People Are Sailing: Intercepting Luffy! Awaken The Sun God

Chapter 109 Which man doesn't want to be responsible? That's the queen! (Subscribe)

Luo Er exclaimed in surprise, it was so fucking exciting!

Is this a blessing from heaven??

Bathing with the Empress??

"Brother Sea Kings, you should leave your name, phone number and address, so I can come to "visit" in the future!

Luo Er, with deep, calm, and a hint of surprise in his eyes, swept across his perfectly clean body generously, and looked at his dark blue eyes.

His forehead was smooth and flat, and sweat dripped out.

It should be caused by letting go of body and mind and enjoying the bath just now.

The bridge of the nose is high, the nose is small, and he wears a pair of snake-shaped golden earrings under his ears, which he hadn't even taken off in the shower.

The lips were soft and wrinkle-free.

The dark blue eyes, the corners of the eyes are slender and delicate, and there is a little panic in the almond eyes, like a frightened deer, and the pitiful meaning is lovable.

But it was quickly replaced by indifference.

Grains of water mist lingered around her body, adding to the mystery of seeing flowers in the mist.

The man sitting in the pool was naked.

It means that only the upper body is exposed.

Opposite him, there was a tall, slender woman with a panic-stricken face, but her breath gradually became colder.

It seems a bit funny that a man and a woman are so opposite to each other, but more than that, it is indescribably embarrassing.

Luo Er and Boa Hancock met again in such a charming atmosphere.

The air was full of embarrassment.

Luo Er swears that he has no other thoughts!

Boa Hancock bit his red lips with white teeth, never thinking that someone would break in when he was bathing.

Still a man!

Most importantly, look at her whole body!

Including the imprint called "Sky Dragon's Kick", which is difficult for the Empress to speak.

Hancock was taken as a slave by human traffickers in his childhood and used as a slave of Celestial Dragons. The abuse lasted for 317 years. Hancock hated men even more. Although he was rescued in the end, whenever he thought of what happened back then, he panicked and felt chills down his spine. .

Later, he escaped successfully, returned to Daughters Island and became emperor soon after.

In order not to let outsiders know the fact that she was once a slave, she always lived in terror, gradually put on a "mask", and showed herself in front of everyone with a proud and violent attitude, and used to call herself a "concubine".

It can be said that that incident left her a huge psychological trauma for life.

No one could have imagined that the Pirate Empress, known as the number one beauty, had such an indescribable experience.

And therefore daughter island does not accept men, extreme rejection!

When I heard noises coming from the outside, the two sisters who were guarding outside also rushed in.

But only for the two of them!

Boa Marigold with long orange hair and a fat body, and Boa Sandersonia with long green hair and a head larger than her body.

"Sister, what happened?"

"Hey~~ What is this?? Who! Dare to break into my sister's bathroom!!"

"It's a man! How did you get in! 35

After the two sisters saw the scene clearly, the shock could not be added.

Not only did a man break in on Daughter Island, but they also peeked at their sister taking a bath??


Speaking of that imprint...

Boya Marigold subconsciously looked at the smooth back of the Empress.

Although it fits the wet hair, the branding is still clearly visible!

Subconsciously said: "Sister, back..."

Hancock jumped out of the pool, and his graceful body danced in the air, dusting off a drop of water.

Even Luo Er can clearly see the water droplets rolling along the skin, reflecting the crystal.

Not to mention the unobstructed entire perfect body, which is unobstructed.

The slender figure fell on the edge of the pool, and took the bathing suit to wrap the graceful body exposed in the air.

The wet bathing suits fit together, which outlines the tall figure more clearly.

As beautiful and lovely as a hibiscus out of water, a cold and arrogant expression appeared on the beautiful face, showing a peerless and aloof temperament.

The thin lips parted lightly, and the tone became more and more cold and indifferent,

"Luo Er! Why are you bathing in your concubine's body!"

In his tone, there was still a trace of undetectable emotion hidden.

Luo Er could only hide his embarrassment with a smile, and greeted the three sisters with a smile:

"Hi everybody.

"It was an accident. Sea Kings threw me over here. If I have offended you, please forgive me!"

However, not all sincere and sincere explanations can be exchanged for forgiveness.

Boya Sandersonia spit out a snake letter, full of killing intent: "Men are not allowed to enter Daughters Island! If you trespass without authorization, it is a capital crime! 35

"Sister, can't let him go."

Hancock, who was wrapped in a white bathing suit with a low neck and a purple decoration, stepped out of his jade feet and walked forward slowly.

The bathing suit was tightly fitted to the body, revealing the light-muscle jade legs that could not be covered below, straight and slender, even stained with crystal water droplets.

"What you see on the back is something we would rather die than be seen!

As he spoke, Hancock's palm unconsciously wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

It's like hugging yourself, as if doing so will ease the fear and pain in your heart.

