The sea is full of people, and the sea is full of people.

Kun'er Island, in the southern waters of the Seleucid Kingdom.

This remote island is no longer as peaceful as it used to be, and is filled with shouting and cursing.

Eight pirate ships are quietly docked on the southern sea of ​​the island, and all the pirates are gathered on the deck of the ship.

On the top of the pirate ship, a skull flag with a rudder painted on the back and golden hair in front is fluttering in the wind.

These pirates are members of the first team of the Flying Pirates under the command of Golden Lion Shiki. Although there are only eight or nine ships, they are all Shiki's elite troops.

In the admiring eyes of these pirates, Kun'er Island in front of them began to shake violently.

In a moment, the island floated slowly into the sky like a balloon.

"No matter how many times you see the power of Boss Shiki, it is so shocking!"

"Of course, our boss is the pirate overlord of the New World-Golden Lion!"

Sitting on the edge of the island, Shiki held a cigar in his mouth and looked at the information in his hand.

The sea breeze gently blew his brown and yellow captain's cloak, and his long golden hair like a lion's mane fluttered in the wind.

A sturdy man walked quickly behind Shiki and said respectfully:

"Admiral, there is news from Indigo that the World Government has organized refugee ships at the port of the Seleucid Kingdom. 80% of the people across the country have boarded the refugee ships. If the news is correct, those scholars should be in those refugee ships."


Shiki exhaled a thick smoke and stared at the sea and sky in front of him in a daze.

"Gaia, if this moment comes, why do I always feel uneasy?"

Adams Gaia, the captain of the First Squadron of the Flying Pirates, said arrogantly: "Admiral, what the hell is there to worry about? With our abilities, let alone Sengoku, even if the Navy Headquarters comes together, we are not afraid of them!"

"Hahaha, you are right, I am a little hypocritical for worrying so much..."

Shiki stretched out his right hand, put his index finger and middle finger together, and gently raised it.

In an instant, the pirate ship on the sea was grabbed by a pair of invisible big hands, and flew into the sky as fast as the island.

"Little guys! Let's go! Go and bring back my ambition!"


At noon, the sun was shining, and with Sengoku's order, hundreds of various artillery on more than 30 warships of the navy were aimed at the Seleucid Kingdom.

Bang bang bang!

Countless shells filled the sky like dense raindrops, and then fell on the prosperous kingdom city in front of them.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Countless shells exploded on the land of the Seleucid Kingdom. Almost in the blink of an eye, the entire island was plunged into smoke and fire.

"Quick! Load ammunition!"

"Adjust the angle!"

"The goal of this mission is to destroy the Seleucid Kingdom and cleanse this country thoroughly in the name of justice!"

The attack just now was just a round of test firing. After all the warships have adjusted the artillery trajectory, the next step will be the real artillery washing!

The carpet bombing of more than 30 warships of various types, plowing the Seleucid Kingdom from beginning to end with artillery fire only took an hour.

Especially the most terrifying war weapon of the navy, the ammunition used by the giant warships, is beyond imagination. Often a shell can directly knock down a tall building!

This is an extinction attack second only to the Demon Slayer Order. Under this kind of firepower, the Seleucid Kingdom will not even have a complete lawn left.

"Report to General Sengoku, the artillery fire has now completed the first round of coverage bombing of the Seleucid Kingdom!"

On the deck of the warship, a colonel of the Navy Headquarters reported to Sengoku who was observing the battle situation.

"All warships, five minutes later, carry out the second round of coverage bombing, and notify the supply ship to prepare for ammunition supply." Sengoku immediately gave the order.

"Yes!" The colonel of the Navy Headquarters saluted and echoed.

Sengoku took out a Den Den Mushi, hesitated for a moment, and still dialed the phone.

Bulu Bulu~

"General!" A white mask gradually appeared on the face of the Den Den Mushi.

This is a method that CP9 usually uses to cover their appearance when performing missions.

"Foz Carl, how are the arrangements for the refugee ship going?" Sengoku's voice was full of lowness and determination.

"General, the refugee ship has already set off, and according to the government's instructions, we have

Sufficient bombs were installed on the bottom of the refuge ship, and the two groups of pirates were lured to the nearby waters through guidance..."

Foz Carl's voice was very flat, without any emotional fluctuations.

"Next, the two groups of pirates who massacred civilians will flee to the south, and then I will trouble you, the navy, to pursue them."

"I... understand, the navy will continue to carry out the bombing mission, and after you have dealt with everything, I will order the navy to pursue those pirates."

The glasses on the bridge of his nose buried the depth and gloom in Sengoku's eyes under the thick lenses.

"Admiral, some people in the two pirate groups... have already received their pensions..."

"Well, I understand. ”

After hanging up the phone, Sengoku stared at the flames of the Seleucid Kingdom ahead.

“I hope the artillery fire can kill this evil that has not yet sprouted...”

Five minutes passed quickly, and the second wave of the Navy's bombing was carried out as scheduled.

At the same time, the two pirate groups, under the guidance of the CP agency, gradually approached the refuge ship sailing on the sea.

Bang bang bang!

Under the manipulation of some people with ulterior motives, the two pirate ships burst into several fierce flames.

One after another, the shells exploded on the sea, and with a loud bang, a refuge ship suddenly turned into a pile of debris on the sea.

“The pirates are coming! Run! "

The people on the refugee boat let out a shrill roar and began to paddle their oars frantically, hoping to quickly get rid of the pirates' pursuit.

But how could the government, which had already set a dead end, let these doomed people escape?

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One explosion after another continued to sound on the refugee boat.

Things developed as expected and went smoothly.

However, at this moment, a breeze seemed to blow up on the sea.


A very unruly laugh came from the top of the refugee boat.

"Lion's Power·Gosho Tenjuan!"

Accompanied by several lion roars, several huge lion heads condensed from the atmosphere quickly attacked the pirate ship that was firing.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

While these lion heads smashed the pirate ship, they also rolled up the sea water like a gust of wind and rolled all the people on the ship into the sky.

"Oh no, big trouble is coming! "

Not far away, on the government's observation ship, Foz Carl looked at the figure in the air with a gloomy face through a telescope.

"Quick, make a call, go and ask for the battle (Ru) Guo (lai) Da (Fo) Jiang (Zu)!"

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