People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 301 Future Daughter-in-law【Please subscribe】

"The sky and the earth are endless, tracking thousands of miles!"

Agarwood's escape speed surprised the Roaring Sky Dog, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye. The Roaring Sky Dog didn't care to pursue the person who knocked him down from the sky, and immediately used his unique magic to track Chenxiang.

Roaring Sky Dog's tracking spell is unique in the entire Three Realms. As long as it is within the Three Realms, it can be tracked no matter in the sky or on the ground.

Chenxiang didn't know that Roaring Sky Dog knew this magic. He took advantage of his fast running speed and was far ahead, temporarily leaving Rotting Sky Dog behind him and taking a breath.

"Agarwood! Let me see where you run!"

The roaring dog's voice suddenly sounded behind him. Chen Xiang subconsciously looked back and saw that the roaring dog had caught up with him at some point.

Chen Xiang was surprised, "I know that dogs' noses are very smart, but I didn't expect that they are even smarter than I thought. How can I get rid of him?"

Little did they know that Roaring Sky Dog was already letting off steam. Tracking Chenxiang this time was simply child's play, rather it seemed like he was here to play with Chenxiang.

Roaring Sky Dog is the dog raised by Yang Jian during his mortal stage. It has followed Yang Jian all the way to this day. For thousands of years, even a pig can become an immortal.

Not to mention, Roaring Sky Dog had another chance. When Yang Jian and others fought fiercely with the three-headed dragon, everyone was swallowed by the three-headed dragon.

The three-headed dragons were originally the golden dragons on the pillars of the Lingxiao Palace. Because of evil thoughts, they swallowed the palace dragon beads and then escaped to the mortal world.

Therefore, the dragon ball of the Lingxiao Palace has always been in the belly of the three-headed dragon. Later, Yang Jian and the roaring dog were swallowed by the three-headed dragon. The roaring dog accidentally ate the dragon ball and turned into a human form.

An ordinary dog ​​has followed Yang Jian for thousands of years and has a high probability of becoming a god. The Roaring Sky Dog has the opportunity of the dragon ball and has been practicing for so many years. If he really wants to catch agarwood, it won't be a matter of minutes?

In fact, the magic power of this version of the Roaring Sky Dog is indeed not weak. Zhang Jingyun remembered that Yang Jian kidnapped Princess Iron Fan in order to force the Bull Demon King to get rid of the Fairy Baihua and other gods. This was what the Roaring Sky Dog did.

The Roaring Sky Dog was like this, chasing after each other with Chenxiang, and even Xiaoyu, who knocked the two from the sky, could follow behind and not get lost.

Xiaoyu originally practiced with her grandma in Wanku Mountain. She had just recently learned the art of soaring into the clouds and riding the mist, so she often practiced in the sky. As a result, she knocked over the Roaring Sky Dog.

She originally wanted to apologize, but she didn't expect that something seemed wrong about the two of them. One seemed to run away after seeing a vicious dog, while the other kept twitching his nose to smell it, holding a bone in his hand, like a dog.

Xiaoyu, who was not familiar with the world, was quite curious about the two of them, so she followed them all the way. She couldn't help but laugh when she saw Chenxiang being chased by the roaring dog several times.

Roaring Sky Dog's tracking spell is indeed very powerful, but it is not difficult to crack this spell. Roaring Sky Dog tracks according to the smell of agarwood, so Agarwood can only cover up its own smell, otherwise it will be useless even if he escapes to the ends of the earth. .

Finally, Chen Xiang seemed to realize this. With the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse, he temporarily put aside the roaring dog and plunged directly into the water.

Agarwood held her breath and hid in the water motionless. After a while, the roaring dog tracked her to the river and twitched her nose in an attempt to find traces of Agarwood.

The result is naturally clueless.

Suddenly, Roaring Sky Dog turned his head and sniffed lightly, as if he noticed something, and a trace of domineering aura spread out from him.

Xiaoyu, who was not far behind, realized that something was wrong. Since Roaring Sky Dog could smell the scent of agarwood, he must also be able to smell himself.

