People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 300 Baihua Fairy【Please subscribe】

The True Dragon Treasure Technique that Ao Tingxin practiced was not complete, but only part of the complete version of the True Dragon Treasure Technique, which was taught to her by Zhang Jingyun.

Now that she wanted to use the True Dragon Treasure Technique to deal with Zhang Jingyun, she naturally had no advantage at all. Sure enough, Ao Tingxin's several attacks failed.

"How is that possible? Even if you can shrink to an inch, you still can't dodge all my attacks. And I've never heard of you, Yang Jian, having magical powers like shrinking to an inch?"

Ao Tingxin looked surprised.

Zhang Jingyun's expression remained unchanged as he swung the three-pointed two-edged sword. The magic power of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique could not be faked. Now Ao Tingxin would not suspect that he was fake.

"Fourth sister, let me help you!"

Ao Chun's voice sounded, and he flew over immediately, his azure mana blooming, and he and Ao Tingxin teamed up to besiege Zhang Jingyun.

Chen Xiang turned his eyes and thought that Ao Chun was already there, so Chen Xiang attacked Zhang Jingyun with a long sword without saying a word.

Zhang Jingyun had a strange expression on his face. Chen Xiang, a rebellious son, actually dared to beat his father? Although he didn't know his true identity, Zhang Jingyun still paid some attention to greet Chen Xiang.

boom! Zhang Jingyun saw the flaw in Chen Xiang's offensive and kicked him away. Chen Xiang did not expect that his moves would be broken so easily. You must know that Chen Xiang won every time when he and Ao Chun competed before.

"It's weird, why is it a bit like fighting with my father?" Chen Xiang remembered playing with Zhang Jingyun using various martial arts moves when he was a child. He obviously lost every time, but he still enjoyed it.

"Haha, how dare you try your best with such a small skill? Chenxiang, you can't even pull out the sword and you have the nerve to attack me?" Zhang Jingyun said with a sneer.

"Yang Jian, I will defeat you sooner or later!"

Chen Xiang said unconvinced.

"Hmph, you can't even call me uncle? You should be beaten!" Zhang Jingyun hit Chen Xiang on the top of his head with the end of a three-pointed two-edged knife.

Chenxiang stumbled to the ground with an ouch.

Here, Ao Chun was also knocked away by Zhang Jingyun. The most powerful Ao Tingxin was no match for him even with the True Dragon Treasure.

"Let's stop here!"

Zhang Jingyun used his magic power to knock down the three of them completely, then flipped his wrist and turned the three-pointed two-edged sword into a folding fan in his hand.

"Agarwood, just stay in Liujiacun. The outside world is not suitable for you, and you don't have the ability to save your mother. Listen to my uncle's advice. The water in this world is very deep, and you can't control it."

Zhang Jingyun said slowly, then turned and left. Passing by Ao Tingxin, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly, "If you dare to ruin my good deeds again, I will kill you even if you are the fourth princess of the East China Sea."

Ao Tingxin's chest heaved up and down, and he wanted to take action, but was unable to do so, so he and Ao Chun reluctantly supported each other.

After Zhang Jingyun finished explaining, he flew up to the sky on his tiptoes. Chen Xiang held the sword that could not be pulled out, with a bit of bitterness on his face.

"What kind of broken sword did my father leave behind? How can we fight against the enemy if we can't pull it out?" Chen Xiang said a little discouraged.

"Agarwood, even I can't pull out this sword. Do you think it can be an ordinary weapon? Maybe you haven't met the requirements to pull it out yet." Ao Tingxin said.

"But if I stay in Liujia Village, I always feel that I will never be able to pull out this sword in my life. Fourth Aunt, is there anything else I can do?"

"Yang Jian has been staring at you. The three of us are no match for him. It seems that we can only find other people for help." Ao Tingxin thought in his heart.

