, it seemed that he already knew a lot about himself.

"I didn't expect that Master Daoji is still a good old man. Anyway, for the sake of our friendship, I will let them go for now. I will go and take the life of the Qiankun Cave Master tomorrow." Zhang Jingyun said slowly.

After hearing this, Bai Ling and Heifeng didn't know whether it was true or not. They were not sure whether Zhang Jingyun had the strength to defeat Master Qiankun Cave Master.

But the Daoji monk in front of him vaguely felt that Zhang Jingyun was just talking. The master of the Qiankun Cave was extremely powerful. He was already the strongest existence in the demon world. Even the Dapeng bird that descended from the Buddhist world was a member of the Qiankun Cave. The true junior brother of the Lord.

Daoji expected that Zhang Jingyun was not that strong. In fact, Zhang Jingyun could only guarantee that he would not be defeated in a battle with the Qiankun Cave Master. As for whether he could win, he had no confidence.

The true form of the Lord of the Qiankun Cave is a skeleton monster who has been practicing for thousands of years. Thousands of years ago, although the Lord of the Qiankun Cave was severely injured by the palm of the Dragon-Subduing Arhat, this does not mean that the current Master of the Qiankun Cave is not as good as the Dragon-Subduing Arhat.

After all, the strength of the Dragon-Subduing Arhat has not changed much over the past thousands of years, and the Arhat's status will be limited no matter how many disasters he endures.

Unless there is a major opportunity, such as this time, he was sent to the world by Tathagata Buddha to carry out the task of catching the Dapeng bird, saving people, and spreading Buddhism.

Only when the Arhat who subdues the Dragon has completed his merits and returns to the Buddhist world will he have a substantial breakthrough in strength. With such achievements, it is easy for Arhat who Subdues the Dragon to further achieve the status of Bodhisattva.

In comparison, the Master of the Qiankun Cave is different. Thousands of years ago, he was seriously injured by Jianglong's palm. Thousands of years later, he practiced the Qiankun Dafa and his strength improved much more than that of the Dragon-Jiang Arhat.

It was inappropriate for Zhang Jingyun to face the Lord of Qiankun Cave directly now, but what he didn't expect was that Daoji was willing to mediate and persuade him to let Bai Ling and Heifeng go.

Is it because Daoji has a compassionate heart?

Zhang Jingyun is sure that this is only one aspect, and the other aspect is related to the Buddhist style of doing things. If you are careful, you can pay attention to some details.

Many monsters related to Buddhism go down to the world without authorization and do things that harm the world and cause harm to the world. They are then subdued by people from Buddhism and restore peace to the world.

Journey to the West is even more so.

The closer you get to the foot of Lingshan Mountain, the more monsters are blocking your way. It is undeniable that there are similar cases in Taoism, but compared to Buddhism, they are very few.

There is a saying that goes well, there is no Buddha without demons. Only demons and monsters bring harm to the world, and the Buddha has the meaning of existence. It is not an exaggeration to say that Buddhism deliberately ignores the lower realms such as the disciples' mounts and commits evil.

To put it simply, the fight is nothing more than the belief in incense. The monsters who descend to the earth, such as the roc, are tool people and have only one function, making Buddhism prosperous.

Daoji may not have these utilitarian thoughts, but those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black. People in Buddhism have unknowingly formed a similar set of methods of doing things. The key results are very good. Every time they take action, Buddhism will be severely punished. Refreshing the world's good impression of it is simply the best means of publicity.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and didn't think too much. He couldn't care about Daoji's compassionate heart. As for the monsters such as the Master of Qiankun Cave, he wouldn't treat them lightly if he encountered them again.

To practice the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique, he lacks heavenly materials and earthly treasures. The inner elixir of a great demon with thousands of years of Taoism is the best elixir for him.

Qiankun Cave advocate Jingyun is not sure to win now, but Zhang Jingyun is still confident about other slightly weaker monsters.

Bai Ling and Heifeng left with the help of Daoji. The former was still resentful of Daoji. After all, Bai Ling was seriously injured by the statue of Wei Tuo carried by Daoji, and then Zhang Jingyun took the inner elixir.

If this had not happened, although Bai Ling knew that she could not defeat Zhang Jingyun, she felt that there was still a chance to escape.

In addition, Daoji has set up a dragnet in Chenjiazhuang to prevent Bai Ling from getting close to Chen Liang. It is strange that Bai Ling can have a good attitude towards Daoji.

The two demons left quickly, leaving Hei Feng with lingering fear. He and Bai Ling didn't give up until they returned to the Arctic Snow Mountains and breathed a sigh of relief.

“I thought I was considered a strong person in the world of monsters, but I didn’t expect that when I entered the human world, I met two ignorant masters one after another.

No, the world is too dangerous. Junior sister, the two of us should work hard to become immortals in this deep mountain and old forest from now on, right? "

Black Wind said with hope.

However, Bai Ling's face was twisted and hesitantly said: "Brother, actually I...I want to go to the human world to meet someone again."

