People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 298 Goodbye Yang Chan [Please subscribe]

"Boy, I've tolerated you for a long time!"

The white dragon transformed into the eighth prince of the East China Sea, Ao Chun. He stood in the air holding a trident, scolding agarwood with a gloomy face.

No one would have a good attitude towards this matter.

Ao Chun was practicing magic in the Dragon Palace, but a naughty kid ran to his door, kept throwing magic into the water, and fried fish like crazy.

Just once or twice.

It took a long time for the agarwood to explode. Outside the Dragon Palace, many shrimps, soldiers and crabs were all turned upside down because they were all knocked unconscious by the agarwood explosion.

Looking at Agarwood on the other hand, a white dragon that was more than ten feet long suddenly emerged from the originally calm water surface. It also turned into a human form and cursed at him. Naturally, he didn't have a good attitude.

"Hmph, who are you? Why have you tolerated me for so long? What does my practicing magic here have to do with you? Don't think I'm afraid of you because you are a monster!"

Chen Xiang was still a little scared to be honest, but he was also a man with magical powers now, so he would not run away when facing Ao Chun.

Ao Chun was angry: "I, the eighth prince of Donghai, are actually regarded as a monster by you. Boy, you are asking for trouble. Come back to the Dragon Palace with me!"

"Dragon Palace of the East China Sea?" Chen Xiang was shocked when he heard this. "You are the son of the Dragon King, the Eighth Prince. The Dragon King is really capable of giving birth. I don't think our family only has one child."

"Stop talking nonsense. For the sake of your young age, just follow me back to the Dragon Palace for a little punishment. Remember not to use magic here again in the future."

Ao Chun had a straight face, but Chen Xiang was not convinced after hearing this: "It's true that you are the eighth prince of the East China Sea, but this is not the East China Sea. Does the East China Sea Dragon Palace still care about me using my magic by the river?"

"As long as it is water, it will be under the control of the Dragon Palace. Boy, I advise you to be obedient and capture it. Otherwise, I will let you taste the sharpness of the weapons in my hands."

"My sword is also..."

Chenxiang scratched his head and paused. He didn't have a weapon yet. "What's the point of using weapons? If you have the ability, you can compete with me bare-handed."

"Haha, you don't even have weapons and you still dare to speak harshly. Well, I will compete with you with my bare hands!" Ao Chun put away his weapons and flashed to the shore.

Chen Xiang's chest rose and fell, and the magic power was flowing in his body. Although he had only awakened his magic power for a few months, for some reason he didn't have much fear when facing Ao Chun.

"You strike first!" Chenxiang said.

The corner of Ao Chun's mouth curled up and he was not polite. He used the Dragon Clan's secret skill, the True Dragon Claw Hand! He moved his right hand towards the Quepen point on Chenxiang's left shoulder. The sharpness of the movement surprised Chenxiang.

The Dragon Claws of the East China Sea Dragon Clan are really impressive. Ao Chun is a Dragon Clan, so using claws to attack is a powerful combination.

Although Chen Xiang was surprised by the fierceness of Ao Chun's attack, the opponent's intention to attack and how to deal with it naturally came to mind.

You must know that the Quepen point is near the collarbone of the shoulder. Ao Chun's attack is very fierce. If his collarbone is buckled by this blow, he is afraid that the victory will be determined by one blow.

Chen Xiang's body moved, and his left shoulder swayed. Ao Chun was slightly surprised when one of his claws missed, and subsequent attacks came one after another, including throat locks and neck grabs with one claw, fully displaying the precise and sharp characteristics of the claw technique.

Ao Chun also expressed that he was very satisfied with his own moves. How did the boy opposite know that his dragon claw hand was learned from the Third Prince of Xihai.

The strength of the third prince of the West Sea, Mo'ang, is unfathomable. Even the Monkey King, Monkey King, was full of praise because Prince Mo'ang had helped Sun Wukong more than once.

And Ao Chun was able to learn such a powerful dragon claw hand, thanks to the advice of his third brother-in-law. If it were not for the mysterious third brother-in-law, Ao Chun would never have thought that he could still practice with Prince Moang.