Suddenly, Ao Ting thought to herself that Yang Chan had a good friend, the Fairy Baihua, who was the most beautiful girl in the world. She didn't know if Fairy Baihua had anything to do with Yang Jian.

"I just have to give it a try."

Ao Tingxin is still very dedicated to Chenxiang's affairs. Chenxiang is blocked by the barrier and cannot leave, but others have no restrictions.

At that moment, Ao Tingxin sent a message to Baihua Fairy. What she didn't expect was that in less than a day, Baihua Fairy and several fairies came to Liujiacun in person.

"Agarwood, call Aunt Baihua!"

Ao Tingxin told Chen Xiang that when the latter took a closer look, Baihua Fairy was worthy of being the most beautiful woman in the world. If Yang Chan was a rare beauty in the three worlds, then Baihua Fairy was a rare existence.

"Agarwood pays homage to the fourth aunt!"

Fairy Baihua stretched out her hand to lift Chenxiang up and look at her, "Agarwood! I didn't expect you to be so old. Your mother and I have been friends for thousands of years. I rushed over as soon as I heard you were in trouble."

"Aunt Baihua, do you have a way to deal with Yang Jian?" Chenxiang Xiang asked. If Fairy Baihua was not sure, she would not have come all the way.

"Maybe it's possible. How will you know if you don't try?" Baihua Fairy smiled slightly, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

"Ting Xin, I heard that you have made rapid progress in recent years, and even Prince Mo'ang praised you. So Yang Jian's strength is so powerful?" Baihua Fairy suddenly asked.

Ao Ting thought for a while: "It's strange to say it. I always feel that he knows my magic very well, but I have never used it on outsiders. How could Yang Jian crack it so easily?"

Fairy Baihua nodded, "Not even you can do it, and I am not Yang Jian's opponent. If that thing can't make him regress, it will be extremely difficult."

"Aunt Baihua, what is going on?"

Agarwood is also quite curious.

Baihua Fairy gently tapped Chenxiang's forehead and said, "If you knew, Yang Jian would probably have to kill you by then."

"Then you're not afraid? If Yang Jian is cruel, he won't even let you go. Because of my affairs, two aunts have been implicated. Chen Xiang is really sorry."

Baihua Fairy smiled like a flower and said: "Silly boy, your aunt and I are the leader of Qunfang personally appointed by the Jade Emperor. How dare Yang Jian kill me?"

Chen Xiang felt relieved.

A few moments later, several people attacked the Liujiacun barrier again, quickly alerting Ao Tingxin and Zhang Jingyun. Seeing that there were more helpers this time, he immediately turned black.

"Agarwood, you're just going to find helpers, right?" Zhang Jingyun's eyes narrowed slightly. It seems that he will be more aggressive this time. He just felt wronged by Ao Tingxin and waded into this muddy water for no reason.

"Huh? This fairy is quite beautiful." Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but think to himself as his eyes fell on Fairy Baihua.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Jingyun remembered.

Yang Chan once said that she also has a good friend who is the most beautiful woman in the world. As the saying goes, a beautiful woman has no shortage of beautiful friends around her. This fairy is so good-looking that she just wants to be kissed. Apart from Chang'e, there is only The Baihua Fairy whose name is only heard.

I was lucky enough to meet Chang'e Fairy Zhang Jingyun once. Once she was too lonely on the moon, so when she saw Huashan on earth, she came to play chess with Yang Chan.

At that time, Zhang Jingyun was playing a game with Yang Chan. It was similar to chess. Zhang Jingyun used a large formation to gain the upper hand. As a result, he watched Chang'e and Yang Chan play chess all night long...

"What does Fairy Baihua do here?"

Zhang Jingyun said politely despite Yang Jian's appearance. The latter pulled Chenxiang in front of him and said, "I wonder if this child has offended Zhenjun in some way. Can you please be accommodating and let him leave Liujia Village?"

