And just when Luo Chen and the others, driving the naval warship, flew from the sky towards the Chambord Islands at great speed.

Holy Land Mary Joya.

A building belonging to the headquarters of the Navy.

“Is that little ghost again? It’s a lot of trouble! ”

Navy Marshal Warring States, Fu Forehead frowned: “What the hell is going on with that clan.” ”

He felt a headache.

This time I came to the Holy Land, but there are more important things to do.

Some time ago, Blackbeard, a traitor of the Whitebeard Pirates, bypassed the naval headquarters and contacted the Holy Land alone, using the fire fist Ace to trade the status of a seven-armed sea.

Fire Fist Ace, that is the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

It’s about Whitebeard’s captain.

Calm by the Warring States.

Now, most of the Navy’s forces are devoted to paying attention to the movements of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Unexpectedly, Fire Fist Ace has not received it yet.

On the Chambordi Islands, there was news that the Draco had been kidnapped.

This made the Sengoku hate and distress.

“According to intelligence, in addition to Straw Hat Luffy, there are also the pirate Captain Eustace Kidd, as well as Trafalgar Rowe and several companions.”

A naval communications officer saluted and reported: “A total of thirteen bounty criminals, five of whom have a reward of more than 100 million.” ”

“The main culprit is naturally Monchi who hurt Draco. D. Luffy! ”

“The human trafficker … No, no, it’s that the guards of the professional stability center have been disconnected, and the whole army should have been destroyed. ”

“In short, the three Draco were taken hostage, which is an unprecedented vicious incident…”

Hearing the detailed report, Sengoku felt that his head was bigger.

“No matter what, if we make a move against the nobles of the world, we can’t do it if we don’t make a move!”

He had been sitting on the sofa next to him drinking tea Borusalino, and said lazily: “Mr. Sengoku.” ”

One of the three admirals of the navy, codenamed Yellow Ape.

Together with the Warring States, he came to Mary Joa to escort Fire Fist Ace back.

“Yellow Ape?”

Sengoku turned his head and looked over.

“I’ll be dispatched, I’ll be right back!”

The yellow ape took the initiative to ask, slowly stood up, and showed a lewd smile: “Please rest assured!” ”

After speaking, without waiting for the Warring States to respond, he directly turned around and walked out.

Looking at the back of the yellow ape gradually disappearing, Sengoku exhaled a heavy breath.

Draco was beaten, and the navy could not let it go.

But in today’s times.

Because of Fire Fist Ace, the Navy is under unprecedented pressure.

“If it’s just a white-bearded rematch captain, it’s not enough for the Navy and the World Government to be cautious, the identity of this guy…”

Thinking like this in his heart, Sengoku picked up the teacup.


Just about to take a sip of tea, the signal soldier who had just left suddenly went and returned.

“Report Lord Marshal, there is a prison break in Advance City!”


The teacup fell to the ground and rolled out a long way.

Clear tea, spilled on the carved floor.

“Someone in Advance City escaped from prison?”

Warring States’ face changed slightly, still calm, and said, “Since the Golden Lion escaped from prison twenty years ago, Advance City has long been re-strengthened, who can still escape from Advance City?” “

But the next moment, the words of the communication soldier directly made the Warring States stunned.

“Report Lord Marshal, it was the Golden Lion Shiji who escaped from prison!”

“Is it a mistake, when the golden lion went to prison, it was almost out of oil…”

“Lord Marshal, in addition to the Golden Lion, the guard of the advancing city, Nagayu no Hiryu, has also escaped from prison!”


Sengoku gasped.

The golden lion, who has only half a breath left, in his heart, let alone escape, I am afraid that he will not live for a month.

But in the words of Yu no Hiru, it is different.

“This is the surveillance footage transmitted by the advancing city, and Commissioner Magellan asked me to tell the marshal, and he didn’t know how to define this escape.”

While speaking, the communicator took out the communicator and turned it on.

The picture is blurry, dim and dull, as if it were a real hell.

But suddenly, two brilliant sword lights flew by, completely breaking the silence of the infinite hell.

At the same time, the figure of the golden lion was also instantly reflected in the picture.

“This is…”

With just one glance, Sengoku couldn’t help but gasp.

The bloodless gray complexion, the inky black eyes full of dead energy, the feet that stepped on the ground…

With the complete body alone, it is as if you saw the golden lion twenty years ago.

This scene contains a great spiritual and visual impact.

It’s completely subverting the world’s perception!

“Inform the five old stars immediately, the old man will go to them now…”

After a full five minutes of silence, Sengoku’s face turned pale, and he turned around and left the office directly.

He, too, can not define, push the city prison break thing!


“There’s the Chambord Islands ahead.”

Soaring in the sky, the huge naval battleship, Hiryu held the side of the ship, raised his finger and pointed to a black dot in the distance and said.

At this time, the entire warship was only Luo Chen and Xiliu.

The golden lion reborn in the dirt, because the cell activity of the sacrifice is weakened, so the soul has returned to the underworld.

Only waiting for Luo Chen’s call again can he appear in the world.

“In the surrounding seas, why are there so many warships?”

At this time, Hiryu looked down at the sea below, his face changed slightly, and said, “Does the navy know our traces?” ”

“No, it’s not for us.”

Luo Chen glanced at it and suddenly smiled: “Old man Shiji should believe in fate!” ”

In the sea below, not only a few warships are approaching.

At the same time, thousands of merchant ships and pirate ships fled as if crazy.

The sirens that sounded throughout the sea.

Even if you soar above the sky, you can hear it clearly.

PS: The new book sets sail, you need a lot of flowers and votes to support, if you think it’s not bad, I hope you vote something to support it, and you should encourage the author!!! Thank you all!!

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