People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 289 Secretly assisting Yang Jian【Please subscribe】

Yang Chan followed Zhang Jingyun's gaze and saw that this agarwood tea tray was carved by Zhang Jingyun himself from a piece of agarwood brought back from Dali.

Zhang Jingyun knew that Yang Chan liked the taste of agarwood. A corner of the tea tray where she usually drank tea broke. Yang Chan didn't care much about these things.

But if Zhang Jingyun carved and polished it with care and gave it to himself as a gift, then it would be of extraordinary significance and something he cherished very much.

Yang Chan saw Zhang Jingyun looking at the agarwood tea tray, and had a vague premonition about the name of the child in her belly.

Until Zhang Jingyun blurted out.

"Why don't you call me Liu Chapan?"

Yang Chan: "......"

She was stunned at first, and then Yang Chan couldn't help but get angry: "How can our child be called a tea tray? Absolutely not!"

She even emphasized that Zhang Jingyun suppressed his laughter. When he saw Yang Chan put her hands on her waist and used the magical skill of all women to twist her flesh, Zhang Jingyun quickly begged for mercy and said, "It's not called Liu Chapan, it's called Chenxiang!"

Yang Chan slowed down and said, "Agarwood?"

Zhang Jingyun held Yang Chan in his arms and said softly: "It's called Chenxiang. It doesn't matter whether it's a boy or a girl, it's the same name."

Yang Chan looked at the tea tray carved by Zhang Jingyun himself. As long as he smelled the scent of agarwood, Zhang Jingyun seemed to be by his side.

There is a difference between immortals and mortals, and thinking of immortals and mortals would violate the rules of heaven. How could Yang Chan not know that she and Zhang Jingyun had violated the rules of heaven.

Maybe one day in the future, I and Zhang Jingyun will be separated because of this. At that time, if this agarwood tea tray is still around, it will be a kind of sustenance.

Every time he saw it, it was as if Zhang Jingyun and the child in his belly were beside him. Yang Chan was really happy about the name Chenxiang.

"Okay, let's call it Agarwood."


A month passed before I knew it.

The most important thing for Zhang Jingyun is to practice dual cultivation with Yang Chan every night. Although he has to be busy with some official duties during the day, as he is a county magistrate after all, Zhang Jingyun can handle it with just a little effort.

The rest of the time was naturally used for daily practice. Zhang Jingyun made rapid progress since he was fully prepared and started practicing.

His cultivation is a thousand miles in the true sense. It is not a day of double cultivation. He has achieved one level of Xuan Gong in more than a month. Even if he has only achieved one level of Nine-Transmutation Xuan Gong, he will still be a master in the world.

The second level of Xuan Gong is to become an immortal immediately.

That is to say, Yang Chan didn't pay too much attention to Zhang Jingyun's realm, otherwise he would definitely drag him to heaven. Please ask Master Yuding or Yang Jian to see what's going on with him.

With the rapid recovery of his cultivation level, Zhang Jingyun could also use some methods. He even found a reason for himself to improve his level so quickly.

There is absolutely no fear of suspicion from Yang Jian or Master Yuding. Yang Jian even has to cover up for Zhang Jingyun and take the initiative to build a relationship with Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun is methodical here, and Yang Chan has also gained a lot. In addition to practicing double cultivation with Zhang Jingyun, which can increase his magic power every time, the incense in the Huashan Notre Dame Temple is also becoming more and more prosperous. The incense is of great use to the gods. Yang Chan has been in the past few months. The improvement is more obvious than in previous decades.

Of course, Zhang Jingyun is inseparable from the credit for the prosperity of incense. With Zhang Jingyun as the county magistrate who won three yuan in a row and was favored by the emperor, he personally appeared and said that it is no wonder that the incense of Huashan Notre Dame Temple is not flourishing.

Not only those near Huashan, but also the surrounding counties and counties, after hearing about the effectiveness of the Notre Dame Temple, even traveled thousands of miles to offer incense and pray.

One spreads to ten, and ten spreads to a hundred.

In addition, after Zhang Jingyun's in-depth guidance, Yang Chan appeared in front of people several times to save people in need, and her fame even surpassed some of the long-established gods who have been worshiped for a long time.

