People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 288 Yang Chan is pregnant [Please subscribe]

In heaven, outside the temple of the true king.

With a flash of golden light, Yang Chan appeared at the door, but what came into view were the Six Monsters of Meishan, Roaring Sky Dog and others, all with serious expressions.

"Master Yuding, why are you here?"

Yang Chan was slightly surprised when she saw Master Yuding's face. Everyone standing in front of the True Lord Temple was obviously not there to welcome her. Something must have happened.

At this moment, Yang Chan heard the sound of smashing things coming from the True Lord Temple. Yang Chan knew that it was definitely not his second brother Yang Jian who did it.

Over the years, Yang Jian has become more and more able to control his emotions. Even if Mount Tai collapsed, he would not change his expression. He wanted to scheming with the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother.

If he doesn't know how to be patient and has everything written on his face, how can Yang Jian remain firmly in the position of the God of Justice? An angry person is not terrible. If you can control your anger and suppress it in your heart, you will be a character.

"It's not because of the Queen Mother..."

Master Yuding pouted into the True Lord Temple. Master Yuding in the Lotus Lantern World was very different from Master Yuding in the Prehistoric World or the World of Conferred Gods.

In the prehistoric world, Yuding was a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun and one of the twelve golden immortals of the Chan Cult. He had assisted Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun and other immortals to break the Immortal Killing Formation.

He also arrived in time when Jiang Ziya was trapped by the God of Plague, and sent his apprentice Yang Jian to Huoyun Cave to meet the three great emperors, and obtained cohosh from Shennong to save the three armies from the plague.

In the prehistoric world, the real person Jade Cauldron was quite powerful. However, his disciple Yang Jian entered the list of gods physically and was no less powerful than the Twelve Golden Immortals, so he was overshadowed.

But the real person Yuding in the Lotus Lantern World is not the same. He has basically no strength and can be ignored. His biggest role is to play the role of comedy in the whole drama...

Although Master Yuding is not powerful in magic, he is invincible in terms of cultivation theory, and Yang Jian is the nephew of the Jade Emperor, with a half-immortal body, and with the blessing of his bloodline, he is simply the perfect object to confirm the theory of cultivation.

In the end, as expected by Master Yuding, his theory of cultivation was confirmed by Yang Jian. Yang Jian also became the god of war in the three realms. He defeated the heavenly soldiers and generals, and his strength was ranked first in the three realms.

However, the spells taught to Yang Jian by the real person Yuding are not much different from the spells taught by various Yang Jian figures in movies and TV series.

For example, the seventy-two transformations of the spell to control the Eye of Heaven, the seventy-two transformations here are not the Earthly Evil Technique, which is the seventy-two transformations of Sun Wukong in Journey to the West.

Yang Jian's seventy-two transformations originated from the martial arts he practiced, which is the famous Nine Turns Mysterious Skill, also known as the Eighty-nine Mysterious Skills.

Just one thing to mention.

In the setting of the Lotus Lantern world, Master Yuding later transformed into Patriarch Bodhi and taught a monkey many spells.

That's right, it's Sun Wukong.

In the world of Lotus Lantern, Yang Jian and Sun Wukong are brothers who came from the same sect. The only two disciples of Jade Ding Zhenren, they rebelled in heaven every time, so that Jade Ding was afraid of being known by the Jade Emperor, and Sun Wukong too He handed it over.

It is precisely because of this that in the Lotus Lantern plot, Monkey King, the great sage who made a big fuss in the sky, repeatedly suffered losses from the Erlang God Yang Jian, and was even deprived of his cultivation.

Just because Sun Wukong didn't know that Yang Jian was actually his senior brother and was taught by the same master. How could Yang Jian not know what Sun Wukong was capable of?

Sun Wukong suffered so much that he listened to his master and never found out the details of his master. In a sense, the great sage was also an honest man.

Yang Chan learned the whole story from Master Yuding. It turned out that not long ago, Yang Jian brought the eighth princess back to heaven from the mortal world and handed it over to the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother was furious when the Eighth Princess fell in love with a mortal. She ordered Yang Jian to capture the Eighth Princess and send her lover to hell.