However, while beating Ao Chun, he suddenly realized something was wrong. How powerful was his dragon claw hand? Why is it that after so many rounds, the guy on the opposite side is still able to do it with ease?

As Ao Chun used a moon-catching Qi to pierce the dragon's claw and distance himself from Chen Xiang, Ao Chun's attitude became obviously serious.

"what happened?"

Ao Chun looked down at his hands with a suspicious look on his face. This was because his dragon-clawed hands didn't even scratch Agarwood's clothes.

"Your dragon claw hand looks just like the real thing!"

Chenxiang was very surprised. The dragon claw hand emphasized the form rather than the meaning. Ao Chun's dragon claw hand was both tangible and intentional, and the artistic conception was clearer. It was simply a real dragon.

"No, I forgot. You are a little white dragon. Of course you are good at using the dragon claw hand." Chen Xiang patted his forehead and said in hindsight.

"However, although your dragon claw hand is more than powerful, it pursues the lethality too much. If your dragon claw hand can attack the enemy with seven points and save three points for yourself, I think your skill can be improved to a higher level." Chenxiang thought for a while and said. .

After hearing this, Ao Chun felt that there was some truth in it. However, after thinking about it, he became angry again and shouted: "Boy, are you teaching me how to do things?"

Chen Xiang quickly explained, "No, you misunderstood. I didn't mean to teach you. I just felt that you haven't mastered your dragon claw hand yet."

Ao Chun: "......"

"I'm going to tear you apart!" Ao Chun was trembling with anger, and his hand movements became more and more fierce, attacking Chen Xiang's vital points, but the latter dodged one after another.

Ao Chun pressed hard and pushed Agarwood onto the boulder. He grabbed hold of it with both claws, like two dragons playing with a pearl, and directly grabbed the boulder and scattered it.

"Xiao Bailong, I just promised to compete, but I didn't expect you to be serious about it. If that's the case, I won't be polite!"

Chenxiang said in a deep voice, Ao Chun didn't pay attention, thinking that this kid would only run away, no matter how rude he could be, he could still defeat him?

Ao Chun stepped forward, tossing and turning in the air, looking for an opportunity to fly and grab Chen Xiang's ribs, but saw that Chen Xiang seemed to have anticipated the enemy's opportunity, and formed a claw with one hand, and accurately grasped the Shenmen point of Ao Chun's right hand.

Ao Chun turned around and tried to grasp Agarwood's spine again. Agarwood was like an oolong pillar, and his left hand grasped Ao Chun's right hand Shenmen point again.

With two "Peng Peng" sounds, Chen Xiang grasped the Shenmen point of Ao Chun's right hand and knocked him over. After several twists and turns, he finally landed behind Chen Xiang.

At this time, Ao Chun's face had lost its self-confidence. On the contrary, there was a feeling that there were no more than three people in the world who could beat him. As a result, he went out to fight three times and met the top three masters in the world. He was beaten to the point of being autistic. .

Ao Chun stood up slowly and turned to face Chen Xiang. It was obvious that his eyes were much clearer. Not only Ao Chun, but Chen Xiang was also surprised.

He looked down at his hands and competed with Ao Chun. In Chenxiang's opinion, it was just similar to the process of playing around with him and his father since childhood.

Agarwood is so familiar with Dragon Claw Hands. She memorizes the moves such as Eagle Claw Capture, Qi Penetration Dragon Claw, Point Digging, Bone Penetrating Strength, Finger Zen Technique, etc. In addition, there are also Tai Chi Bagua Xingyi, all of which have reached the state of transformation.

In fact, when Zhang Jingyun was training Agarwood, he did not strictly require him to practice Kung Fu deliberately. Instead, he used a training method similar to the Shaolin Yi Jin Jing. He did not have the idea of ​​practicing martial arts in his heart. Instead, he worked bravely and diligently to penetrate the self-image and the human image. , want to focus on where you want to go.

So when Chen Xiang combined magic power with moves, the changes that occurred were unbelievable even to him. On the other hand, Ao Chun, who was inexplicably beaten into autistic state by Chen Xiang, felt as if his faith had collapsed.

"What's wrong with you?" Chen Xiang asked.

