People Are Sailing: Intercepting Luffy! Awaken The Sun God

Chapter 146 5 gear! Full firepower! (Subscribe)

The majestic thunder and lightning blocked Luo Er's sight.

And that golden trident surrounded by the power of majestic thunder and lightning is even more powerful and terrifying.

Make those black eyes look even brighter.

In the eyes, there is a cyan against the background, that is the color of thunder and lightning.

But a deep dark red appeared in the bottom of his eyes, and it almost flashed by, but it was like a flash flood that burst the embankment, and the momentum suddenly erupted.

The strong wind blowing Luo Er was blocked by an invisible aura.

At that moment, the three-foot space in front of Luo Er seemed to be a restricted area!


Emission Haki is wrapped in fists.

Flowing Haki, slowly forming a dim light film, filled Luo Er's arm.

"Five gears!"

A soft murmur was drowned in the thunderous turmoil.

But in Enel's eyes, Luo Er has undergone great changes.

The whole body was filled with a different breath, and a looming ribbon appeared on the back, wrapped around the armpit.

The most significant 27 is the change in appearance.

Black hair turned into a snow-white color!

The same is true for the eyebrows, which curl at the same time to form snow-white curly eyebrows.

The clenched fist fell suddenly.


A loud noise spreads!

The fist wrapped by Emission Haki collided with the golden trident.

The turbulent air flow formed a violent storm and raged!

Even the thunder and lightning around Enel swayed.

The perfect level of Emission Haki is the hardest in the world, even in the face of the golden trident, it's not worth it at all.

And the power that can generate destructive force from within is actually the gold that has been smelted by Enel, and begins to produce tiny cracks.

"What!? What a powerful force!

Enel couldn't help but exclaimed.

What kind of monster physique is this!!!

Hard regret golden trident!!

Dispel lightning with pure power!!??


When Luo Er awakened the fifth gear, he increased the power to assimilate all the matter around him, just like Logia's pervert ability.

However, every battle, the effect only exists in blocking, defense, containment, etc., and it is really lethal, or it is a threat to the strong, the important thing is the outbreak of concentrated power.

So in general, the biggest improvement comes from the change in physical strength!

Physical skills are the foundation that supports everything!!

Those powerful guys are undoubtedly not strong in physical arts, they just don't stand at the top like Garp and red hair!

For example, Golden Lion, who can stand up to Roger, even made a riot at Naval Headquarters. Even though he had Lion Fruit, when he fought with Garp and Sengoku, it was more of a battle of taijutsu.

And Luo Er's physique is absolutely beyond imagination after he casts fifth gear!

Coupled with the proficiency in the use of power, even with the same level of awakening, the current strength has been greatly improved compared to the Summit War.

Hard to regret Enel, naturally.

Thunder and lightning.


With a crisp sound, the golden trident broke off directly.

Enel is ready this time, and directly transforms into lightning and teleports in the surrounding electric field, avoiding Luo Er's punch!

However, the suppressed battle made him even more furious!

The anger in my heart is surging, and the thunder and lightning dance!!

Logia's pervert ability is on display.

The weather and climate change accordingly.

The sky, which had finally become clear, was filled with thunderclouds in the blink of an eye!

And the thunder and lightning generated by this Logia Devil Fruit is far from what Zeus of Big Mom can match.

Sky Island, caught in a thunder riot!


The Whitebeard Pirates, Blackbeard Pirates, and Marine are fighting fiercely.

Ace and Marco keep an eye on Blackbeard. Although the fruit ability is restrained to a certain extent, they can still fight together!

Unexpectedly, Akainu exudes a scorching lava breath and joins the battle. Four people and three camps, darkness, lava, and flames of different colors, echo each other and become the most eye-catching place on the battlefield.

Even the sea ice made by Aokiji gradually melted and dissipated in the hands of several people.

Garp shot, facing the pirates on both sides can be said to be one punch and one, the rise of killing!

Badgers wanted to sneak attack, but was beaten badly!

Sengoku looked at Akainu who was in full swing, and reluctantly acted as a battlefield commander, commanding Marine to effectively block the pirates.

The other captains of the Whitebeard Pirates also fought against the Blackbeard Pirates and Marine Vice Admirals.

The entire battlefield can only be described in one word—


In the battle of the three forces, it is difficult to distinguish between the enemy and the enemy, in addition, everyone is the enemy.

Maybe an Admiral suddenly appeared there, punching the pirates to death and re-entering the battle.

Or drop a Captain-level character from the sky and kill a Vice Admiral.

All in all, the messy Sengoku commands are a headache!

Those powerhouses, the power to disrupt the battlefield is too uncontrollable!

"Master, why don't you do it? 35

Kizaru, who was originally paddling for fish, was seen by Tomomomaru, who was wielding a battle axe, and asked in a low voice.

Kizaru's face didn't matter, and he didn't feel any guilt of being stabbed through the fish.

"Well, this old man is supervising the entire battlefield to prevent pirates from escaping secretly. 35

While speaking, suddenly aware of something, Kizaru raised his brows and looked at the sky above Sky Island with a look of surprise.


The situation changed suddenly, thunder and lightning surged!

It's a sign of battle!

"Hey, what's going on at 330?"

The sudden change made Kizaru's indifferent expression dignified and said softly.

In addition, such a huge momentum, the Marines and pirates who were fighting each other noticed.

ding ding dong.

There was a sound of weapons colliding, and sword energy shot out in all directions.

Bista and Shiryu of the Rain pulled back at the same time, Shiryu of the Rain took a sharp cigar, looked at the thundercloud storm in the sky, and frowned:

"It's that guy's move, who's fighting him? 39

He was very puzzled.

Blackbeard fell into the darkness and roared angrily uncontrollably:

"Thunder Fruit!! Who shot Thunder Fruit!! Damn it!!""

For the first time, Blackbeard thought that after the battle just now, someone picked it up and attacked and killed Enel!

Isn't this robbing him of the fruit he wants!??

Shock Fruit was cut off!

If Thunder Fruit is still not available, how can it rise!??

Blackbeard felt that everything he planned was shattered by a pair of big hands, and he ordered angrily: "Kill it back!!

Akainu's expression changed, seeing that Blackbeard was so excited, he couldn't help but wonder if the other party had any conspiracy.

Looking at Blackbeard, who was desperate and led his members back, he immediately ordered: "All troops obey! Surround Sky Island!"

"Kizaru and Aokiji lead the two troops and rush in! 35

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