[Kurotsuchi]: Ye Cang, you are still in the group, and if you don’t speak, you think you have already gagged.

[Hakura]: Gah?

[Kurotsuchi]: Oh, you can understand that you are dead, I wrote it in my diary yesterday night when I ate a barbecue.

[Ye Cang]: I said I was going to die, and you ~ were in the mood to talk to me about this?

[Kurotsuchi]: As we all know, dirt rebirth does not die. (Witty Face)

Inside the inn, Kurotsuchi showed a slightly smug expression.

You all call me Han, and even say that I have a comparison with the original Hokage.

Just kidding, I’m a smart horse most of the time.

[Ye Cang]: Is there a possibility that I’m not kidding?

[Black Earth]: How is it possible, to cause irreversible damage to the rebirth of the soil, there is only the Yin Yang Escape Technique or the seal, but then you are not dead, but enter the Pure Land.

[Ye Cang]: Well, after you have the resurrection, don’t you take death back?

Temari: Ahem, you found out, so we’re not in a hurry at all.

[Tiantian]: I am anxious, seeing that the urn business is getting less and less in the future, and I have to find Brother Yuchen to compensate me.


High, or you high.

[Hinata Hinata]: Actually, I just wanted to say that Tsunade-sama can directly ask Sister Hakura about this party, and the speed can be faster.

The subtext of this sentence is: “Why is it stupid to ask about Haichi Ino Yamanaka?” ”

The corners of Tsunade’s mouth twitched slightly.

Can she say that she was suddenly surrounded by the solemnity brought by the feather dust, and she didn’t expect it for a while?

Doesn’t that seem like I’m dumbfounded?

Zhao Yuchen keenly noticed the change in the expression on Tsunade’s face, and asked, “Lord Fifth Daime, what’s wrong?” ”

“It’s okay, I just thought about why they might not have come back yet.” Tsunade rubbed his eyebrows and said, “After the two Yugi’s requests for help were sent from the Yunyin Village, in addition to using psychic beasts to transmit messages to Shizune, I also sent messages to Shikaku and them, asking them to come to the rescue. ”

“So it’s not impossible for them to come back later than you.”

The matter of the diary cannot be exposed, since she can get in touch with Ye Cang, then she can arrange for someone to help.

“Is that so?” Zhao Yuchen raised his eyebrows.

Logically plausible, but it feels fake.

“We can only hope that it is best.” Tsunade showed a serious expression and said, “From now on, the liaison class will begin to fully sense and try to contact Shikaku and them, so that they can return to the village immediately, or pass on the reason why they do not return to the village. ”

“At the same time, let the Inuzuka clan, the Hyuga clan, and the Oil Lady clan each form a squad and go to the area bordering the Land of Fire and the Land of Iron to search.”

“Feather dust assistance, if you feel tired, you can go home and rest first, if you still have energy, please act as a guide and take these new friends to travel through Konoha.”

Saying that, Tsunade one by two Yugito, Uzumaki Nagato and Konan.

“Since Naruto-sama spoke, then I will retreat first.”

Zhao Yuchen saw that Tsunade didn’t seem to be in a hurry, and guessed that she had some way to know the life safety of Nara Lujiu and others, and her heart was slightly relieved.

“Nagato, Konan, you guys go to my house first.”

“After breakfast, I’ll take you around Konoha.”

Hearing this, Nagato and Xiaonan naturally had no objections.

The two Yugito are a little unhappy, they both came together, why didn’t they bring her?

“As for Miss Yugito, I’ll take you to the inn to find Miss Samui first.”

Hearing this, Yukito pressed his heart unhappy.

She had forgotten that she had someone in Konoha, and it was indeed different from Nagato.

[The person just left the Hokage office, and it was determined that Ye Cang’s wife and Shikakusai had not returned to the village, and there was no news at all, guessing what happened to them. ] 】

[Tsunade behaved very strangely, I think she should be able to know the situation on Ye Cang’s wife and their side, so calmly let me leave, should know that there is no big problem on their side. ] 】

[Well, although death is not terrible for me, I can be resurrected anyway, but it feels different in the end, and my lively and cute wife Ino and the gentle Hinata wife will definitely be sad for a while, maybe I can wash my face in tears, I don’t want to see such a scene. ] 】

[It’s okay, I’ll go home first to see if my Hinata’s wife has improved.] 】

“It’s really the same as he said, he is a big foodie, he knows how to eat.”

At the gate of the Feather Dust Mansion, Hinata, who had already begun to grow hair, smiled slightly, and his eyes were full of joy.

After all, Zhao Yuchen was worried so much, it seemed that he just didn’t want her and Jing Ye to be emotionally lost.

Indeed, for Yuchen, death is not scary at all, what is there to worry about?

This man is really gentle in the details.

“Therefore, foodies should be matched with foodies.”

Hinata walked through the gate with brisk steps.

On the other side, Ino, who was coming to Yuchen’s mansion, only felt that his heart was leaking.

Immediately after, she felt that honey melted in her heart, surging to every cell in her body, and the whole person seemed to become sweet.

It turned out that all of Brother Yuchen’s worries were just to take care of her mood.

Shouldn’t a man who is so gentle to the details of himself love to death without mentioning other conditions?