Looking at her unconscious behavior, Luo Er felt a little pitiful.

In the eyes of others, the empress who is strong and arrogant, he has deep sympathy instead.

The body is more relaxed, soaking the tired body with the water that the Empress bathed in.

It seemed that even the pain of the wound was relieved.

"Come to the grave with what you see!"

Hancock's cold voice sounded again, and he didn't intend to give Luo Er another chance to explain.

With both hands in a loving gesture, facing Luo Er, the wet hair behind him fluttered with an invisible momentum, making the gesture even more charming.

"Love Gan Feng!

Circles of pink heart-shaped apertures permeate, penetrating Luo Er directly.

But Luo Er looked at Hancock silently as if nothing happened.

His calm gaze made Hancock a little flustered.

Maybe it's also because infatuation with Gan Feng didn't work.

Infatuated with the love-shaped light released by Gan Feng, when hit by the light, as long as the person attracted by the queen's "beautiful color" will instantly become petrified.

Except (chbd), you will avoid this trick if you have never been excited, or forcefully divert your attention.

However, to say that he is not interested in the Empress... that is difficult.

Seeing Luo Er who was nothing but nothing, Hancock reluctantly performed "Crazy Ganfeng" again


As a result, the heart-shaped light penetrates Luo Er, which still has no petrified reaction.

This made the three sisters froze at the same time.

This trick has never petrified a man for the first time!

Hancock finally moved, Qian Qiansu couldn't help covering her mouth with her hands,

"It turned out to be a concubine..."

Sandersonia beside her was even more shocked:

"No petrification! How is this possible?!"

"How could anyone resist my sister's charm! What's more..."

Not to mention Hancock in the bath!

If it were Sanji, the pool would already be full of nosebleeds.

Luo Er breathed a sigh of relief and said softly: "Actually, your secrets, I know, are not secrets to me at all.

"Besides, today's incident is really unexpected.

Luo Er, who was explaining, looked very helpless.

After all, in the current situation, how can you say it clearly?

"Impossible! You are talking nonsense! Only our sisters know this!"

"Sister, can't let this man go!"

Sandersonia and Marigold said one after another, the weapon in their hand was already facing Luo Er, flashing a cold light.

But Hancock looked at Luo Er's calm eyes and hesitated.

Not only hesitant, but also shocked how Luo Er knew their sister's secret!?


Luo Er stood up from the water, splashed countless water splashes, and walked step by step in the water.

Only then did the three sisters see clearly the wound on Luo Er's abdomen.

The flesh is blurred, and even has a black luster, which looks very intimidating.

But Luo Er, even under such trauma, can he still be calm and talk to them with a smile?

What a lot of perseverance this is!


The three sisters were surprised when Luo Er walked out of the pool, ignoring the weapons in front of him, and stood in front of Hancock.

The scheming Boy- Luo Er, with the ability of rubber, quietly increased a few centimeters, just enough to look down on Hancock.

The masculine breath of a man rushed towards her face, making Hancock restless, and the words that followed made ripples in her heart.

"What I say is true. 35

"Even if you don't believe it, I can't prove it. I can't help you recall that experience, right?"

"You know my strength. Daughter Island is a very beautiful place. I don't want to do anything here and destroy the peace you have guarded for many years."

Some words, sincere.

The point is, Boa Hancock didn't know what to think, standing there in a daze without saying a word.

Maybe, is he really jealous of Luo Er's strength??

Luo Er passed by her, and even smelled the unique feminine fragrance after bathing.

Holding down the emotions in his heart, he picked up the bath towel on the shelf and wiped the water on his body.

When I wiped my hair, a unique fragrance hit my face again.

Uh... This towel seems to be a personal item!?


Another oolong.

Luo Er quickly fluttered his hair twice, put the bath towel back in place, stretched his arms, grabbed the edge of the roof hole, and jumped up.

"Rest assured, I will leave as soon as possible without anyone noticing.

"Finally, do I need to be responsible for this situation?"

I have to say that in the current situation, as long as it is a man, I want to be responsible~~

Facing Luo Er's outrageous words, Hancock's eyes were as if he was about to kill someone, Luo Er laughed awkwardly, and then disappeared.

It was just a drop of blood dripping from the air into the water in the bath, splashing a circle of ripples.

It was like, Hancock's mood at this time.

She asked the two sisters to go out first, staying alone in the desolate bathroom, hugging her weak shoulders slowly, showing a little woman's attitude.

Inexplicable echoes of the first meeting with Luo Er, and there was a "close contact"

And Luo Er turned out to be the only man she didn't have that extreme disgust.

Especially Luo Er's calm performance just now, and the respect he gave to their sisters in his words, made Hancock's heart unable to calm down for a long time, and doubts suddenly popped up in his mind,

"How did he get hurt?"

"Where are you going with such serious wounds?"

Mei Mu stared at the bath towel Luo Er had used, fascinated.

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