The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Albat smiled as he watched the Beasts Pirates rushing toward the pirate ship.

He would not do such things as rape and looting, and he would also restrict his men from doing such rotten things without any bottom line.

But he would not object to teaching a bunch of scoundrels a lesson.

Now the Beasts Pirates' labor camp is still short of many good miners.

If we don't catch more scoundrels, how can we fill the shortage of labor inside!

Besides, colleagues are enemies.

We are all pirates, aren't we robbing you?

At the beginning, our Beasts Pirates started by robbing our colleagues!

At the same time, on the armed sailing ship, a man in a black suit and sunglasses also discovered the Netherworld that was approaching them quickly.

As the skull full of Kaido's death gradually became clear, the man's face suddenly became ugly.

"Damn it, Lord Spandine, it's the Beast Pirates, he's coming towards us!" The man's voice was full of fear.

"Quick, loosen the ropes, let's run away!" Spandine ordered in a panic.

The black suits on the ship moved quickly, but because of the boarding battle, their armed sailing ships were tied tightly to the three-masted sailing ships next to them. Even if they wanted to escape at this time, it was too late.

When Albert and others quickly approached the two ships, from a distance, a group of black suits on the ship were still trying to dismantle various ropes and hooks.

"This group of people is so cruel, even more cruel than us pirates!"

Graves took a puff of cigar and complained while looking at the busy black suits in front of him.

There are no survivors on the three-masted sailing ship in the middle now, and the bodies are being thrown into the sea one by one by the black suits at the stern.

What Graves said is true. Pirates are indeed brutal, but they also basically understand the difference between having enough and not having enough every meal.

Robbery is robbery, but it is basically for money. Unless they encounter the kind of resistance that is particularly fierce, they rarely kill people.

Even some pirates with business acumen will not directly rob other people's goods except for collecting a certain amount of protection fees from the merchants.

Every time you kill the whole family of other caravans, you directly make it impossible for others to do business. Who will you rob in the future?

Especially in the New World where the territory is divided, if your own territory is robbed, you still dare to run to other people's territory to do the same. You will see whether others will do it or not.

And this group of people in front of him just killed all the people on this ship...

"Are the quality of the pirates in the North Sea so bad now?" Graves murmured in a low voice.

"Hmm? Something is wrong!" Sarah's eyes flashed a little, and the muzzle of the musket in her hand directly blocked Graves's mouth.

"These people are not pirates, they are from the World Government! Everyone be careful!"

After Sarah's reminder, Albert also found the faint symbol of the World Government hidden in the folded sail.

"World Government? Notify them, prepare the artillery, and fire a few shots if there is anything wrong!"

Seeing the pirate ship in front slow down and point the muzzle at him, Spandine's ugly face instantly turned dark.

He looked around and saw his men were still busy removing the ropes between the two ships, and he couldn't help but take a long breath.

"Ahead are the strongest pirates in the New World, the heroes of the Beast Pirates?"

Spandine's voice crossed the sea and was clearly transmitted to the Netherworld.

"The guy on the opposite side is a bit interesting..."

Graves blew out a cloud of smoke from his mouth and looked at Albert.

"Brother, do you want to fight now?"

The other side spoke some nice words as soon as they opened their mouths, and naturally there was no intention of starting a war immediately.

But whether this battle will start is not decided by Spandine.

"He is indeed an interesting guy, let him come over and have a chat."

Ehrhart sensed the agents on the ship in front, who were struggling to remove the ropes between the two ships, and it was obvious that they were planning to run away immediately.

And the guy who spoke was obviously the leader of this group of agents.

After all, a bunch of people are wearing black suits and black sunglasses, and you are the only one wearing a striped coat on the outside.

This appearance of standing out from the crowd, I don't believe you are not the leader.

"You...yes, you, come here!" Graves pointed at Spandine.

Seeing the network on the other ship

The bearded man indicated that he would go there by himself. Spandine thought for a moment and then stepped on the moon step to the Netherworld.

Then, the moment this guy saw Elbart, his face changed instantly.

Now that the Beasts Pirates are so popular on the sea, how could Spandine not know Elbart, the second-in-command with a bounty of 870 million Baileys.

Why would such a big shot come to the North Sea?

Did Kaido also know the existence of this group of scholars?

So he sent Elbart to intercept the "secret criminal" on my ship?

Spandine's mission this time was to hand over the scholar captured by the CP agency to Marijoa. In order to keep their whereabouts secret, their escort team took the sparsely populated edge of the doldrums route.

And the three-masted sailing ship that they killed was actually a serious temporary pirate.

When those guys saw Spandine and his men, they thought they were just ordinary traders.

As a result, he rushed up and encountered a rare anti-hijacking incident.

For confidentiality reasons, Spandine ordered his men to kill all the people on the ship, but he did not expect that when dealing with the bodies, he attracted a prehistoric monster.

Their CP agency is a serious intelligence organization. Lurking, assassination, and obtaining intelligence are their strengths. It is better not to fight with the pirates head-on.

And he, Spandine, is not a character with a strong sense of justice. At this time, of course, saving his life is the first priority!

Spandine's changing expression naturally attracted everyone's attention.

Albert raised his eyebrows and asked directly: "Look at this reaction... Have you heard of my story?"

"Hehe, the Beast Pirates are the strongest pirate group in the New World. Of course, I have admired your name, Dragon Albert, for a long time. Today, I see that it is indeed well-deserved..." Spandine smiled and flattered.

"Don't pretend, you are agents of the World Government, what's your name?" Albert asked directly.

"My name is Spandine, just an ordinary employee of the World Government Judicial Island..."

Spandine thought that Albert probably didn't know him, and it was very likely that he could get away with it today.

But who would have thought that Albert was a time traveler? He still remembered Spandine.

Especially his useless son Spandam, who was one of the characters Albert hated the most when he watched anime.

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