
Kaguya closed his eyes and kept himself from reading the contents of the group chat of the copy of the diary.

She felt that she was influenced by some unknown force, and her thoughts began to become inferior and weak.

As the daughter of the original clan of the Datumu clan, the goddess of the moon, she is superior.

She used to be high, how could she care about these ants?

Hesitation, thinking, is her sign of cowardice.

“Humans want me to speak too?”

Kaguya turned his heart into dead silence without the slightest fluctuation.

For all this, naturally no outsiders know, and the women are still chatting.

[Sunset Red]: Predicting the future? What a great ability.

Tsunade: It’s not a prophecy in the true sense of the word, but a future fragment where a person is about to die.

Samui: That’s right, the witches of the Devil Country can’t use this ability as they want, and there are limits to the future they can see, only the death of those around them in an extreme time.

[Red Bean]: I think this is also very powerful, if you have this ability, you can help the people around you avoid death, right?

Know in advance what will die for, can’t you avoid it?

[Tsunade]: If this is the case, the witch of the ghost country has long been robbed by the major hidden villages, in fact, the witch sees that the future is the established fate “six nine seven”, even if you know in advance and make various precautions, you can’t avoid it, and it will eventually come true.

Samyi: I remember that the records of Yunyin Village wrote that for hundreds of years, witches tried to use their abilities to change the fate of those around them countless times, and some hidden villages and ninja tried to turn witches into mascots to avoid evil, but all of them failed without exception.

[Tiantian]: Then this ability is better than not, knowing in advance that the people around you are going to die but trying their best to change it, how tormented will it be?

[Xiangphos]: Yes, when my mother told me that I had three months to live at most, I lived every day in a muddy and tormented heart, and thanks to Brother Yuchen, I changed all this.

[Terumi]: You are really pervasive, but I won’t talk about you this time, after all, Yuchen is indeed a heartwarming and excellent man, and he has the power to change our destiny.

[Kurotsuchi]: Yes, if we are just characters in the anime in the eyes of Hachichen, we have a set destiny, and we will all be able to change after his arrival, such as the resurrection of Kushina and Mikoto’s sister.

[Ye Cang]: You are right, which is why I said that we must let the dust come to our rescue.

[Ye Cang]: Like us, the witch Ziyuan of this generation also has a copy of the diary, because she has almost no chakra, so I did not pull her into the group for the time being.

[Ye Cang]: Ziyuan has been very tormented before, and even indifferent to the people around him because they are afraid of the death of their relatives and sadness, and the people of the Devil Country have also regarded the ability of witches as a curse for thousands of years, and even thought that they brought death.

[Ye Cang]: Until half a month ago, after Ziyuan had a copy of her diary, she found that her maid’s fate of dying had been rewritten, and the rewritten picture appeared in the feather dust lord, which means that feather dust can change the fate of anyone in this world who must die.

[Hakura]: Shiyuan thinks that this is the salvation of the witch line given to them by heaven, and the best husband given to her by fate, so she sets off for Konoha, but she is attacked by the monsters who have strangely recovered halfway.

Kurama Yakumo: I have vision, I like it, and I must save it.

[Hakura]: Yes, Nara Shikahisa and I came to the rescue, because we were worried that the reincarnated body of the dirt would be destroyed, so I didn’t have time to enter the group and talk until now.

[Hakura]: Shien told me that she had seen the picture of Nara Shikaku and they would die in seven days, so I asked them to buy me time, now come to your rescue, you must let the dust come to the rescue.

[Hakura]: We are now located on an island south of the Land of Iron and east of the Land of Fire, and it is probably right to find this place, you guys look at the arrangement, I will go down first.

[Hakura]: Although I can still be resurrected, I hope I don’t die again!

After quickly finishing a series of words, Ye Cang immediately went offline, creating five fireballs at the same time.


Four fireballs flew out, just enough to devour the two armored puppets that appeared behind Nara Shikahisa and Yamanaka Haichi.

The last fireball flew towards the rear, destroying an armored golem that emerged from the ground.

“Phew!” Ye Cang breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, an armor puppet suddenly appeared from the ground under its feet, stretching out two hands at the same time.