But for some reason, Roaring Sky Dog only glanced at it, then turned around and flew away without looking back, not knowing where he was going.

Xiaoyu confirmed several times that Roaring Sky Dog had indeed left, and then he showed his body. She wanted to remind Chenxiang who was hiding in the water, but she was afraid of scaring him.

In the end, Xiaoyu simply sat by the river and waited for him to come out. Two quarters of an hour later, bubbles came out of the river from time to time. Xiaoyu was surprised that Agarwood could hold a breath for so long.

Finally, a wet head popped up, and as soon as Chen Xiang poked his head in, he saw a cute little girl looking at him with curious eyes.

"You are finally willing to come out."

Xiaoyu's voice was clear and crisp, as sweet as an oriole in Chenxiang's ears. For a moment, Chenxiang was not afraid.

"Who are you? How long has Roaring Sky Dog been gone?"

Chen Xiang asked as he looked around.

"Are you talking about the person who's been chasing you? He's gone a long time ago. Roaring Sky Dog. Why does it sound like a dog's name?"

Chen Xiang said angrily: "He is a dog! Otherwise, he would chase me to death? By the way, you haven't said what your name is yet."

"My name is Xiaoyu, where are you?"

"Xiaoyu? The name is so nice. My name is Chenxiang!" When Chenxiang heard Roaring Dog leaving, she jumped out of the water and took off her wet clothes. After taking them off, she realized something was wrong.

He actually took off his clothes in front of the little girl. Chen Xiang subconsciously protected the clothes in front of him and said coquettishly: "Well... I'll find a place to dry the clothes and then come over to talk to you."

"What's wrong with drying clothes? I'll help you." Xiaoyu's eyes were clear and innocent, and she took Chenxiang's clothes generously.

Then she used her magic power to throw the clothes into the sky. The clothes spun rapidly. After a few breaths, the clothes were already dried by the magic power.

"Hey, are you so good?"

Chen Xiang's words made Xiaoyu puff up her chest unconsciously, "What's so difficult about this? Don't you have magic power when you run so fast?"

"I've only been practicing for four months and I still don't know how to use it. Xiaoyu, how long have you been practicing so well?" Chen Xiang asked curiously.

"How long have you been practicing? I can't remember this clearly, but I am only 315 years old now. I am still young, and my magic power is not as powerful as my grandma's." Xiaoyu said with a smile.

"three hundred…"

Chen Xiang was suddenly stunned, and then realized something: "People can't live this long, are you not a human being or a goblin?"

Seeing Chen Xiang's appearance, Xiaoyu couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with me being a goblin? So you don't like goblins?"

"No, no, how could you not like it?"

Chenxiang waved his hands quickly, fearing that Xiaoyu wouldn't believe it, he even said: "My mother is still a god, my father is a mortal, and they broke the rules of heaven to get me.

So in my eyes, gods and goblins are all the same. There are good people and bad people, gods are good and bad, and the same goes for goblins. You can tell that you are a good goblin at a glance. "

"Ah? How dare your parents break the rules of heaven? That's amazing!" Xiaoyu marveled, and then chatted animatedly with Chen Xiang.


When Zhang Jingyun heard that Chen Xiang was about to clean up the house, he kept twitching the muscles on his face. If his son hadn't been looking for a wife, he would definitely show up to show Chen Xiang a loving father and son.

Just as Chenxiang and Xiaoyu were deepening their relationship, the roaring dog attacked again. When he saw Xiaoyu beside Chenxiang, he smiled obscenely: "So you are in the same group!"

Chen Xiang protected Xiaoyu behind him and said in a cold voice: "Howling Sky Dog, bullying a girl is nothing. Catch me if you can!"

After saying that, Chenxiang lowered her voice to Xiaoyu and said, "Xiaoyu, I will lure the Roaring Sky Dog away in a moment. You run away."