Logically speaking, Yang Jian was doing the Queen Mother a favor by bringing the eighth princess back to heaven. Why would the Queen Mother come to the Temple of the True King to cause such a fuss?

Naturally, Yang Jian added some micro-manipulations on the way to capture the Eighth Princess. The Queen Mother asked him to send the Eighth Princess's lover to the eighteenth level of hell. Yang Jian witnessed the Eighth Princess's love. He did not do everything the Queen Mother said, but It was deliberately delayed for more than two months.

More than two months in heaven are sixty years in the human world. Yang Jian's delay directly dragged the eighth princess's lover, Prairie Eagle Battelle, to death.

The love of the Eighth Princess ended with Battelle dying of old age, and then Yang Jian took the Eighth Princess back to heaven and sent her to the Queen Mother to be punished.

Although the Queen Mother was dissatisfied, she really had nothing to do with Yang Jian. Yang Jian insisted that he could not find the eighth princess. What could the Queen Mother do?

Removing Yang Jian from his position and taking back the seal of the God of Justice? Very good, then Yang Jian went directly to the sky. Look at the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor. Are there still ten golden crows?

Nine of the ten golden crows were killed by Yang Jian.

If Yang Jian rebels again, half of the people in heaven will be able to rebel with Yang Jian. This is why the Queen Mother has to entrust Yang Jian with important tasks even though she is jealous of him.

There is really no one available in heaven.

Yang Jian brought the eighth princess back, but the Queen Mother was so cruel that she punished her own daughter to go to Kunlun Mountain and face the wall for the rest of her life.

This kind of punishment surprised even Yang Jian. It was too severe. This shows how ruthless the Queen Mother is. She just wanted to use thunderous means to shock the gods in heaven and let all the gods see. This is Sifan's end.

Yang Jian said a few good words for the eighth princess.

He advised the Queen Mother not to impose such a heavy punishment, and also enthusiastically told the Queen Mother that they were the only ones who knew about the eighth princess Sifan.

It was this sentence that made the Queen Mother suspicious. As the main villain of the show, this version of the Queen Mother was cold, domineering and cautious. She was very suspicious and immediately suspected Yang Jian because this was not in line with Yang Jian's character.

Why did Yang Jian plead for the eighth princess?

With Yang Jian's character, instead of interceding here, asking for the Queen Mother's understanding, and letting the eighth princess go, it would be better not to bring the eighth princess back at all.

In fact, the Queen Mother was right in her suspicion this time. The eighth princess voluntarily returned to heaven with Yang Jian. She wanted to act as an internal agent for Yang Jian and find out information for Yang Jian.

Unexpectedly, the Queen Mother was so ruthless and sent the Eighth Princess to Kunlun Mountain without saying a word. Yang Jian couldn't help but plead for mercy, which revealed the flaw.

Things became difficult to handle when the Queen Mother became suspicious. When Yang Jian sent the eighth princess to Kunlun Mountain, the Queen Mother directly broke into the Temple of the True King and looked through the various cases that Yang Jian had handled as the God of Justice over the years.

You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

Over the years, Yang Jian has been doing one thing in front of the Queen Mother and another behind her back. What he showed to the Queen Mother were the case files he had carefully revised, and the actual case files were all in the Temple of the True Lord.

What's even more outrageous is that the Queen Mother found a set of heavenly rules made by Yang Jian while she was still in the Temple of the True Lord, which made the Queen Mother so angry that she vomited blood.

Then he couldn't help but smash things.

Yang Jian stood in front of the Queen Mother with a look of dissatisfaction. What if the Queen Mother found out? At worst, he would go down to heaven and raise a flag to become a demon. He could even kidnap Chang'e before leaving.

The Queen Mother calmed down and said in a sinister tone: "These are the cases you have handled since you took office.

Heaven has one set of rules, and you have your own set of rules. I wonder why you, the judicial god, are so busy. It turns out you have to review two sets of files. It’s really hard work! "

Yang Jian stood up straight and looked very disapproving.

Until the Queen Mother said coldly: "Bring it here!"