Of course, these gods did not dare to say anything. Even if Yang Chan snatched their incense, for the sake of Erlang Shen and Baolian Lantern, they would have to obey.

I have experience with these things.

Yang Chan also finally understood the importance of publicity. Many gods are not as good as Buddhism in this regard. Sometimes burying one's head in the backbone will not lead to good results.

Zhang Jingyun and Yang Chan were going smoothly in the human world, and their lives became more and more prosperous as children, but in the heaven, Yang Jian's side became more and more difficult.

In fact, Yang Jian has great love.

For the sake of the people of Nanjun, he did not hesitate to defy destiny and persuade the Dragon King of the East China Sea to rain in a fixed place, and secretly ordered the Cao Tou God to dig ditches. Although the digging of ditches was done by Zhang Jingyun, he truly loved the people.

This also destined Yang Jian to have a loving heart, and also laid the foundation for the subsequent plot of the Lotus Lantern, that is, Yang Jian can use the Lotus Lantern.

As the most powerful artifact in this world, the Lotus Lamp is not unique to anyone. The condition for its use is to have the power of love.

Therefore, the treacherous and evil people cannot use the lotus lantern. Yang Jian's use of the lotus lantern in the plot of the lotus lantern has already shown that he is in darkness and his heart is in light.

The plot of the Lotus Lantern is entirely Yang Jian's plan. When he learned that his nephew Agarwood was dead, he decided to use Agarwood as a sharp sword. Yang Jian would use this sharp sword to force the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother to modify the rules of heaven.

The reason why Yang Jian insists on changing the rules of heaven is precisely because it is unfair. It is not only unfair in that gods cannot think of mortals, but also in many ways.

For example, the Jade Emperor could simply send a scholar to the eighteenth level of hell just because he cursed the heaven, and even imprisoned hundreds of thousands of people in Nanjun.

Yang Jian loved the people more than heaven.

Therefore, life and death have to change the unfair rules of heaven. Chenxiang is a sharp sword in his hand and a chess piece, but it is undeniable that Yang Jian really loves him and has the intention to cultivate Chenxiang. After Chenxiang understands all this, he will never do it again. Very Yang Jian.

Originally, Yang Jianyang was able to maintain the order of the three realms and save the people from disasters through multiple micro-manipulations. However, everything became difficult after the Queen Mother discovered what he had done.

The Queen Mother would not really take away Yang Jian's seal of justice just because he handled the case with two sets of heavenly rules. Even though Yang Jian violated the rules of heaven, the Queen Mother would have to turn a blind eye or close one eye.

Because Yang Jian really knows how to rebel.

And when Yang Jian rebelled, she had no choice, so the Queen Mother could only beat him and use various means to contain Yang Jian.

Originally everything went smoothly.

The Queen Mother secretly rejoiced that she had caught Yang Jian's hand, and was about to send her men to Yang Jian to supervise Yang Jian's handling of the case, so that she could take the initiative.

Unexpectedly, Tiannu, who had been with the Queen Mother for thousands of years, stabbed the Queen Mother in the back at this moment. He secretly invited the Jade Emperor to intervene in the matter.

The reason why Tiannu did this was because he wanted to bring down Yang Jian and completely remove Yang Jian from his position as the God of Justice.

Tiannu and Yang Jian had a long-standing grudge. Yang Jian made a mistake, which was a good opportunity for him to take action. Sure enough, the Jade Emperor asked the Queen Mother why she wanted to accept Yang Jian's seal of justice.

The Queen Mother evaded the important task and wanted to excuse Yang Jian. Tiannu made another attack and reported to the Jade Emperor. Yang Jian secretly rescued Li Boan, and no one in Nanjun drowned due to the heavy rain for three consecutive months.

The Jade Emperor was furious. Li Boan still remembered that it was the scholar who scolded him last time. Yang Jian actually dared to save this person. So what's the point?

There was a heavy rain in Nanjun, and the Jade Emperor was also holding back his anger, but Yang Jian was not affected by this incident, because Zhang Jingyun organized tens of thousands of people to dig the ditch.

