The North Sea, the waters near Nymion Island.

A huge Navy headquarters warship has become dilapidated and is slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea.

There are many broken ship wreckages scattered around the warship.

A large number of navy ships are floating on the sea with these wreckages.

Surprisingly, the Navy Headquarters Vice Admiral, Navy Hero Garp, is also sitting on a broken wooden board, holding a Den Den Mushi and talking on the phone.

"So, that guy Shiki has appeared in the North Sea?"

A low voice came from the Den Den Mushi with a Mohawk hairstyle in Garp's hand.

"That's right, Brother Kong, I can't do anything about that guy..." Garp said helplessly.

Garp was now wet all over, with some blood on his fists, and several cuts on his arms and thighs.

This looked very serious, but for Garp, who had already mastered the "Life Return" technique, this injury was only a minor one.

This battle was just an encounter, and Shiqi and Garp did not decide the winner.

Although Shiqi left several scars on Garp, Garp also left several fist marks on Shiqi.

And this battle was related to a certain handsome guy.

The frozen pirate ship of the Roger Pirates was destroyed by the targeted bombing of more than ten navy warships, and its side and mast were damaged.

In the end, it was Roger who induced Garp to use the Conqueror's Color Entanglement to attack together, shattering the ice surface, and was able to escape.

Then Roger and Rayleigh used the wave acceleration method of cutting the sea with a knife to finally get rid of Garp's pursuit.

According to a red-nosed man's later recollection, after finally arriving at a safe place, Roger kept muttering someone's name in the direction of the sea for several hours.

Garp, who had lost Roger, led the fleet to the naval base near Nemion Island for rest.

On the way, he happened to meet Shiki the Golden Lion, who had also received the news and came to find Roger...

These two are old acquaintances, and they naturally have to fight when they meet!

There are two extremely difficult people on this sea.

One is Whitebeard and the other is the Golden Lion.

In front of the cheating abilities of these two people, the fleet and firepower are all empty.

Especially Shiki the Golden Lion, as long as there is no stormy weather, his floating fruit is like being able to control everything, standing in the sky and bombarding you.

Garp relied on the Moon Step to fight the Golden Lion evenly, but the fleet behind him was quickly defeated by several tricks left by the Golden Lion.

And Garp, who lost his foothold on the sea, naturally lost the battle.

"According to early intelligence, Shiki the Golden Lion has a strong interest in historical texts. He may have known that the scholars were trapped in the Seleucid Kingdom..."

"And there is news from CP that the vice-captain of the Beasts Pirates who fought against you not long ago, 'Evil Dragon' Elbat, is now heading towards the Seleucid Kingdom..."

"These bastards... don't they think this world is chaotic enough?"

On the other end of the Den Den Mushi, Kong's voice was full of resentment and fatigue, and it became more and more solemn.

"The North Sea, no, it should be the Seleucid Kingdom, which is much more lively than we thought..."

"Brother Kong, if that's the case, why don't you quickly notify Sengoku to come back!" Garp said worriedly.

Now Sengoku has to face Shiki and a decent-sized Elbart alone...

And according to Garp's understanding of Roger, he will definitely come back to help in such a big scene...

In this situation, let alone Sengoku, who is the general of the headquarters, it is very likely that the entire headquarters of the Navy will not be able to get anything good.

"I have applied to the government, and the reply I got is... no withdrawal..."

Kymbord's voice was full of helplessness.

"No withdrawal?"

Garp's voice suddenly rose eight degrees, "What are those old men doing there?"

"Ahem... Garp! Be careful..."

Kymbord coughed twice and continued:

"Sengoku's mission this time is extraordinary, and it is impossible to withdraw"

"I have contacted the North Sea 226th Branch to send a search ship in your direction, and also asked Zephyr to set off urgently to the Seleucid Kingdom for support."

"Now you immediately give up the action of chasing Roger's pirate group and go to the Seleucid Kingdom to help Sengoku

Execute the mission. "

The voice of Den Den Mushi paused for a few seconds, as if thinking about something, and continued:

"In addition, your mission is limited to helping Sengoku resist various unexpected situations. The rest... you are not allowed to interfere!"

In the Seleucid Kingdom.

After walking out of the underground secret room, Foz Carl and his party quickly rushed to the port according to the predetermined retreat route.

Looking at the people of the Seleucid Kingdom gradually boarding the refuge ship not far away, Foz Carl's eyes were full of complicated expressions.

"Dute, do you think that all of us agents should go to hell in the end?"

Fuz Carl turned his head to look at Dutt beside him and whispered softly.

"I don't know, but I think you should have made up your mind, sir."

Dute's calm tone was full of persuasiveness.

"What do you mean I have made up my mind? I am just following orders throughout the whole thing, okay! "Foz Carl said speechlessly.

"Sir, if you really don't want to do it, why do you have to force yourself?"

"Dute, you are only a thug in this life... Remember, in CIPHER POL, many times, many things are not something you can do if you want to."

"But sir, you usually do a lot of things that are not in line with your will..."

"How can it be the same?

Idiot!" Fuz Carl shouted: "It is not something I can decide. I can only do this when there is such a need from above. Do you understand?"

"I don't understand. This sentence is a bit confusing. "Dute shook his head and said seriously.

"But sir, I think it's a pity for you to be a CP9. You should go to the Federal Parliament of the World Government to be the Speaker..."

Foz Carl's mouth twitched, and the slight depression in his heart dissipated a little.

Although this guy has a poor sense of smell, he is sometimes quite good at talking.

"When you become the Speaker, the position of CP9 chief will be vacant. Maybe I can also come and satisfy my addiction to commanding others..."

"You guy... Hey, I must tell Ah Fu to stay away from you in the future, so as not to be corrupted by you, an idiot..."

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