Yang Jian raised his eyelids, "What?"

"The Seal of the God of Justice!"

Yang Jian didn't waste any time. He flipped his wrist and held the Judiciary God's Seal in his palm. The Queen Mother raised her hand, and the Judiciary God's Seal teleported into her hand.

The Queen Mother just left with the big seal in hand, and the door of the True King Temple opened automatically. A crane flew to the Queen Mother's feet and carried her back to Yaochi.

Master Yuding and others quickly stepped forward to care about Yang Jian. When the latter saw Yang Chan, a smile appeared on his face and he asked kindly: "Third sister, do you want to see me if you have anything to do?"

Yang Chan had no intention of asking for skills for Zhang Jingyun. Naturally, she was concerned about her second brother. The Queen Mother accepted Yang Jian's Judicial God Seal this time, and the rain was about to come.

"It's okay. Second brother will handle it. Don't worry. The Queen Mother won't quarrel with me yet. She may let me see her later."

Yang Chan was shocked, isn't this a breakup?

Just then the Fairy Boy arrives.

"Zhenjun, my queen invites you to go to Yaochi."

Yang Jian said to Yang Chan, "Third sister, I'm going. If you have anything to ask me about, just wait for me when I come back at the True Lord Temple."

Yang Chan was at a loss. She knew everything Yang Jian did. It could be said that there was no one who did not violate the laws of nature. How could the Queen Mother tolerate this?

"Chan'er, are you in trouble?"

Master Yuding said with concern.

Although Yang Jian is his apprentice, he is more like his son. Yang Chan was also raised by Master Yuding, so he is not an outsider.

Yang Chan's mind changed. The second brother had no time to care about him. He didn't know how to deal with the Queen Mother. Don't cause any more trouble at this time. Master Yuding happened to be here. He taught Yang Jian all the spells. He wanted to turn nine. Xuan Gong, just talk to Master Yuding directly.

"What? You want the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique!"

Yang Chan was puzzled by Master Yuding's reaction: "Why, it can't be done? I have a friend who wants to practice this mysterious skill, but I don't think he can do it."

"What friend?" Yuding asked cautiously.

Yang Chan's face turned slightly red, "They are just good friends. I have a life-long friendship with him. Please tell me if you can pass it on."

At the end of the story, Yang Chan directly grabbed Yu Ding's sleeves and pretended that he would not leave without giving him the skills. Yu Ding looked helpless.

"Okay, okay, I'm really scared of you brothers and sisters. It's not that I don't want to give you the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique. It's actually very involved. You must remember to tell that person that you picked up the technique yourself, not me who taught it. "

There is Yang Jian in the front and Sun Wukong in the back.

Master Yuding was afraid that his identity would be exposed, so he carefully told Yang Chan not to indirectly create another heavenly traitor.

To be on the safe side, Jade Cauldron only taught the first three turns. Even if Yang Chan's friends could really master it, at most they would only be as strong as Tiannu and his ilk, which was far behind Yang Jian and Sun Wukong.

Jade Cauldron also learns from every experience.

"Only the first three turns... that's fine!" Yang Chan muttered. Anyway, she didn't think Zhang Jingyun would be able to practice well. Once she started practicing, she would know how difficult it would be.

"Chan'er, remember not to say that the technique has anything to do with me!" Master Yuding shouted loudly, and Yang Chan repeatedly assured: "Don't worry, I know."

Master Yuding always felt uneasy.

After Yang Chan left, he couldn't help but count his fingers. He never imagined that his fingers were almost cut off, which was actually a sign of disaster. Giving Yang Chan nine turns of the Xuan Gong would bring him huge trouble.

"Chan'er! Come back quickly!"

Yuding wanted to chase but it was too late.

"I am... committing a sin!"


After Yang Chan obtained the Nine Turns Mysterious Skill, she returned to the Holy Mother Temple. One day in the sky and one year on the earth. As Yang Chan returned and returned, several days also passed in the human world.

"Now, this is the skill I asked for for you. It doesn't matter if you can't practice it. You are a mortal and don't even think about competing with my second brother." Yang Chan advised.