"I'm afraid this matter has nothing to do with you, Fairy. I advise Fairy not to get involved. Cultivation is not easy. If you stand up for others but hurt your own life, it's not worth it. What do you think, Fairy?" Zhang Jingyun said.

Fairy Baihua could naturally hear the threat, but she was not afraid. Not only that, she also spoke to Zhang Jingyun confidently,

"Yang Jian, do you still remember that incident? After Pangu created the world, his body turned into the earth, his left eye turned into the sun, and his right eye turned into the moon..."

Before Fairy Baihua finished speaking, she was interrupted by Yang Jian: "Fairy Baihua, do you mean to say that Pangu has big and small eyes?"

Fairy Baihua: "……"

"Yang Jian, I'm not discussing with you which of Pangu's eyes is bigger and which is smaller. I'm talking about Pangu's eyelashes!"

Fairy Baihua said angrily.

When Zhang Jingyun heard this, he really didn't take action. According to Baihua Fairy, she knew that Yang Jian broke the jade tree transformed from Pangu's eyelashes.

There should be only four people who know this secret, Yang Jian himself, Chang'e, Yang Chan and Zhang Jingyun. Apart from this, there will be no fifth person who knows.

How did Baihua Fairy know?

Zhang Jingyun was certain that it was not Yang Chan who leaked the information, and it was even less possible for him and Yang Jian, so Chang'e could only tell Baihua Fairy about it.

Secrets involving Yang Jian.

Zhang Jingyun couldn't decide, so he could only take a step back and said, "Okay, stop talking about it!" After hearing this, Baihua Fairy stopped mentioning the matter.

"Then can Agarwood leave Liujiacun?"

Zhang Jingyun said coldly: "It's up to you, but you are lucky this time. Chenxiang, I hope you understand that you will never succeed if you only ask others for help all your life. You will regret leaving Liujiacun."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun waved his hand to close the barrier, and then flew up to the upper realm without looking back. As a figure appeared, it was Yang Jian.

"Why was the barrier closed?"

"Fairy Baihua suddenly appeared and threatened Chen Xiang with the fact that you broke Pangu's eyelashes to make Chen Xiang leave Liujia Village."

"How did she know?" Yang Jian was a little confused. With so many people knowing his secret, wouldn't anyone be able to blackmail him?

"I will handle this matter." Yang Jian said solemnly, "The Queen Mother is about to hold a peach party. Baihua Fairy and other gods are responsible for organizing it. We need to find a safe way to deal with Baihua Fairy."

Zhang Jingyun nodded. In the original plot, Yang Jian's method was to kidnap Princess Iron Fan, the wife of the Bull Demon King, and then threaten him to kill Baihua Fairy.

However, Yang Jian expected that although the Niu Demon King loved his wife, he also had a lot of intentions and would never take such a big risk to kill Baihua Fairy.

In fact, the Bull Demon King did not kill Baihua Fairy, and after Yang Jian's troubles, he forced the Bull Demon King to form an alliance with Agarwood. This was a calculation.

Yang Jian can handle it well, so Zhang Jingyun will not interfere. However, I just heard from Yang Jian that the Heavenly Court is about to hold a peach party, which is not to be missed.

Mentioning the Peach Club means that it will never happen. This is a recognized fact. Zhang Jingyun can't catch up with the Monkey King who made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace last time. This time his good son is going to make a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace. Why doesn't the father help?

Zhang Jingyun made up his mind. If Chenxiang eats one peach, he will eat two. If Chenxiang eats one gourd of golden elixir, he will eat two gourds... No! Zhang Jingyun suddenly remembered that Taishang Laojun might be the biggest behind-the-scenes supporter of Yang Jian's plan this time, so he had a lot of golden elixirs.

After much deliberation, he could only go to the Hao Hao Pan Peach Garden. In fact, compared to Taishang Laojun's golden elixir, Zhang Jingyun felt that the flat peach was more useful to him.