"No, you are no match for the Roaring Sky Dog. Otherwise, you can follow me back to Wanku Mountain. Grandma will definitely be able to drive away the Roaring Sky Dog." Xiaoyu said.

"Is your grandma really that powerful?"

Xiaoyu nodded: "Grandma is amazing."

Chenxiang nodded secretly. If Xiaoyu's grandma was powerful enough to defeat Yang Jian, then he might as well just become a disciple and learn spells, and then go save his mother.

At that moment, Chenxiang pulled Xiaoyu and ran away. Roaring Sky Dog did not release the water this time, and blocked the path of Xiaoyu and Chenxiang in a flash.

Then he swung the bone stick in his hand and smashed it down. With Roaring Sky Dog's cultivation level, if this bone stick hit Chen Xiang or Xiaoyu, they would definitely be seriously injured.

However, Zhang Jingyun had no intention of intervening, because he had already noticed that someone was nearby, and the roaring dog must have smelled it before he dared to strike hard. He was waiting for that person to show up.

Sure enough, at the critical moment, there was a flash of inspiration, and a burst of mana drove the roaring dog back, while Chenxiang and Xiaoyu looked in the same direction.

I saw an old woman in a purple robe over there, with lavender mana fluctuations between her palms. She was the one who knocked away the Roaring Dog.

"It's grandma!" Xiaoyu said in surprise.

Chenxiang looked at Xiaoyu's grandma. She waved her hand, and her magic power condensed into a purple rope to tie the roaring dog to the tree.

"Where can a wild dog dare to bully my granddaughter?" Grandma Xiaoyu looked unkind and pulled the rope in her hand, which immediately made the Roaring Dog scream in pain.

"Oh, put me down, put me down, I belong to Erlang Shen..." Roaring Sky Dog's voice was broken and he couldn't even finish his sentence.

"Er Lang Shen? How could Er Lang Shen be so bad?" Grandma Xiaoyu didn't believe it and tightened the rope in her hand again.

Roaring Sky Dog held his breath and spoke clearly, "I am Erlang Shen's dog, Roaring Sky Dog. Why don't you let me down? Be careful, my master comes down to earth to find you!"

"A dog relies on human power. Even Erlangshen's dog cannot act recklessly and say, why are you chasing my granddaughter!"

Even though her grandma said so, beating a dog depends on its owner. Roaring Sky Dog is Erlang Shen's subordinate. She did not dare to be cruel again, and the rope in her hand was loosened by three points.

"Old fox, who...who is chasing your granddaughter? I'm chasing another child. Your granddaughter is nosy!"

Grandma's eyes subconsciously fell on Chenxiang, but she saw that Chenxiang had beautiful features and clear eyes, and her body was full of spiritual energy. At first glance, she was not an ordinary child.

But behind the Roaring Sky Dog is the Erlang God Yang Jian after all. Grandma is proud of her profound magical power, but she doesn't dare to go against the Erlang God. As for Chenxiang, what does it have to do with her?

Even if handing over Agarwood could help her make friends with Erlang Shen, grandma felt that it would not be impossible. Just when she was about to make a decision, she saw the lotus lantern hanging around Agarwood's waist.

The grandma was shocked. She naturally recognized the Lotus Lamp. It was the magic weapon of the Third Holy Mother. Back then, the Third Holy Mother used the Lotus Lamp to defeat her son-in-law, which resulted in his son-in-law being beaten to death by Sun Wukong. Her daughter, Xiaoyu, also died indirectly. Sun Wukong is under the golden cudgel.

Grandma is very aware of how powerful the Lotus Lantern is, and she has never thought of avenging her daughter over the years.

But how powerful Sun Wukong is, she and Xiaoyu are no match even if they practice for thousands of years. If they can capture the Lotus Lantern, there is hope for revenge.

At that moment, grandma said to Roaring Sky Dog in a cold voice, "For the sake of Erlang Shen, I will spare you once. If you dare to bully others again in the future, I won't be so polite!"