"Why is it only three turns?"

Zhang Jingyun looked at the Nine Turns Mysterious Technique and frowned slightly. This technique was different from what he had practiced. It was not as powerful as the Nine Turns Mysterious Technique he had practiced.

The first three turns of the Nine-turn Mysterious Technique that Yang Chan gave to him were compared with the Nine-turn Mysterious Technique rewarded by the system. After practicing it, it will probably look like the peak of the second-turn.

It’s almost the same as Zhang Jingyun’s heyday.

According to Yang Chan, he can be compared to Tiannu. Zhang Jingyun naturally knows that this is the number one dog slave around the Queen Mother.

Although Zhang Jingyun felt a little disgusting compared to him, Tiannu deserved to die, but after all, he was an immortal who had followed the Queen Mother for tens of thousands of years, and he was still more powerful than ordinary immortals.

In this way, Zhang Jingyun's strength in his heyday was considered average in the world of Baolian Lantern, and he was by no means an unknown person.

"Three rounds is still less? This was given by a senior. If you really master it, don't say that I gave it to you, just say that you picked it up. Remember?"

Zhang Jingyun burst into laughter. It turned out to be a jade tripod. He asked Yang Chan to learn the Nine Transformations Mysterious Kung just to cover up that he knew the Nine Transformations Mysterious Kung.

Unexpectedly, it was actually taught by Master Yuding in the end, so didn’t I indirectly become his disciple? Zhang Jingyun's expression was extremely strange.

Good guy!

Yuding has three apprentices, both openly and secretly.

Yang Jian is open to the public, but Sun Wukong is not. In addition, Zhang Jingyun, the third disciple of Yuding himself, is not known to him. If he is not going to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace, it seems that Zhang Jingyun is incompatible with the two senior brothers.

Back to business.

After marrying the Third Holy Mother and acquiring the Nine Transformations Mysterious Skill, everything was ready. It was time for Zhang Jingyun to practice and restore his cultivation to his heyday.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes fell on the Third Holy Mother, who felt hot in his heart, and then heard Zhang Jingyun say: "Three Holy Mothers, I want you to help me practice!"

Yang Chan said angrily: "I've told you so many times that you usually call me San Sheng Sheng. Why don't you just call me Yang Chan at this time?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and said, "You don't understand, you have to address your duties when working!" Then Zhang Jingyun started today's work.

Three poles in the sun.

The system prompt sounded in the mind at the right time: "Ding! The host and partner practice once, and the attribute points will be increased by 10.

Congratulations to the host for receiving the title [Master Immortal]. The corresponding rewards will be returned to the main world and distributed together. Please keep up the good work. "

Zhang Jingyun's tiger body trembled. He was such a holy mother, and he actually had a halo. The last time he won the title, he was a pacesetter in breeding.

Yang Chan's magic power is a bit stronger.

Zhang Jingyun officially began to practice the Nine Turns Mysterious Kung Fu. Once the technique is in operation, the magic power will be generated by itself, and the original cultivation level will be restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Is this magic power? It's so easy to practice it?" Yang Chan's heart moved. Could it be that Zhang Jingyun still has a very high talent for cultivation?

A few days passed by.

Zhang Jingyun practiced day and night.

Yang Chan watched helplessly as Zhang Jingyun made rapid progress, and after a few days, he was about to make a breakthrough in his mysterious skills. Just when Yang Chan wanted to use her magic power to find out what was going on with Zhang Jingyun, she suddenly felt uncomfortable in her stomach.

The spiritual thought moved slightly, and Yang Chan showed joy.

She couldn't wait to wake up Zhang Jingyun who was practicing, put Zhang Jingyun's hand on her stomach, and said happily: "I have it!"

Zhang Jingyun's palms were warm, and his heart was full of emotions, "Agarwood, agarwood, he is about to be born, and the good days for him and Yang Chan are coming to an end, and there are still many difficulties to overcome in the future."

"You read a lot of books, give him a name." Yang Chan leaned into Zhang Jingyun's arms and said, Zhang Jingyun's eyes drifted to the agarwood tea tray on the table.

"Or just call..."

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