In the end, the Jade Emperor actually remembered Zhang Jingyun's name, "Liu Yanchang? Huh, a mortal dares to disobey my order and send him to the eighteenth level of hell!"

Yang Jian reminded him at the right moment, "Your Majesty, Liu Yanchang doesn't know that the heavy rain in Nanjun was ordered by you, so people are not allowed to dig ditches when it rains heavily? There is no such crime in the laws of heaven. Please take back your order."

Yang Jian's words made the Jade Emperor even more angry: "Yang Jian, your matter is not over yet. I have decided to take back the Judicial God Seal. Do you still have the thoughts to consider others?"

Tiannu also said in a strange tone: "Yang Jian, although Liu Yanchang dug the ditch, as far as I know you also led thousands of grass-headed gods to dig the ditch, but Liu Yanchang got there first."

"Tiannu, do you dare to slander me?"

Yang Jian's face turned cold, and he summoned a three-pointed two-edged knife in front of the Jade Emperor. The tip of the knife was filled with cold light, and the Jade Emperor was so shocked that he did not dare to breathe.

The words were spoken to Tiannu, but the three-pointed two-edged sword was pointed at the Jade Emperor from beginning to end. The tip of the sword was only half a foot away from the Jade Emperor. It turned out to be referring to Sangmahuai.

The Queen Mother was frightened, and she immediately understood that if Yang Jian was forced to rebel again, he would rebel. She quickly said to the Jade Emperor: "Your Majesty, we can no longer force Yang Jian to rebel!"

The Jade Emperor's heart skipped a beat. In the past nearly four thousand years, he had almost forgotten that Yang Jian rebelled and killed nine of his sons. How miserable was the Golden Crow and the others? He actually forced Yang Jian so hard now?

In the end, a good show in which three parties forced Yang Jian into the palace ended with "this is the last time". The Queen Mother also persuaded the Jade Emperor to continue to hand over the Seal of Justice to Yang Jian, and Yang Jian gave up.

As he put away the three-pointed two-edged sword, on the other side, Tiannu, who was ready for Yang Jian to step down, was completely dumbfounded.

The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother don't have to worry about their own safety, because no matter how powerful Yang Jian is, he can't hurt them, because this is the rule of heaven.

But what about Tiannu?

Where did he have the courage to target Yang Jian?

He even indirectly offended the Queen Mother, because the Queen Mother didn't really want to take back Yang Jian's Seal of Justice, she just wanted to make Yang Jian obedient.

Tian Nu committed suicide without knowing it, but the Queen Mother was even more ruthless and directly sent Tian Nu to Yang Jian to perform the task of supervising Yang Jian's handling of the case.

Because the Queen Mother knew that because of Tiannu's character, she offended Yang Jian so badly, she would die in Yang Jian's hands sooner or later.

Once Yang Jian killed Tiannu, the Queen Mother would give Yang Jian another handle, and the last bit of Tiannu's value would be squeezed out.

In fact, Tiannu can always target Yang Jian because he has the support of the Queen Mother. But now, Tiannu disobeys the Queen Mother and secretly invites the Jade Emperor. This is digging his own grave, and the outcome is already doomed.

However, Tiannu wanted to die, and Yang Jian couldn't kill Tiannu for no reason, but as long as Tiannu was alive, he couldn't handle the case according to his own set of heavenly rules.

This is why Yang Jian is in a difficult situation.


Yang Chan once again went to heaven to ask for advice from Master Yuding. She finally discovered that Zhang Jingyun had already mastered the first turn of the Nine Turns Mysterious Gong. Such speed of practice made Yang Chan not understand what was going on, so she came here to ask for advice.

During the conversation with Master Yuding, Yang Chan learned about Yang Jian's situation. At the same time, she was even more worried that if she was exposed for violating the rules of heaven, wouldn't it make her second brother's already difficult situation worse?

The worried Yang Chan didn't bother to ask other questions, she just wanted to go back to Huashan to settle Zhang Jingyun, as long as she didn't get targeted by Tiannu at this critical moment.

Before leaving, Master Yuding reminded him.

"If your friend has the help of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, he may make rapid progress in practicing the Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique, but every gain must come with a loss, and subsequent breakthroughs will be more difficult."

