People Are Sailing: Intercepting Luffy! Awaken The Sun God

Chapter 147 Luo Er slaughtered the gods! (Subscribe)

For a time, Akainu ordered without hesitation.

But just as he passed the order, Marko and Ace looked at each other and rushed out.

At the same time, Ace shouted:



Blackbeard and Marine didn't know what was going on, but they did.

Luo Er has already sneaked in.

And who else could it be besides Luo Er who broke out the fight?

After the Blackbeard Pirates, the Whitebeard Pirates all attacked.

Akainu frowned, threw the cigar in his hand to the ground, and shouted:

"All Marines!

"Follow this marshal and go in!

"Don't let any pirates go!!"

Then, Marine mighty also slaughtered in.

Sky Island, greeted by a group of crazy guys.

Garp and Sengoku no longer fish, after all, they are also curious about what happened to the Sky Island in Qinghai?

It was originally a place of adventure, but it triggered a war between the major forces?

main battlefield.

The crazy Enel unleashed lightning, terrifying energy spread throughout the space.

However, the young man standing not far in front of him had no fear at all on his face, and some were just eager to try.

The momentum of the body flowed, and the eyes were staring at the other party.

And Enel has already launched thunder and lightning, once again displaying the strongest move——

200 million volts Thor!

A terrifying electric current rattled around him, with a terrifying reputation.

Huge body, filling the world.

With a sudden unarmed move, the palm seems to stretch out from the thundercloud in the sky, driving a large amount of thunder and lightning to pour out!

The majestic, whistling thunder and lightning, like a river bursting down a dike, washed away everything in front of him.

In this state, Enel's thunder-like voice resounded throughout the world,

"Yeah hahaha, go to hell!!!

"200 million volts!!! 35


It can be said to be the strongest blow!!

Looking from a distance, this world is surrounded by violent thunder, bursts of prestige, especially people feel fear.

All the surrounding trees, grass, rocks and other things were shattered by lightning, forming a large circular open space.

Even the gold was melted invisibly, forming a golden water-like liquid sputtering out, or the leader was on the soil.

This time, Golden Township has finally become a real Golden Township.

Gold everywhere, looks absolutely eye-catching.

It's a pity that no one appreciates it for the time being?

Everyone who was rushing from a distance stopped spontaneously.

After a certain distance, it is no longer close.

Now rush over, and all you have to suffer is the shock of lightning!

Two hundred million volts!

Even the Blackbeard Dark Fruit would take a lot of effort, not to mention others.

All those present were thinking about saving their stamina.

The three enemies are together... It is destined to be an endless battle!

The situation is really tense.

"Who the hell is fighting Enel??" Blackbeard gritted his teeth, staring at Thunder and Lightning Wang Yangzhong without blinking.

Before they arrived, Luo Er's figure had been submerged in thunder.

So, no one saw Luo Er.

But Ace had a worried look on his face, because he knew that it was Luo Er, and now he was swallowed by lightning, he almost couldn't hold back and rushed out.

Fortunately, Marco reacted quickly and held Ace secretly.

He whispered, "Calm down!

"It won't help you to rush over now, the level of attack will not be shared by you, and it might even expose Luo Er's identity.

"Besides, Luo Er seems to know something from the beginning to the end. It is very likely that this is his intention. Don't you still know his strength? 35

After Marco's whispered persuasion, Ace calmed down.

In the Marine camp, Aokiji glanced at Ace and Marco who were whispering quietly, especially Ace's expression, which he took in his eyes, and he knew it right now.

Sure enough... it's Luo Er again!

Only Luo Er dared to make such a big noise at such a moment.

It's simply ignoring the existence of Marines and pirates.

"Hmm~ Is this level of attack coming again? It's really scary. Kizaru slowly sighed, there was a touch of complexity in his words, but there was still a hint of doubt that was easy to detect.

This shows that he is also very puzzled by the people who are fighting.

Akainu watched coldly, lava dripping from his fist,

"Where did the guy come from?? Could it be the original person from Sky Island??"

He also guessed.

Just when I was about to ask, I was suddenly interrupted by Garp's exclamation.



"Why are you here again!!!35

While exclaiming, there was despair on his face, and his hands were clutching his hair in disbelief.


Straw hat boy?

He is here too!?

Hearing Garp's words, almost no matter whether it is Marine or Pirate, they all look at it subconsciously.

I saw that Luffy was looking at the thunder and lightning scene with a stunned expression, and when he heard the shout, he turned his head in confusion... With him, there was the same stunned expression of all the members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Originally, I was shocked by the confrontation between Luo Er and the feigned perpetrator, but it was absolutely devastating.

Then when I look back, there are people behind me!!!!

There are marines and pirates.

Marine hero Garp, former Marshal Sengoku, current Marshal Akainu, Admiral Aokiji, Admiral Kizaru, Admiral candidate Gion, Admiral candidate Chabu...

Marine couldn't count them down, and there were more than one talented person.

Besides, the pirates, that group of pirates, just pull out a bounty of hundreds of millions!!!!

"..."Lu... Luffy, what's the situation??"

Nami asked shiveringly.

In this situation now, you will die in the future... and you will not be able to live in the future!

Usopp and Chopper had a tacit understanding and fainted.

"Uh!? Grandpa? Why are you here? Hey? Ace!!"

Luffy was confused at first, but when he saw Ace, his eyes lit up instantly.

Ace beckons: "Luffy! Come here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Usopp who fainted was the first to get up, and the speed of the 100-meter sprint came directly behind Ace... The others were similar.

Over there, Garp faced Sengoku's scrutinizing eyes, and was really helpless.


Why are you everywhere!?

The situation was urgent, and Ace didn't bother to ask why Luffy was here, staring at the changing ears in the world of lightning.

Akainu is watching the Whitebeard Pirates fiercely.

Ace, Luffy!

With the most evil bloodline!

All damn people!

The last time they failed, this time they will never be forgiven!

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