People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 297 Split the mountain with one sword【Please subscribe】

For a moment, Chen Xiang admired Zhang Jingyun extremely. Although his father had a high status in Liujia Village and taught and educated people, it was almost as if he was not admired by everyone.

But teaching is teaching, and compared with wealthy people, Chen Xiang felt that he was still inferior. For example, Liu Yuanwai, whom he envied the most, had a wealth of money, many wives and concubines, and he did not bring the same delicacies every day.

But today, he learned that his biological father actually married a god and asked the god to give birth to a child for him. Chen Xiang wanted to worship Zhang Jingyun. It was really awesome.

"Dad, is my mother as good as Monkey King? Does she know the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother?"

Chen Xiang suddenly became energetic and kept asking questions. Zhang Jingyun also knew that he and Chen Xiang would not be together for many days, so he answered patiently.

"Your mother is the Holy Mother of Huashan conferred by the Jade Emperor, so she naturally knows the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother. As for the Monkey King, the Monkey King...

If you are empty-handed, your mother is no match. If you can use magical weapons, Monkey King, the Monkey King, is no match for your mother either. "

"So powerful? Can my mother defeat Sun Wukong?" Chen Xiang was shocked for ten thousand years, and suddenly a question arose in his mind.

"What else do you want to ask?"

Chen Xiang laughed innocently, looked at Zhang Jingyun and said, "Since my mother is so powerful, how could she fall in love with my father?"

"Huh?" Zhang Jingyun glared at Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang quickly explained: "I'm not saying that you are not worthy of my mother, but...even you are not a god. How did you do this?"

Zhang Jingyun reached out and knocked Chen Xiang on the head and said: "Although your mother is a god, your father and I are not ordinary people. At that time, among mortals, your father and I were also among the best."

"Huh? Dad, are you that powerful?"

Chen Xiang was doubtful. After all, in his heart, although Zhang Jingyun had some knowledge in teaching and educating people, after all, this was a small village. No matter how hard he worked, he wouldn't be too far behind the others, right?

Zhang Jingyun knew that Chen Xiang didn't believe it, so he smiled, stood up and found a box somewhere. It looked like it hadn't been opened for many years.

In front of Agarwood, Zhang Jingyun opened the box, and what he saw was a lotus-shaped lamp that seemed to be made of glazed jade. It was emerald green and very spiritual.

"Agarwood, this lamp was left by your mother. I can't give it to you now. When the time comes, this lamp will be yours."

As Zhang Jingyun spoke, he took out a few pieces of paper from the side of the lotus lantern and placed them in front of Chen Xiang. When he saw it, he couldn't believe it.

"County magistrate? Dad, you actually became a county magistrate?" Chen Xiang has been studying hard over the years. His level is still more than enough for a scholar, and there is no advantage if he goes up.

Zhang Jingyun didn't expect Chenxiang Wenquxing to come down to earth and become the top scorer in high school. After all, he relied on the system to win three prizes in a row.

Among his peers, Chen Xiang has the patience to study, which is quite impressive for him to reach this level. Compared with studying, he has a better talent for cultivation.

"To be able to be a county magistrate, you must at least be a Jinshi. Does this mean that my father passed the imperial examination, then passed the imperial examination, and finally passed the imperial examination?"

Chen Xiang was immediately confused. It turned out that his father was far more powerful than he thought, but why did he not serve as a good county magistrate, but instead went to a small place like Liujia Village to become a teacher?

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and said, "It's not just Jinshi. I'm afraid of scaring you when I say it. Back then, I ranked first in the provincial examination, the general examination, and the palace examination.

Winning three yuan in a row, becoming the number one scholar, and making a sensation in the capital. Otherwise, how could you think your mother, who is obviously a god, would fall in love with me, a mortal? "

Chen Xiang was stunned, not knowing what to say. It wasn't until Zhang Jingyun put away everything that he realized and asked: "Then why are you..."

"I know what you want to ask. For sixteen years, I have been wanting to tell you about the past, and now is the time."

Zhang Jingyun sat opposite Chenxiang and said in a deep voice: "I took you to escape to Liujiacun. When you were born sixteen years ago, the heavenly court knew about your mother and I.

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were furious and sent Erlang Shen, led by twelve hundred grass-headed gods and one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers, to Huashan Mountain to capture our family! "

Chenxiang was shocked and asked: "Why? Why did the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother give such an order? Did you and my mother do anything wrong?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head: "No, neither gods nor mortals can abandon the seven emotions and six desires, but the law of heaven stipulates that gods are not allowed to fall in love.

In fact, your mother is the niece of the Jade Emperor and the biological sister of Yang Jian, the Erlang God. Your mother and I have violated the rules of heaven and ended up where we are today. "

Zhang Jingyun has kept Yang Chan trapped at the foot of Huashan Mountain. Heaven has been arresting their father and son, and told Chen Xiang everything before and after.