Ao Chun thought about it, he had been practicing for less than twenty years, and it was impossible to achieve today's achievements. Maybe the stupid boy opposite had been practicing for many years.

"It's nothing. I didn't expect you to be very good at fists and kicks. I'm still better at weapons. By the way, how long did it take for you to practice to reach your current level?"

"Cultivation... is something that happens after you gain magic power. It's less than four months. How long have you been practicing?" Chen Xiang asked.

Ao Chun: "......"

Ao Chun had the idea of ​​​​jumping into the sea and returning to the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea. Talking to this boy was just looking for trouble. Fortunately, he was the eighth prince of the East China Sea and was strong in resisting attacks.

Just as the two were talking, the water surface broke open again, and another golden dragon shadow took the form of a human, and then slowly landed between Ao Chenxiang and Ao Chun.

Seeing the person coming, they both spoke at the same time, but Chenxiang called her "Fourth Aunt" while Ao Chun called her Fourth Sister.

"Fourth sister?" Chenxiang was surprised.

Ao Chun was also surprised: "Fourth aunt?"

When Ao Tingxin saw Chenxiang, her face lit up and she said, "Chenxiang, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you actually have magic power. Ao Chun didn't hurt you, right?"

Chenxiang, don't blame him, Ao Chun is my eighth brother... Hey, Ao Chun, what are you doing? "Ao Tingxin was talking when she found Ao Chun pulling on her clothes with a red face.

"Fourth sister, stop talking, I have never beaten him!" After Ao Chun said this, he wished he could find a small river and dive into it to avoid embarrassment.

"Fourth Aunt, I didn't know he was your brother. We were just joking." Chen Xiang was also afraid of Ao Tingxin's blame, so she said vaguely.

Ao Tingxin naturally didn't care, but said: "Ao Chun, you don't know Chenxiang yet, he is your third uncle's child, and he taught you spells when you were a child."

"The third uncle's child?" Ao Chun suddenly realized, "No wonder he is better at boxing and kicking than me. I see. Then where did the third uncle go?"

Speaking of Zhang Jingyun, Chen Xiang couldn't help but sigh. Seeing him like this, Ao Tingxin seemed to have thought of something and asked, "Has your father left?"

Chenxiang nodded and said, "My father flattened the mountain in front with two fingers. If he is so powerful, why can't he save my mother?"

Ao Chun looked in the direction of Chen Xiang's finger and saw that a mountain peak had been flattened. This kind of strength was beyond his reach. It was simply a difference between clouds and mud.

Ao Tingxin comforted Chen Xiang: "We all know your father's strength. Nothing will happen. Speaking of which, you haven't been to the Dragon Palace yet. Do you want to go and see it?"

"Think!" Chen Xiang said without hesitation.

Ao Tingxin was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Okay."


Between heaven and earth, Zhang Jingyun had a panoramic view of everything that happened. Seeing Chen Xiang easily defeating Ao Chun, he had a smile on his face.

Not only Zhang Jingyun, there was another person beside him, who was handsome and handsome, wearing a black gauze scarf, a light yellow robe and armor, and majestic phoenix eyes. It was Yang Jian.

"Well, he is indeed my nephew!"

Yang Jian is very satisfied with Agarwood.

Zhang Jingyun curled his lips, Chen Xiang could be where he is today because of his good teaching. A set of ax skills, a set of sword skills, and this fighting style, it would take hundreds of years for others to reach this point.

Yang Jian turned around and said, "If you leave Liujiacun, Chenxiang will leave sooner or later. It's just that he still needs an opportunity. If he doesn't force him, he won't know how much potential he has."

"I've already thought of it for you."

Zhang Jingyun said, calling out a sword and hanging it in the air, "When the time comes, you give him this sword, say I have failed, and warn him never to leave Liujiacun even half a step in his life, he will burst out with amazing potential."

Yang Jian grabbed the sword in his hand and pulled it out subconsciously, but it didn't move at all. Thinking of Zhang Jingyun flattening a mountain with just one finger, Yang Jian couldn't help but sigh, Zhang Jingyun's current strength is by no means worse than his own.

Even Yang Jian was suspicious.

