The battleship was a big success, and the enemy was in trouble.

On the sea, a warship belonging to the Beast Pirates was sailing rapidly. This was the latest vehicle customized by Kaido for Elbart on Loskunje Island - the Netherworld.

Pirate ships are an important source of firepower on the sea. When the gap between the two sides is not big, the side with stronger ships and more powerful guns can have more advantages.

First mobilize elite combat forces to intercept those strong ones who can ignore the power of artillery, and then directly adopt the method of firepower coverage and carpet bombing.

Then it doesn't take much effort to directly cripple a pirate group.

And the navy is the best at using this tactic.

In the sea, unless it is a special fruit ability user, or a strong person like Rayleigh who can cross the sea physically, otherwise a single individual can basically solve any storm with a slow grind.

Thanks to the Navy's vigorous propaganda, the number of pirates near the Gorsdino Islands has increased sharply, and the troubles and conflicts they have created are also increasing.

In order to deal with the fires everywhere, Kaido customized a dedicated ship for each cadre on Loscuña Island, allowing them to lead their own squadrons to quickly carry out strike operations in the surrounding waters.

While everyone was extremely busy, Albert had quietly arrived at the edge of the doldrums on the Nether.

The Nether is a three-masted armed sailing ship with dual power of wheels and sails. When there is wind, it sails. When there is no wind, the pirates on the ship can directly step on the wheels.

After entering the doldrums, the three white sails on the ship were completely retracted, and then the pirates on the ship began to rush to the bottom of the cabin.

After a while, the sailboat restarted, and the speed was much slower than the wind.

Since the celebration banquet, Albert's status has gradually been pushed to the same level as Kaido.

Not all pirates are fearless and crazy, and there are many who have ulterior motives.

Since his vice-captain has the ability to give people animal-type fruits, it means that if you can get Albert's favor, you may also get this power.

So, when Albert proposed to recruit a group of people to accompany him to the North Sea, a group of licking dogs seemed to see the opportunity to get along with their idol and signed up enthusiastically.

There were even group fights at some registration points.

Finally, after fierce competition, more than 300 pirates successfully boarded the Nether.

"Look there!"

Discatelli sat on Albert's shoulder and pointed to the sea not far away in surprise.

There were a large number of sea kings gathered there, and they seemed to be rushing over here. Just when Discatelli exclaimed, the sea kings seemed not to see the huge sailing ship, and swam straight past the other side of the sailing ship.

"Sarah, there seems to be a sea king's nest nearby. Tell everyone to take a detour and be careful to avoid the sea kings."

Feeling the sea kings passing by one after another under the ship, Albert ordered Sarah beside him.

Unlike the licking dogs on the ship, Graves and Sarah, who were born in the North Sea, were appointed by Albert to lead the way.

As for the reward, it was 10,000 rounds of various crossbow bullets of different models.

Under the temptation of a new gun every year, Graves agreed to Albert's recruitment conditions and successfully became a member of the Beast Pirates.

Even his Double Gun Pirates were incorporated into the Beast Pirates.

In the Twin Gun Pirates, Sarah served as the navigator, helmsman and many other positions in addition to being the vice-captain. She can be said to be the core figure of the Twin Gun Pirates.

In addition to having some captain privileges, Graves can basically only help a little in battle.

The mines on Cantaloupe Island have been successfully put into operation with the efforts of the captured pirates. Except for a part of the mined ore that was recycled into the system by Albert and turned into points, the rest were processed into pieces of excellent weapons.

Albert has begun to entrust Quinn to conduct imitation research on several special ammunition in the system. I believe that with Quinn's ability, there should be no problem in imitating it.

Those sea kings did not notice the sailboat because the seastone installed on the bottom of the ship worked, but this does not completely ensure safety. If you accidentally hit the sea king, or if the sailboat stops for too long, it is still possible for the sea king to notice it.

After all, the seastone is loaded on the bottom of the ship, and it can only

It is enough to make the sea kings mistakenly think that it is part of the sea, rather than completely blinding the sea kings' senses.

Graves did not understand this now, and he kept shouting on the deck.

Until a certain irritable red-haired beauty could not stand his idiotic behavior, and threw him into the sea to calm down for a while, this guy finally calmed down completely.

The width of the doldrums is not too wide, but not too small. The Netherworld finally passed through after sailing for two days.

Along the way, everyone narrowly avoided waves of harassment from the sea kings. It was really not in time to avoid them, and Albert even flew a distance with the boat.

Although the process was quite thrilling, it was finally safe and sound and successfully arrived in the North Sea.

Amid the cheers from the Netherworld, the three sails were raised again.

At this moment, everyone's nerves, which had been tense for two days, finally relaxed.

"Second Captain, the Four Seas is not like the Grand Line. There is no navigation compass. We can only rely on the sea chart to control the direction. We have to find an island to dock and buy the latest North Sea chart."

Sara walked down from the observation tower with a pair of binoculars in her hand.

"Once we buy the sea chart, we can determine the specific location of the Seleucid Kingdom and the next route."

"Okay, everything is up to you."

Just when the two of them had agreed and Sarah was about to find a current to catch a ride, Graves, who had been quiet for a moment, started screaming again on the side of the ship.

"Can you be quiet? I'm looking at the sea chart..."

Before Sarah finished scolding, Graves pointed to the distance and shouted, "Look over there, someone is robbing the ship! It seems that they should be our colleagues, but they don't have a pirate flag."

Albert was stunned and looked in the direction of Graves's finger.

Sure enough, an armed sailing ship without any flag seemed to have stuck a three-masted sailing ship on the right side of the hull. This situation was a boarding battle.

As for why Graves could recognize that the people on the armed sailing ship were colleagues at a glance, it was because this kind of thing was too normal in the pirate world.

Many caravans were merchants in the port. When they met other merchant ships after going out to sea, they transformed themselves and did the business of hijacking ships. It was simply a matter of practice makes perfect.

The guards and sailors in the caravan were so skilled in switching their identities.

Before Albert and Sarah spoke, Graves immediately shouted excitedly to the pirate brothers behind him: "Hurry up, turn the rudder to the left, let's go and rob the people in front!"

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