After hearing that his mother had been pressed under Mount Huashan, Chen Xiang couldn't help but shed tears in his eyes. He looked up at Zhang Jingyun.

"Er Lang Shen Yang Jian is my uncle, and we are obviously a family member. How could he be so cruel? The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother clearly know that the rule of heaven is wrong, why don't they change it?"

"Yang Jian is your uncle, and he cares about your mother very much, but he is the God of Justice. Even if he took the lead in resisting Tian Tiao, the three realms would be in chaos. He also has his own reasons."

Chenxiang couldn't accept her conscience suffering under Mount Hua, "Is there any way I can save my mother? Dad, I want our family to be reunited!"

Zhang Jingyun said, "When you have the magic power, it will be possible to save your mother, but now, you are still weak, so you can't rush to save your mother. Let's wait until you control the magic power in your body first."

"Mana? How should I control it?"

Zhang Jingyun said: "I have already taught you that chopping firewood, chopping firewood, and practicing martial arts are all practices, and you can still do it as before."

"It's still the same as before..." Chen Xiang seemed to realize something. He looked down at his hands, then closed his eyes and imagined that he was holding an ax handle with both hands and there was a big tree in front of him. He swung the ax!

Zhang Jingyun wanted to stretch out his hand, but couldn't bear to interrupt. This opportunity to realize this was quite rare. In the end, he could only watch helplessly as Chen Xiang swung his hands and used a magic force to cut the door in front of him to pieces.

boom! Agarwood suddenly woke up.

Zhang Jingyun moved the muscles on his face and took a step forward. He picked up Agarwood by his neck and said without getting angry: "I just changed the door!"

Chen Xiang stared blankly at her hands, "Did I do this? My magic power is so powerful. If I can save my mother with my magic power, I can definitely do it!"

"It's not even close. Your uncle Erlangshen can transform into a tall man and split Huashan Mountain with a stamp of his feet. Can you beat him?"

Zhang Jingyun's words made Chen Xiang realize the reality immediately. He asked himself that if he could use magic power every time, he could cut down a tree as thick as one person at most.

"By the way, dad, didn't you say that my mother is more powerful than Monkey King, the Monkey King, in using magical weapons? Why is she still being crushed by my uncle at the foot of Mount Hua?"

Chen Xiang suddenly asked.

"Besieged by heavenly soldiers, if your mother was alone, no one could do anything to her. She gave up the lotus lantern to protect us, and was eventually pushed down Mount Huashan."

Chen Xiang's eyes turned and she suddenly thought, "The Lotus Lamp is so powerful, can I use the Lotus Lamp to save my mother?"

Zhang Jingyun patted him on the head and warned: "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking. Now is not the time to save your mother."

"Then do we still need to continue studying?"

"Studying is not just for you to gain fame, but also for you to understand the truth. If you say that the rules of heaven are wrong, you have to say what is wrong.

If someone tries to reason with you, but you can't reason with them, can you only beat them? Read more and you will understand. Is it useful to be good at fighting?

If you can do whatever you want with your magic power, then your uncle Erlang Shen would have changed the rules of heaven long ago. Why does your mother still need to be suppressed at the foot of Huashan Mountain? "

"Then what do I do with my magic power?"

Chenxiang asked depressedly.

Zhang Jingyun said calmly: "The purpose of practicing magic is to make those people sit down and listen to your reasoning calmly."

Chen Xiang seemed to have some enlightenment, and for dozens of days in a row, he went to school to study normally during the day, and after school, he practiced as usual.

Slowly, Chen Xiang was able to freely use magic power in every move. He once secretly tried it, jumping up and spanning a distance of tens of feet.

The towering mountain can be topped by a few jumps. When he can chop down ancient trees as thick as a hug, it shows that he has complete control over his own magic power.

"There is no need to cut down trees in the future. If you continue to cut down trees at this rate, there will not be enough mountains for you to cut down. If the trees you cut down these days are cut into sections, the house we live in will need to be rebuilt." Zhang Jingyun said.

Chenxiang was eager to give it a try and felt that this should be the case: "Dad, when I go to save my mother, you can wait for us at home. When my mother comes back, she can move into the new house."

Zhang Jingyun smiled and said nothing.

Chen Xiang worked hard and felt very fulfilled. Zhang Jingyun also taught him a set of swordsmanship. Chen Xiang was extremely happy and felt that although his father was a mortal, he knew so much that he deserved to be the top scholar.

Later, Chenxiang not only mastered this set of swordsmanship, but also integrated the magic power into the swordsmanship without a teacher. Finally, Chenxiang was surprised to find that the swordsmanship became different.