“Sakula sauce.” Ino suddenly turned his head to look at the electric pole to one side.


Sakura behind the pole was stunned.

However, she was following with the disguise technique that ninjas are good at, and was easily discovered by Ino.

Isn’t that meant to taunt her or question her.

Showing half her head, Sakura said with a little embarrassment: “Ino, what a coincidence.” ”

“Coincidentally?” Ino smiled meaningfully and asked, “Don’t you have to go on a mission today?” ”

“The time agreed with Kakashi-sensei hasn’t arrived yet.” Sakura saw that Ino didn’t intend to ask, and her heart relaxed.

But immediately after, a voice sounded in her head.

What to instigate, what to be questioned, directly ask the questions you care about!

“No wonder there was time to follow me.” Ino turned his head around.

Sakura was directly dumbfounded, and immediately after the little face turned red, she was about to argue.

But at this time, Ino walked up to her, reached out and hugged her hard, but soon parted again, and smiled: “Sakura, I’m in a good mood today, so I forgive you and my former self.” ”

“Let’s reconcile, still the best girlfriend of the time.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not the slightest bit interested in a little fart like Sasuke Uchiha.”

“To tell you the truth, you used to say you liked it, and I shouted to play.”

“Not anymore.”

Saying that, Ino reached out and touched Sakura’s broad forehead and smiled, “Actually, I’ve always wanted to say that this one is still very beautiful.” ”

Sakura: ???

Sakura: !!!

Sakura: ⊙⊙ (Read the Violent Novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

Damn, why can this Ino be so mature and so attractive?

God, why can Ino be so handsome when he says these words!?

In such a comparison, he simply don’t hang himself, like a little brat.

It’s really handsome to be so dismissive of Sasuke!

What made Ino like this!?

“I’ll go to Brother Yuchen’s house first to have a round with Sister Xiyan, and then go shopping and watch movies together when I have time.”

“Next time, you don’t have to stalk me secretly, come up and say hello generously.”

Reaching out and tapping Sakura on the shoulder, Ino turned dashingly, his steps appearing brisk.

She hummed an unknown ditty in her mouth, and everyone could feel that she was in a good mood.

At least Sakura looked at her and felt that she exuded… Sour smell?

“Brother Feather?”

“Teacher Yuchen!”

When Ino disappeared around the corner of the street, Sakura returned to something.

Thinking of what Ino said just now, she felt that she had found the reason why the other party had changed so much.

“Is it the same as the love manga says, falling in love with someone older than yourself can make you progress?”

Sakura fell into a strange contemplative atmosphere until Naruto’s voice sounded beside her.

More and more, she felt that children were really boring.

For these two episodes, obviously not many people will care.

After all the women saw Yu Chen’s words, a smile instinctively appeared on the corners of their mouths.

Following “My woman, of course, there is a difference between other women”, Yuchen shows his tenderness and thoughtfulness through a small detail.

Today’s Hinata Ino is naturally the future of them, isn’t it?

“Dress up nicely and go for breakfast.”

Feeling that her makeup was not perfect, Sunset returned to the bathroom.

“It’s time to take on my challenge today.” Yuzuki Xiyan took out a katana and wiped it.

How do you have to lose, so that it is not so fake but fast?

“Yugito, you will definitely regret it.” A triumphant smile appeared at the corner of Samui’s mouth.

The snow plum blooms, and the world is beautiful.

The women had their own feelings in their hearts.

Only one person was a little confused.

[Ye Cang]: I said sisters, I’m still in danger, what are you doing in the fifth generation, I still want Yuchen to personally come and rescue me.

[Ino]: Brother Hachichen has been busy for so many days before returning to Konoha, can you be considerate?

【Leaf Warehouse】:??? No, there’s someone next to you who is your father, right?

[Ino]: That’s true, but I don’t have to go to the rescue.

[Ye Cang]: I really am

[Ye Cang]: It’s not the dust that comes to the rescue, even if the god of the ninja world comes, we will die.

【卯月西言】: What do you mean? Why does it have to be a feather king?

[Ye Cang]: So you guys, you guys have been making forks, and you haven’t known if I’m speaking now or Nara Shikaku and they are desperately fighting for, so let me be quiet.

[Ye Cang]: The reason why we couldn’t come back and couldn’t get in touch with the outside world was because we were trapped in an enchantment when we rescued people, and the person I saved was named Ziyuan, a witch of the Devil Country.

[Tsunade]: Witch of Oni Country!?

[Samui]: It’s actually a witch in the country of devils!

All the women who knew the information about the witches of the Ghost Country were shocked.

The women who had heard of it were naturally confused, but they didn’t ask more, because they knew that someone would definitely come out to solve their confusion.

[Samui]: The witches of the Oni Country are very special, they…

Sure enough, Samui answered the doubts in everyone’s hearts.

After learning about the witch’s deeds and abilities, all the women were surprised in their hearts.

Even Datumu Kaguya’s heart set off a small wave: “It turned out to be this witch who inherited part of the power of the concubine’s body.” ”

“So, the predicament they are experiencing now is brought about by the eels?”

“If so, they may not have the opportunity to be resurrected after they die.”

“Concubines, do you want to tell them for a long time?”

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