The boat was in the water, but the boat was in the water.

When the Nether successfully docked in the port of Freetown, this ship without any flag instantly attracted a lot of attention in the dark.

"Hey, look over there, it seems to be a big fat sheep."

"Stupid, do ordinary merchant ships dare to approach here? Wait and see."

"Yes, yes, yes, don't worry, I want some idiots to test it..."

While the rats in the dark were discussing in low voices, the younger brothers of the Beasts Pirates filed out of the Nether, instantly suppressing the greed of most people here.

Feeling the fierce eyes in front of him, Albert suddenly felt that his ears seemed to be gently pulled.

It was Discatelli sitting on his shoulder.

The little girl pointed at two groups of people not far away and said, "Look, Brother Aba, there are navy!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the girl's finger and saw two groups of people happily communicating in the port from a distance.

One group of people wore standard mafia uniforms, a straight black suit.

And the ones who clashed with them were a group of navy people wearing justice uniforms.

The two groups of people were so excited.

"You dare to chase the navy and chop in front of so many people. You North Sea mafia are really brave!"

Albat turned his head and looked at Graves and Sarah beside him.

"Well, it's okay... We have seen more exciting scenes." Graves said proudly while blowing smoke rings.

Although the gang culture in the North Sea is not as rampant as that in the West Sea, the chaos on the sea is not inferior at all.

Gangs, pirates, mercenaries, killer organizations, as long as it is all the evil forces that humans can think of, the North Sea can breed them for you.

Therefore, it is not uncommon to chop down a navy officer in the street.

"Is there a more exciting scene than this? Is the atmosphere in your Beihai so wild?"

Albat felt that he had to re-acquaint himself with the customs and habits of Beihai.

After leaving some of his men to guard the boat, they entered the streets of Free Town.

Soon a huge sign attracted Albat's attention.

'Free Town - the freest place in the entire sea, even the air is filled with the sweet smell of freedom. '

Below this paragraph is a line of large characters flashing red lights -

'Turn right 300 meters ahead and you will meet the best gun shop on the island'

"This advertisement of your Beihai is really refreshing..." Albat complained speechlessly.

Several people continued to walk into the town.

The next moment...

"Bang, bang, bang!"

A series of gunshots sounded in front, but the pedestrians on the street seemed to be accustomed to it and hid nearby without panic.

For a moment, the group of Beast Pirates standing at the entrance of the street stood out.

But soon, with two crisp "bang bang" gunshots, the gunshots that had been "bang bang" stopped abruptly.

The pedestrians hiding on both sides of the street patted their clothes and continued to be busy as if nothing had happened.

"It's worthy of being a free town, it's really free!"

Albat's mouth twitched slightly.

The port of Free Town is very large. After leaving the port and walking along the street, you can see a huge square.

The square is lined with various shops on both sides, and many young men and women are strolling here.

"It's time to relax and rest. I'll give you one night. Tomorrow morning, we will be ready to set off." Albat said.

"Remember the rules on the ship. In addition, if anyone gets drunk and can't get up tomorrow, I won't have time to wait for him."

"Understood!" The pirate brothers around responded loudly.

"Then I'll go buy the sea chart and replenish the supplies. It's time to replenish the things on the ship." Sarah also responded.

Soon the crowd dispersed, and a group of people took action in twos and threes.

Discatli directly abandoned Albert and mixed with Sarah.

This little Lolita showed an amazing love for shopping. From time to time, she would pull Sarah into various stores to buy some gold and silver jewelry and gorgeous clothes.

"Brother Albert, how about we go for a drink?" Graves asked with a cigar in his mouth.

"Okay, let's go to the tavern and try your North Sea drinks." Albert said with a smile.

Due to geographical reasons, the climate on each island in the pirate world is completely different.

Different, which also makes the drinks on each island full of their own characteristics.

Since he exchanged for the talent of "Thousand Cups Without Getting Drunk", he has been open to drinking and just treats it as a drink.

"Freetown is quite famous in the North Sea. It is a town that has developed based on pirates."

While walking on the way to the tavern, Graves, holding a cigar, pointed to two groups of people glaring at each other not far away and introduced them to Albert, "As you saw just now, the people here are a bit irritable."

What do you call irritable?

"What are you looking at?"

"What's wrong with looking at you?"

"Try looking at me again!"

The battle begins——

Albert and his friends have basically been talking in this style all the way. If they don't agree with each other, they will fight in the American style. If they don't like you, they will pick up a knife and attack you. This is a common scene here.

In short, this is a town full of violence, but fortunately, Albert and his friends are also good at solving problems with violence.

"This is the territory of the famous gangster organization in the North Sea, the Monma family. The triangular archway next to the pier is printed with the logo of their family. The Monma family has set rules on the island, prohibiting pirates from attacking civilians. This measure is well implemented."

Graves continued to act as a suitable tour guide, explaining to Albert: "On the one hand, the Monma family is indeed quite strong, and the various forces in the North Sea will not provoke each other for such a thing. On the other hand, pirates often spend lavishly and spend money like water. If no one serves them, wouldn't it be very disappointing?"

As long as humans can make money, there are still a lot of people to make money even if they are bloody Bailey.

The service industry in Free Town is particularly developed, so it is not difficult to find a tavern.

Now it is getting dark, and it is the busiest time for the tavern.

Albert and his companions just arrived near the tavern and heard the noise inside.

A pirate brother walked up quickly and saw that the door of the tavern was open, and then he made way for Albert.

After a speechless look at the proud pirate, Albert said nothing and walked directly into the tavern.

After seeing Spandine's excellent licking skills, these guys seemed to have completed some evolution in their minds, and their daily performance became more positive.

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