Zhang Jingyun can easily split Huashan Mountain by himself, but now it is not only Yang Jian's magic power that imprisons the Three Holy Mothers, but also the constraints of heaven.

"Is this a meritorious treasure?"

Yang Jian couldn't draw out the sword, so he subconsciously looked with his heavenly eyes, but he saw a golden light of merit and a spiritual treasure containing merit. Are you willing to give it to agarwood?

Zhang Jingyun hummed and said: "After all, he is my son. He can cope with the disaster, but he cannot be contaminated by the cause and effect. Using this sword to kill people will save a lot of trouble."

Yang Jian was silent for a moment, then put away his sword and said, "I was persistent before. As a husband and even a father, you are qualified. I hope that your family will always be happy in the future."

Zhang Jingyun pondered for two seconds and said, "What I'm saying is that you are not an outsider. Before Chen Xiang is not upset, listen to him call you uncle a few more times."

Unconsciously, when Yang Jian thought of this scene, his handsome face became a little kinder. In his heart, he must have always wanted to be a good uncle, and he would do the same in the future, but there would be some misunderstandings.

"I go first."

Zhang Jingyun suddenly said that he had not seen Yang Chan for so many years, and now it was time to go to Huashan to have a look.

"Would you like me to say hello to Huashan?" Yang Jian said suddenly. He had set up a barrier in Huashan so that ordinary people could not enter. In addition, the boss and second son of Meishan were also guarding Huashan.

"No need." Zhang Jingyun waved his hand and said, and then disappeared. Yang Jian felt slightly that he was unable to detect where Zhang Jingyun was going.

"Have you reached this point in just sixteen years? Are you Liu Yanchang? Is it really the changes caused by the Yushu fragments?"

Yang Jian was thoughtful, then he shook his head and threw many thoughts behind him. It didn't matter so much, as long as Zhang Jingyun was good to Yang Chan and Chen Xiang.

In a flash, Zhang Jingyun appeared in Huashan.

At the entrance to the cave leading to the place where Yang Chan was imprisoned, the eldest and second among the Six Monsters of Meishan were guarding them like two door gods.

At this moment, the elder Meishan suddenly rubbed his eyes and then pushed the second one. Only then did the two of them realize that there was an extra person in front of them.

Taking a closer look, it looks familiar.

"Liu...Liu Yanchang! How dare you come here? You came just in time. If I catch you, let us brothers go to heaven to see the second master." Boss Meishan said and stretched out his hand to catch you.

Mei Shan's second brother had no idea of ​​taking action at all. In their impression, Zhang Jingyun was just a mortal, so why did he need two gods to take action together?


Zhang Jingyun opened his mouth and vomited softly, and used the immobilization technique. The two veteran immortals, Meishan Boss and Lao Er, were easily immobilized by Zhang Jingyun.

Yang Jian's guess was correct. Zhang Jingyun's strength was no worse than him, or even stronger. It could be said that there was no place in the Three Realms that Zhang Jingyun could not go to.

Shrinking into the cave, Zhang Jingyun paused slightly. His way was blocked by a barrier. Yang Chan, who was practicing in seclusion, suddenly woke up.

Seeing Zhang Jingyun, Yang Chan's eyes turned into crescent moons. Zhang Jingyun reached out and gently passed through the barrier and came to Yang Chan's side.

"Madam, I have wronged you."

Zhang Jingyun held Yang Chan in his arms.

"It's only been sixteen years. In the past, any retreat would last for tens or even hundreds of years. Your strength has already made me unable to see through it."

Yang Chan's eyes were calm. Sixteen years of seclusion and cultivation, and the constant incense outside had brought Yang Chan's strength to another level.

But compared to Zhang Jingyun, she is still a little behind, "How is Chenxiang doing? Has she missed me these years?"

"Why don't you think about it? I keep thinking about it day and night. By the time he sees you here, he will probably have a wife," Zhang Jingyun said.

"Huh? He's only sixteen years old!"

Yang Chan was shocked, and Zhang Jingyun said meaningfully: "Don't underestimate him, this kid will definitely cause big troubles."

It’s hard to accept the idea of ​​finding a wife at the age of sixteen.

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