The Chambord Islands are located in the sea ahead of the Red Earth Continent where the Great Shipping Route was interrupted.

It is the terminus of the first half of the Great Voyage and the beginning of the second half of the New World.

This is the archipelago of the world’s largest Yarchman mangrove tree.

Since the roots of the tree remained exposed to the water, the current Chambordi Islands were formed.

The biggest feature of the island is the special bubbles formed by the roots of the trees due to breathing, so it is also called the Soap Bubble Islands.

It is a transit point into the new world.

It gathers pirate groups and merchant ships from all over the world, and also gathers personnel from major forces in the world, which can be described as a mixture of dragons and snakes.

The uniqueness of this island is that it belongs to the Draco rule.


The piercing sound waves of vigilance spread throughout the island.

This is the highest level of warning.

The archipelago of 79 links is completely in chaos at the moment.

“Hurry up, the admiral is coming!”

“Abominable straw hat boy, this guy actually dared to make a move against Draco and provoked the admiral.”

“Before the navy surrounds here, we need to leave quickly.”

“Are all supernovae so raw now?”

On one of the shores of the archipelago, hundreds of people ran out like crazy.

While fleeing, he also cursed at the straw hat kid who caused the incident.


But right now.

A large shadow suddenly came from the sky, blocking the sun and blocking everyone’s view.

“It’s a warship of the Navy!”

Someone was sharp-eyed and screamed in fright.

“Really fake, a warship flying in the sky?”

“Groove, this thing is landing in our direction!”

As soon as these words came out, they frightened the hundreds of fleeing pirates and shouted.


The next moment.

The warship fell like a mountain, and the ground shook, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Similarly, the huge hull, like a wall, cut off their way to the coast.

The dust cleared, revealing a huge warship.

Above the bow of the ship, two figures stood.

Look at the clothes and dress, definitely not the Navy.

For a time, the frightened pirates cursed one after another.

“Made, a mess with things, dares to scare us.”

Seeing that they are not people from the navy, these pirates feel that they can again.

As a result, hundreds of people looked at Luo Chen and Xiliu angrily, eager to strike immediately and tear the two to pieces.

“Lao Tzu is a sea thief with a reward of 70 million!”

A figure galloped, dragging a long knife, leaped up fiercely, and directly slashed down on the top of Luo Chen’s head.

“I don’t know if I’m alive or dead!”

Disdainful sneers sounded.

The thunderstorm in Hiliu’s hand came out of the sheath, turned into a ray of thunder, and flashed in the air.

I saw the 70 million sea thief who had just said that the person was still half-empty, and his body was split in two, and blood was spilled in the air.


Seeing this scene, hundreds of fleeing pirates gasped one after another.

“That’s the captain of the Blood Knife Pirates, who was actually killed with one blow!”

“Hey, hey, who the hell are these two guys?”

I have to say that Xiliu’s shot scared these pirates.

Pirates from all over the world, many of them are very famous, powerful pirates in the first half of the Great Voyage.

However, in front of a top powerhouse like Xiliu, it still doesn’t look enough.

And this is the reason why the first half of the Great Voyage was called paradise by the pirates of the New World.

Boom –

That’s when it was there.

A huge explosion suddenly came from the central area of the archipelago.

The terrifying explosion waves, like violent winds and waves, swept to the coast in an instant.

The dazzling light looks like a small sun rising.

You can imagine how terrifying the power of that explosion is.

“Lying groove, Admiral Yellow Ape seems to have made a move, let’s run away!”

“If you don’t escape, it’s too late.”

Hundreds of pirates on this coast reacted, shouting and turning to flee.

The road ahead was cut off, and that could only be detoured.

After all, the strength of the guy who flew on the warship was too terrifying.

“Did I let you go?”

But at this moment, a faint word came from behind.

The sound was not loud, but it reached the ears of hundreds of people.

Let their pace pause.

Someone looked back and their gaze fell on the black-haired boy.

Gaze, look at it.

A feeling of death instantly emerged from the bottom of everyone’s hearts.


The next moment.

The seemingly thin black-haired boy erupted with a swallowing momentum in his body.

This world bursts with endless lightning.

Overlord color domineering!

Like a stormy wave, sweeping everyone’s heart.





One by one, the pirates lost consciousness and fell directly to the ground.

Hundreds of people fell without resistance, and the scene was quite spectacular.

“Abominable… What kind of power is this! ”

However, there were still seven or eight pirates, barely able to stand, and resisted Luo Chen’s overlord-colored domineering impact with their will.

Ten seconds later.

Heaven and earth are restored to their original state.

“These guys are good!”

Putting away the overlord-colored domineering, Luo Chen looked sideways, and then reached out to Xi Liu, and said with a smile: “Borrow your sword and use it.” ”


Hiryu looked puzzled.

But when the captain spoke, he naturally wouldn’t refuse.

Pull out the famous knife and hand it over.

“If you can still stand this time!”

Luo Chen held the thunderstorm and said with a dangerous smile: “That’s still a passing sacrifice!” ”

The words fell.

He moved.

The figure flashed, and instantly disappeared from the place.

The thunderstorm in his hand streaked through a blazing sword light in midair.


Several pirates who stood hard splashed bright red blood on their bodies, and then turned into blood mist and spilled out.


The only remaining pirates fell.

Only a very burly man knelt on one knee, looking like he had endured it.


“You’re good!”

Luo Chen slowly landed in front of him, clapped his hands, and shouted: “Filthy soil rebirth!” ”

With his voice fell.

A complicated incantation appeared on the ground under his feet, spreading directly under the pirate’s body.

A stream of dust that seemed to come from the underworld swirled, covering it and wrapping it into a huge cocoon of dust.

It’s like, in the first place in the city.

It’s just that the first rebirth of dirt is operated by the system.

This time, Luo Chen needed to do it himself.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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