As soon as he finished speaking, grandma fired another magic spell, knocking the roaring dog several hundred meters away. Knowing that it was no match for the old vixen, the roaring dog retreated decisively, probably wanting to return to heaven to report to Erlang Shen.

Chenxiang saw that her grandma had a clear distinction between good and evil, so she punished the roaring dog. Coupled with Xiaoyu's relationship, she immediately had a good impression of her grandma.

"Thank you grandma for your help."

Chenxiang cupped her hands and thanked her.

Grandma had a kind face and said harmoniously to Chenxiang: "You are Xiaoyu's friend, how can I see you being captured by bad guys?

Come with me, Roaring Sky Dog may come back and stay in Wanku Mountain for a longer time. Xiaoyu has rarely had good friends for so many years. "

Chen Xiang was delighted: "Thank you, grandma."

"Look at Chenxiang, isn't grandma very powerful?" Xiaoyu grabbed Chenxiang's sleeves and said with a smile on her face.

"Grandma, are you more powerful than Erlang Shen?" Chenxiang asked suddenly. Grandma was stunned when she activated her magic power to take him and Xiaoyu back to Wanku Mountain.

"Why do you ask that?"

"If I want to save my mother, I have to be more powerful than my father. He died in the hands of Erlang Shen. I must learn my skills from a god who is more powerful than Erlang Shen."

"How powerful is your father? Can he compare with Erlang Shen?" Grandma said with a chuckle. Chenxiang stretched out her hand to make gestures with the two of them.

"You mean, you can flatten a mountain with two fingers?" Grandma's fiery eyes calmed down and became much clearer.

If she really had this ability, she would definitely be no match for him, "I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you. Grandma may not even be able to defeat your father, let alone Erlang Shen."

Chen Xiang was slightly disappointed.

With grandma's magic power, she took Chenxiang back to the cave in Wanku Mountain in less than half an hour. As soon as she entered the cave, Chenxiang was shocked by the layout of the cave.

"Xiaoyu, grandma, your home is so beautiful, even more beautiful than Suzhou Chang." Chenxiang said happily as she entered the big manor.

"Grandma arranged it all," Xiaoyu said.

At the right time, grandma came out with a bowl of medicinal soup and said: "Agarwood, you are lucky. It's rare for grandma to make the medicinal soup and let you catch up. Come on, drink it while it's hot."

"Thank you so much, grandma!"

Seeing that she was too polite and unprepared, Chen Xiang picked up the bowl and drank the medicinal soup. The next second, his vision went dark and he fell into Xiaoyu's arms.

"Grandma, what's wrong with agarwood?"

Xiaoyu was startled and heard her grandma continue: "He is probably tired. Come on, take him to your room to rest."

Xiaoyu's face turned slightly red but she did not refuse. Chenxiang fell asleep and Xiaoyu also exited the room. After a while, grandma walked in.

You can see that the Lotus Lamp was placed on the bedside. Grandma had already had evil thoughts and could not touch such a magic weapon as the Lotus Lamp. As soon as she stretched out her hand, the Lotus Lamp was automatically knocked away. She finally managed to stabilize her body.

"how so?"

Grandma was shocked and doubtful. The lotus lantern was right in front of her, but she could only look at it but not take it. How could she accept this, which was eager for revenge?

"I advise you not to think about the lotus lantern. It's rare that you and I are related by in-laws. If not, you would be dead by now."

Zhang Jingyun's voice suddenly sounded in her ears, and her grandma turned her head in shock. She couldn't believe it that someone could approach her without her noticing.

"What in-laws? Who are you!"

Grandma retreated to Chenxiang's side and pretended to be calm before speaking. While speaking, she placed a hand discreetly on Chenxiang's neck, which was very threatening.

"Ha! How dare you threaten me with such a low level of moral prowess?" Zhang Jingyun raised his hand and magic power burst out, covering her whole body. The pressure at this moment was something she had never endured in her life.

"who are you?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Jingyun let go of his grandma and smiled slightly: "Agarwood is my son, and Xiaoyu is my future daughter-in-law."

"Nonsense!" Grandma said angrily.

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