Chenxiang felt that she was simply a genius in cultivation. A wooden sword made her masterly, like a flying sword, it could span hundreds of feet in an instant.

Cultivation is practice, but Chen Xiang is still young after all. He can even use his magic power at will. He studies every day, as if he is holding back a little secret and always wants to show it off to others.

On this day, Chen Xiang finally couldn't help but use her magic power. In front of all her classmates, she used her magic power to open books one after another, causing constant shouting.

"Agarwood, when did you become able to do magic tricks?" A little fat man next to him asked curiously in surprise.

Chen Xiang said disdainfully: "I don't know how to do magic tricks. I use magic power. Do you know about magic power?"

"Tch, magic power is only available to gods in the sky. Are you a god?" Another student curled his lips and didn't believe it at all.

"I'm not a god, but I do have magic power. If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you again. Have you seen this door?" Chenxiang pointed at the door and said.

"I saw it, what do you want to do?"

"I can split it with one palm..." Chen Xiang said for a moment. If he split the door, wouldn't Zhang Jingyun hang him up and beat him?

He immediately changed the topic and said in another way: "I can go directly through the door. Does this prove that I have magic power?"

"Put it through and I'll stand on my head and eat shit!"

"I'll wash your feet!"

"I'll poop on people who stand on their heads!"

"Go to hell…"


Chenxiang separated the people and stared at the door in front of him. He had tried it many times. He could penetrate even the earth wall, not to mention the door.


Chen Xiang still adjusted her mentality and pushed hard. She was faster than a rabbit and rushed towards the door without hesitation.

boom! Agarwood fell asleep.

A group of students laughed wildly, and a few of them were preparing to see if Chenxiang's injury was serious, but at this moment, time and space seemed to freeze.

Everyone was immobilized and unable to move.

Then a figure appeared next to Chen Xiang, bent down to pick him up, then flashed and appeared at the riverside as if teleporting before putting him down.

As for the school, after Chenxiang disappeared, the restraining spells were lifted one after another. The strange thing is that everyone seemed to have forgotten what happened just now.

"Go home and eat!"

A group of students dispersed.

By the river, Chen Xiang finally woke up at some point. He rubbed his forehead painfully. The bump just now knocked his head out.

One hand brushed Agarwood's forehead.

The pain disappeared, and Chen Xiang noticed that there was someone in front of him. When he took a closer look, he turned out to be his own father.

"Dad, why are you here? Do you know how to do magic?" Chenxiang thought of what happened just now and realized that her father seemed to be no ordinary person.

"When did I tell you that you don't know magic anymore? Why do you think you couldn't use magic in public before?" Zhang Jingyun said with a smile.

Chen Xiang's face lit up, and she pulled Zhang Jingyun and said, "Dad, since you know magic, how about we go rescue mother together?"


Zhang Jingyun put away his smile and Chen Xiang closed his mouth. He rarely saw such a serious look on Zhang Jingyun's face, "What's wrong?"

"I'm leaving." Zhang Jingyun said calmly: "Actually, if I want to save your mother, I can go alone. You are still young, and you only know how to show off in front of others after learning some magic. You can't fight them."

"I..." Chen Xiang was speechless for a moment, and then said: "I know I was wrong, but I can even cut down such a thick tree, so I can definitely help."


Zhang Jingyun made his sword fingers parallel and slashed out with a sword in the air. The terrifying mana fluctuations impacted Agarwood, and he couldn't stop retreating. He finally regained his composure, but was completely shocked by the scene in front of him.

The broad river surface was divided by the powerful magic power, and the surging sword energy moved forward, cutting off a section of the mountain in front of him.

Chen Xiang seemed to be meeting his biological father for the first time, and was a little scared for some reason. He swallowed and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Agarwood, if I can't bring your mother back, it's not too late for you to go. But you have also seen that even if you have the strength to move mountains and reclaim seas, you will fail. You can only worship a more powerful person as your teacher, otherwise you will die. .”

Zhang Jingyun looked at Chenxiang and said slowly.

At this moment, Chen Xiang completely realized how difficult the things he was about to face were, and this little magic power was far from enough.

The next day, Zhang Jingyun disappeared.

Chen Xiang felt disappointed because she had no mother in the first place. Now that her father had left, she didn't know if her parents would come back.

He wanted to go together, but going would only cause trouble. Chen Xiang felt inexplicably agitated. He stood at the place where Zhang Jingyun slashed the mountain with his sword yesterday and tried to learn.

However, his magic power could only explode the water surface, and he could not even touch the foot of the mountain opposite. Out of irritation, Chen Xiang exploded the water surface like crazy.

Until then, the water surface suddenly exploded automatically. The next second, a white dragon rose into the sky, transformed into a human form in the air and shouted angrily: "Boy, I have tolerated you for a long time!"

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