Raising the sky bottle can shorten the speed of breeding elixirs. Maybe in a few hundred years, Zhang Jingyun will be able to cultivate flat peach spiritual roots.

On Chenxiang's side, Baihua Fairy came to help and barely walked out of Novice Village. However, he didn't know that this level might be the easiest to pass. The road behind would only become more and more difficult, and there would be fewer and fewer people who could help him.

After leaving Liujiacun, Chenxiang felt that the world was vast and everything was good. She couldn't take her eyes away when she saw the delicacies she had never eaten before. She spent money and money and ate and drank in restaurants for several days before reluctantly leaving.

"It turns out that money is so careless..." Chen Xiang lowered his head and looked at the few pieces of silver left in his hand, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Huashan is more than five thousand miles away from the East China Sea. In the past few days, the journey has been less than one-tenth, and the money given by Ao Tingxin has been less than one-tenth.

"It would be great if I could fly!"

Chenxiang thought to herself, if she could soar in the clouds, wouldn't it be a matter of hours to go to Huashan? It's a pity that he hasn't learned the art of soaring into the clouds yet.

"If I had known, I would have learned from my fourth aunt in Dragon Palace." Chen Xiang regretted a little, but there was no way to turn around and go back.

However, although he does not know the art of soaring into the clouds, Chenxiang can run and jump very fast. After cultivating his magic power, he can reach dozens of feet in a single jump.

Agarwood tried it. He ran hundreds of miles in one breath. It only took about an hour. It may be difficult to run a thousand miles a day, but it is not difficult to run five hundred miles a day.

If he doesn't get lost, he can reach Huashan in ten days. Although he is not sure of rescuing Yang Chan, Chenxiang desperately wants to see his mother.

Missing her mother so much, Chenxiang traveled for several days. Not only did she not feel tired, but she also felt extremely happy.

On this day, Chenxiang was rushing towards Huashan Mountain: "The scenery is beautiful on a sunny day, and the red flowers are as green as the grass. I happily ran forward..."

As I was running, a voice suddenly came from my ears: "Young man, the wind is refreshing. You are running so fast. How many years have you been practicing?"

Chen Xiang ran calmly and replied casually: "I have only been practicing for less than a year. How about you? How many years have you been practicing?"

"Me, thousands of years."

Chen Xiang was startled and turned her head subconsciously. She saw a man in black holding a big white bone stick, running with him in an orderly manner.

Suddenly, Chen Xiang felt that this person looked familiar. When his mind turned, he suddenly remembered, wasn't this person the person who was transformed into the thin dog next to Yang Jian when he met Yang Jian for the first time?

"Howling Sky Dog!"

"Why do you call you Grandpa Xiaotian?"

Roaring Sky Dog, with his beard curled up and his beard curled up, took advantage.

Chen Xiang paused in his steps, turned around and wanted to run away, but saw the Roaring Sky Dog flying towards him, directly holding Chen Xiang's neck and flying up into the sky.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

Chen Xiang struggled, but the roaring dog threatened him and let him go. Chen Xiang screamed again, and one man and one dog flew towards the True Lord Temple.

However, at this moment, Roaring Sky Dog's expression changed, and a black cloud rushed over from nowhere, knocking him and Chen Xiang to the ground.

"Oops! What did you hit?"

In the dark clouds, a clear voice sounded, "It's over. If grandma knew that I hit someone during the first cloud fight, I would definitely be blamed."

The black cloud in mid-air quickly turned around and landed, trying to see if it had hurt anyone. However, as soon as the man in the cloud landed, he saw someone turning around and running away.

"Hey! Why are you running?"

Xiaoyu didn't even have a chance to apologize.

She turned to look at the other person. Compared to the previous one, this person had a sinister look on his face and didn't look like a good person. The strange thing was that this person didn't talk to her. He got up and chased the first person.

"Obviously I was the one who hit him!"

Xiaoyu stood there in confusion.

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