Yang Chan responded and returned to the lower realm.

As she told Zhang Jingyun about Yang Jian's situation, the latter was thoughtful. At this time, he could only help his uncle personally.

It seems that Tiannu's death is coming soon.

Tiannu failed to overthrow Yang Jian, so he secretly descended to earth again, preparing to find a breakthrough from Yang Chan. In addition, he also patrolled the human world to supervise Yang Jian's handling of the case.

Patrol duty is to see if anyone in the world is cursing heaven, destroying incense offerings to the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, etc. Previously, Li Boan was pointing to heaven and cursing, but he was discovered by the patrol spiritual officer and reported to heaven.

While patrolling, Tiannu found trouble with Yang Chan. There was a restaurant near Huashan, where Yang Chan once performed miracles, so there was an endless stream of guests.

Tiannu and his officers on duty were drinking and having fun in a restaurant. When they heard someone saying good things about the Three Holy Mothers and blessing the people near Huashan with good weather, they couldn't help but say bad things about Yang Chan.

"Hahahaha, the Third Holy Mother is nothing. She is just a girl who is only worthy of staying in the lower world and cannot even enter the heaven."

"Even her brother Yang Jian has to look at Master Tiannu's face to act?"

Tian Nu looked proud, "You can't say that. After all, we are working under Erlang Shen, so we have to be careful when speaking."

Tiannu's dissatisfaction with Yang Jian stems from the fact that he once asked Yang Jian to help him with something. He wanted Yang Jian to find some virgins for him to use for practice.

He said it was cultivation, but in fact he had a special hobby. He had been a slave for a long time, but he had developed a hobby of pretending to be a master. It seemed that only torturing those virgins could excite him.

However, Yang Jian tried to shirk the matter several times.

Even though Tiannu was a popular person around the Queen Mother, she never actually did it even if she agreed. When Tiannu asked, it was difficult to find him.

If Tiannu couldn't see that these were all excuses, he would have been a slave for thousands of years. From then on, Tiannu began to hate Yang Jian.

The spiritual officer under his command openly and openly slandered the Three Holy Mothers. Although Tiannu also stopped him, he was still targeted by those who were interested.

It was Zhang Jingyun who was sitting at the next table.

"It's not in vain that I calculated for several days before I caught the opportunity." Zhang Jingyun used the method of yin and yang wheel calculation and finally found Tiannu's true body.

Zhang Jingyun called the waiter, asked for a bowl of boiling water, and then poured it on everyone's faces without hesitation. Tiannu and his subordinates were gods, so naturally they would not be burned.

But being splashed with boiling water by a mortal in the human world is a huge shame. Tiannu immediately ordered, "How dare this little mortal dare to offend the gods? I will skin him and crush his bones, drive away his soul, and give him a chance to be a beast in the next life." nothing."

"Lord Tiannu, if you privately impose capital punishment on mortals, you will violate the laws of nature!" A spiritual officer under Tiannu reminded him.

Tiannu said: "Yang Jian has violated many of the laws of Heaven. If he can violate the laws of Heaven, what should I not dare to do? I just don't want people to know about it."

"Yes, Lord Tennu!"

After hearing this, the two spiritual officers stepped forward to arrest Zhang Jingyun, but Zhang Jingyun smiled slightly, "It turns out that you are all gods, and you are blatantly violating heaven."

"Ignorant mortal, can you still laugh now? You will know the consequences of offending me later." Tiannu said viciously.

Seeing the spirit officer approaching, Zhang Jingyun stopped smiling and suddenly made seals with his hands, stamped his right foot, and shook his head in front of Tiannu and others.

"I respectfully invite Erlang to reveal himself as the Holy Lord!"

In the heaven, Yang Jian felt something in his heart. In an instant, after understanding the cause and effect, he could hardly help clapping his hands and cheering: "Okay, okay!"

Yang Jian thought in his mind and possessed Zhang Jingyun. Zhang Jingyun's temperament changed. Tiannu's face changed wildly when he saw that the man in front of him could actually use Taoism to invite Yang Jian.

"Yang Jian...Zhenjun! Listen to my explanation!"

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