"Meeting someone! Who is it?"

Bai Ling didn't notice that Black Feng had a flash of displeasure in her eyes after hearing this, and she honestly said, "It's Young Master Chen."

When Heifeng heard that Chen Liang was obviously a little uncomfortable, he turned his face to the side without any trace, and listened impatiently to Bai Ling's words: "To be honest, senior brother, during the time I spent with him, I fell in love with him... meaning."


Heifeng blurted out and then stood up and said angrily: "Junior sister, you also know that human beings and monsters have different paths. There is no way that the two of you will have any consequences! Moreover, junior sister, you should know that I have been treating you..."

Bai Ling didn't expect Heifeng to have such a big reaction, but then Heifeng's words made her smart and understand instantly. It turned out that Heifeng had already had love for her, but today she said she fell in love with Chen Liang, and Heifeng could not bear it. He couldn't help but tell her this.

"Senior brother, you are a good person. Bai Ling dare not forget your kindness to Bai Ling. It's just that I have made up my mind. Let's meet again later!"

Bai Ling pretended not to understand, changed the topic, and left with fists clasped in his hands after speaking, without giving Hei Feng a chance to finish what he said next.

Looking at Bai Ling's back, Heifeng was quite depressed. He stretched out his hand repeatedly but couldn't get Bai Ling to turn around. He kept pacing in place and sighed: "Bai Ling, when will you understand my feelings for you!"

Black Wind himself didn't even know.

He's just a licking wolf.

In the original plot, he was finally beaten to death by Bai Ling.


Zhang Jingyun obtained the Heaven and Earth Net technique from Daoji, which is an orthodox immortal magical power. Our Lady of Yaochi once used this technique to imprison Bai Suzhen. Bai Suzhen has the best say in its power.

That night Zhang Jingyun practiced the dragnet, and then under Bai Suzhen's surprised eyes, Zhang Jingyun used the dragnet to imprison her hands and feet.

Let Bai Suzhen lie on the bed with big characters.

"Officer, what are you doing? Let go..." Bai Suzhen unlocked new knowledge (postures) in a burst of intermittent sounds.

Perhaps the gods who created the dragnet spell never thought that this spell could be used in this way. It is... so practical!

The next morning.

Bai Suzhen is quite radiant.

Zhang Jingyun always gave her some unexpected surprises, not to mention, so many tricks that even made Bai Suzhen feel that she had lived eighteen hundred years in vain.

Seeing that Bai Suzhen seemed to be a different person, Xiao Qing couldn't help but ask more questions. Bai Suzhen couldn't bear what Xiao Qingmo whispered in her ear.

At night, Xiao Qing came directly in front of him, stretched out her hands, made a gesture and said to Zhang Jingyun with hopeful eyes: "Guanren, I want it too!"

Zhang Jingyun: "???"

Good guy, this is an innovative talent!

Zhang Jingyun naturally met Xiao Qing's little expectations. Her cultivation has improved rapidly. With the same thousand-year cultivation, Bai Ling and Hei Feng are no match for her.

In addition, she practiced the True Dragon Treasure Art very hard. Bai Suzhen gave her a few drops of the True Dragon Essence and Blood to comprehend the True Dragon Treasure Art, which was quite successful. In actual combat, Bai Ling and Heifeng combined were no match for Xiaoqing.

Rouge was not jealous of Zhang Jingyun for doting on others, because Zhang Jingyun and her practiced together for one night, which was enough for Rouge to settle and digest in ten and a half months.

She was extremely fulfilled every time it ended.

The speed of cultivation improvement can be described as terrifying. It changes almost every day. In just a few days, he has cultivated several magic powers. In another ten days and a half, he will be almost the same as the invincible Taoist Priest.

Zhang Jingyun's magic power has not changed much. He has become an immortal. If he cultivates normally, it would not be surprising if he has not broken through the realm for hundreds of years.

For him, dual cultivation is just the accumulation of attribute points. It is okay to use attribute points to improve his realm. However, he has recently used a large amount of attribute points to upgrade. If he spends it recklessly, he may damage his foundation.

After days of double cultivation, Zhang Jingyun's attribute points increased greatly, and unknowingly he exceeded the one thousand mark. He had no attribute points but did not dare to use them, which made Zhang Jingyun feel the need to go out and look for some cultivation resources.

Recall the plot related to Living Buddha Jigong.

Zhang Jingyun set his sights on his hometown of Qiantang County. In the original plot, there was a fish king who had become a spirit in the Qiantang River. He was so powerful that he could deal with Daoji and others together with the Qiankun Cave Master and the Blood Demon.

This level of cultivation is definitely not comparable to that of Bai Ling. I'm afraid Xiaoqing is no match. Bai Suzhen may be able to subdue this demon. In the world of immortality, he is also the ancestor of Nascent Soul.

"The King of Fishes in the Qiantang River? I know something." Zhang Jingyun asked Bai Suzhen about the situation, and the latter actually knew.

