The man's eyes suddenly turned white, and he roared, entering the complete beast mode. Suddenly, the sea stone iron ring on his chest also made a crackling sound.


The iron ring broke!

The man seemed to have lost his mind and pounced on Quinn, and his two thick arms smashed down on Quinn's face.


Quinn's wing claws blocked the attack in front of him, and he looked back at Kaido behind him with excitement.

"Boss, how is it?"

Quinn took out a small notebook and desperately recorded various data, and said at the same time:

"Now this guy's defense and strength have increased by at least five times, but the recovery speed unique to the animal system has decreased a lot."

"And boss, look, this is an iron ring mixed with seastone, and this guy just broke free... This shows that after absorbing the potion, the influence of seastone can be overcome to a certain extent."

Quinn excitedly resisted the man's various attacks, and said:

"And this power is controllable. Once there is a sign of mental breakdown, I can take back this power in time."

Then, Quinn raised his hand and pressed it on the head of the man who had lost his mind. With a little force on his palm, several black dragon qi flowed out from the man's forehead.

For a while, the man's body began to struggle violently again. As time passed slowly, his struggle gradually subsided. His whole body seemed to have lost strength, and he turned back into a human form, foaming at the mouth and falling to the ground and twitching.

Quinn directed the two researchers to put the man back on the lab table and tie him up, then took out a new bottle of potion and walked to Kaido.

"This potion is a product of my research based on the Crazy Dragon virus in the body. It can instantly increase the strength of the human body several times, and the duration is still to be studied."

Quinn handed the potion to Kaido, pointed to the unconscious man behind him, and continued:

"Based on previous experience, if the physical fitness is not up to standard, then the use of the potion may cause the whole body's genetic collapse. Similarly, if I don't take back the Crazy Dragon virus in the body, the person injected will eventually go crazy and die."

"So the best user is the animal-type devil fruit ability user."

"So the side effects of this thing in your hand are still not small..."

Kaido stood up disapprovingly. After being baptized by Albert's magical transformation ability, his vision was much higher than before. In his eyes, Quinn's thing looked...

Well, it's just so-so.

"Don't be impatient, Boss."

Seeing Kaido's uninterested expression, Quinn hurriedly said:

"The biggest limitation of this potion is physical strength. Since ordinary people's physical strength is not enough, what about dinosaurs whose strength is much higher than that of humans?"

After that, Quinn ordered people to bring two iron cages covered with black cloth.

After lifting the black cloth, each contained a tall Spinosaurus.

"Boss Kaido, this is just an ordinary Spinosaurus on the island, and the other one has been transformed by me."

Compared with ordinary Spinosaurus, the Spinosaurus transformed by Quinn is obviously different. Not only has the green scales on the body turned dark green, but also a little black mist can be vaguely seen between the scales drifting out.

"This Spinosaurus has been stimulated by my mad dragon virus and has begun to undergo an unknown mutation. Not only has its scales hardened significantly, but it has also temporarily regained its sanity during battle. Its intelligence has also been greatly improved, and it can now respond to some simple commands."

"Brother Albert once said that he would help you form a legion of mythical beasts. My strength is not as strong as Brother Albert, but it should be no problem to form a group of dinosaur legions that charge into battle."

Quinn's words instantly aroused Kaido's interest.

He is very interested in animal-type ability users. Rounding off, animals with powerful strength are also his heartbeat targets.

"Tell me, how can I help you?" Kaido weighed the potion in his hand and asked in confusion.

Quinn understands Kaido. Similarly, after a period of getting along, Kaido also knows that the fat man in front of him will definitely not ask him to come and watch his performance for no reason.

"Hehe... Boss, aren't there two animal-type devil fruit users imprisoned in our mine? Can you hand them over to me so that we can verify each other's abilities?

The improvement speed can be faster..."

Quinn smiled flatteringly.

The security of the mine has always been the responsibility of the first team.

Albat once told Jin that all the miners in the mine are a considerable fortune. They can be beaten and scolded, but they should not be killed easily.

This rule has been well implemented by Jin.

So if Quinn wants to get two people out of the mine, he really needs Kaido's nod.

"I can help you with this, but if what you make does not meet my expectations, I will settle accounts with you."

"Hehe, don't worry, boss, I will never let you down."

At the same time, the North Sea

The Golden Crow fell to the ground, the sky gradually darkened, and the ocean currents on the sea surface began to slowly become gentle.

In front of the Nether, which left the doldrums, the outline of an island gradually became complete.

"Prepare to dock. "

Sarah looked through the telescope for a while, then gave orders loudly, and then the pirates on the ship began to get busy.

The Beasts Pirates are now well-known. In order not to attract further attention from the Navy Headquarters, after Albert separated from Spandine, he ordered people to take down the pirate flag on the top of the Netherworld, disguising it as a simple armed sailing ship.

And there are few knowledgeable people in the Four Seas. Even if the flag of the Beasts Pirates is hoisted, they may not recognize it.

The port on the island is still handling ships at this time. After nightfall, the lights around the dock The light was very bright. With the help of the light, Albert saw a triangular archway standing next to the pier, on which was painted a pattern of a snake wrapped around a gun.

Below the pattern, the words "Free Town" were clearly visible.

Looking toward the shore, Albert found that the overall style of this town was very similar to a western town in a certain beautiful country. Many people on the shore were wearing cowboy clothes, with serious faces, and a sense of "stay away from strangers".

The important thing is...

Albert could always see that some parts of these people's waists were obviously bulging very high.


Almost everyone here carried a pistol.

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