When Bai Suzhen went to Qiantang County to look for Zhang Jingyun, they were all different, so it was impossible that they had not noticed each other. However, the Fish King was practicing at the bottom of the Qiantang River and did not pay much attention to the outside world. He and Bai Suzhen were inseparable from each other.

"Officer, the Fish King has devoted himself to cultivation and has not done anything evil. He has no conflicts with us. Is it necessary to hurt his life?" Bai Suzhen hesitated.

"Some monsters practice with great concentration to become immortals and will not harm the human world, but some monsters practice to make it easier to harm people.

The reason why we don't do evil now is because we are weak. For this kind of monster, do we have to wait until it actually does something evil before we start to eliminate it? This is nip in the bud. "

"I see, does the official want my help?" Bai Suzhen asked thoughtfully. Zhang Jingyun naturally shook his head. He can handle a fish king.

Using the magic power of shrinking the earth into an inch, he arrived in Qiantang County. Zhang Jingyun quickly used his flying sword, and the Xuanyuan Divine Sword turned into golden light and divided the river.

Golden Light Water Dividing Sword.

Zhang Jingyun discovered the Fish King after a little exploration. As the flying sword was launched, the Fish King quickly noticed something unusual as he concentrated on practicing.

"Who attacked me secretly!"

On the Qiantang River, the tide surged and hit the shore continuously. Visitors were surprised to see the surface of the Qiantang River separated by a golden light. They were even more surprised to see a catfish spirit several feet long leaping out of the river, causing rocks to pierce through the air. The waves crashed on the shore.

"How dare a catfish monster become king?"

Zhang Jingyun made his sword fingers parallel, and the divine sword changed its trajectory, transforming into a sword array to smash the boulders coming towards him, and then merged into one, the divine sword subdued the demon.

That's not all. Zhang Jingyun turned his palms upward and straightened his fingers naturally. His middle fingers and ring fingers were straight up respectively, and he performed the Thunder Technique with his hands, and his black hair was flying.

"The Thunder God and the Lightning Mother, the magical power of rapid descending!"

The thick thunder struck the fish king on the head, leaving a black mark on its indestructible fish skin, which hurt to the bone marrow.

Zhang Jingyun opened his bow from left to right, and after several attacks, the fish king was already frightened. The fish head, which was larger than the water tank, was covered with burnt black scars. Several wounds on his body had penetrated into the flesh and bone, even to the bone marrow.

"Take it!" Finally, Zhang Jingyun sacrificed a golden bowl, activated his magic power, and put it into the golden bowl regardless of the fish king's resistance.

"Fahai is really good for collecting monsters." Zhang Jingyun couldn't put it down for the golden bowl, and now he was basically sure.

The golden bowl was the rice bowl used by monk Tang Xitian when he was collecting Buddhist scriptures. Later, in order to collect the true scriptures, he gave it to Ananda and Kassapa as personal favors. In the end, the golden bowl apparently fell into the hands of the Buddha and was given to Fa Hai as a reward.

"Why should the Immortal's magic power reach the sky and embarrass me, the little demon? God is pitiful. The little demon never does evil and devotes himself to cultivation to become an immortal. Please spare his life." The Fish King begged for mercy.

Zhang Jingyun, however, didn't take it seriously. This fish monster could make rain when it heard the wind. When the master of Qiankun Cave found him, he promised to send floods to flood the villages near the Qiantang River.

If we don’t kill them now, we’re raising tigers and causing trouble.

Zhang Jingyun pointed his fingers and snatched his inner elixir. The blue inner elixir showed amazing spirituality, and Zhang Jingyun took it back into the system space with his backhand.

"Fish skin and fish bones cannot be wasted."

Zhang Jingyun packed it up and took it away together, and the harvest was full. The Qiantang River was divided into two, and the flying sword killed the fish monster. Word spread quickly, and countless people flocked to it, just to get a taste of the immortal energy and watch the immortal appear.

In the clouds, Zhang Jingyun returns with his sword.

Suddenly, he passed by a mountain forest and felt a strong demonic aura. Without thinking, he dropped his sword and searched for the target with his golden eyes.

"Monster, let's see where you can escape!"

Zhang Jingyun shrunk to an inch, leaving behind a series of afterimages, and then caught a snow-white little rabbit amidst the sounds of struggling.

"It turns out to be a rabbit spirit, catch it and make soup!" Zhang Jingyun said with a slight smile, and the next second the white rabbit in his hand turned into a human form.


Zhang Jingyun couldn't take his eyes away. After the fluffy white rabbit turned into a cute girl, it turned out to be hairless. She even used a clone technique to split into two, turning from one little rabbit into two little rabbits.

"Shangxian, don't stew Bai Xue!"

This bunny spirit, Bai Xue, had obviously just transformed, and her clothes couldn't even transform. The bunny was bumping around so much that Zhang Jingyun was also bumping into a bunny.

"Snow White?"

Zhang Jingyun seemed to be impressed.

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