“Get out!”

Flames appeared directly under Ye Cang’s feet.

The armor puppet instantly turned into dust and dispersed.

But Ye Cang stumbled and almost fell.

“Sister Ye Cang!” Ziyuan immediately stepped forward to help Ye Cang.

“I’m okay.” Ye Cang smiled lightly, but a solemn look flashed in his eyes.

Just now, she obviously felt that she was caught by the armor puppet and her soul was out of her body, and she couldn’t control this filthy body.

If the armor puppet proves to hurt her, it is very likely that her soul will leave her body completely and return to the Pure Land.

The strange power that directly acts on the soul, the soil rebirth This is the encounter with the nemesis!

“Sister Ye Cang, will Brother Yuchen come to rescue us?” Aster purple eyes were filled with anticipation.

“Don’t worry, it will come.” Ye Cang took a bite, his eyes confident.

The stinky man is so gentle and considerate to Hinata and Ino and calls her wife, how can he not come?

“That’s good.” Ziyuan breathed a sigh of relief and muttered, “Otherwise, you will really die.” ”

In the future she saw, Nara Shikaku and the others would be killed in seven days, and their souls would be sent to a dead life instead of entering the Pure Land Yellow Spring, and there would be no chance of resurrection.

“Don’t worry.” Ye Cang comforted Ziyuan.

Even if they die, the dust can bring people back to life.

But these things, there is no need to say so clearly now.

In the group chat at this time, the women were relieved again.

[Samui]: Calm down, fate is set, inevitable, then Shien said that Nara Shikaku they still have seven days to die, or it can be said that they will not die in seven days.

[Yuzuki Yuyan]: It can indeed be understood that Tsunade-sama can arrange for someone to determine the location of the island first, and then let Hachi go after today.

[Tsunade]: I understand, so I don’t have to worry about being too suspicious and being found by Hachi-kun.

[Yukito]: Samui, I’m following Hachi to you now, will you take me around Konoha?

Samui: No, I followed Yuchen to his house for breakfast. Hinata, Hinata’s sister, add me.

[Xiangphos]: Welcome, welcome, today it is me and Hinata-chan who are in charge of cooking, in other words, sister Samui, shouldn’t you be far away from Brother Yuchen?

[Samui]: Although I think so in my heart, but Yukito pits me, I can’t show anything strange, I can only show my crush on Hachi-kun, just a disguise, ninja must

。 (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

[Terumei]: Hehe, pretend, you continue to pretend.


Samui: Yugito, go to Kyushu for breakfast by yourself, and when the meal is over, I will guide you.

Yukito: If you say so, then I will also go to Hachen-kun’s house for breakfast, and then pestered him to give me a guide.

Samui: Calm and obedient.

Yukito: Hehe, I have already asked Hachen-kun what he means, and he has agreed.

Samui: You guy

[Terumi]: Terrible.

“This woman has so many hearts and eyes, she can’t afford to provoke her.” Terumi rubbed her shoulders.

She then returned to the room and muttered, “Change into clothes that show off your figure.” ”

[Kaguya]: Huh.


Why did this Kaguya-hime suddenly come out!

[Mikoto]: You… Sick?


All the women laughed in unison.

As soon as your words came out, they thought that Mikoto’s transformation should respect Kaguya a little.

I didn’t expect it to be foreshadowing.

“Abominable inferior woman!”

Kaguya subconsciously clenched his fists, but then smiled: “It’s okay, I can enjoy your desperate expressions right away.” ”

Kaguya: The ability of the witch to prophesy is given by a concubine to seal the evil thoughts of chaotic gods from another mysterious continent.

[Mikoto]: Powerful, powerful, worthy of being the ancestor of Chakra, what power does the ninja world not come from you?

[Kaguya]: Ignorant guy, there is a local cultivation method in this world, which is inherited by temples in various countries, and can directly cultivate natural chakra, which has nothing to do with the concubine body, but it has only initially developed, and the concubine body is not valued.

Hearing this, Mikoto’s expression froze slightly.

Himself, this belongs to the knowledge level has been reduced to the dimensionality and slapped in the face, right?

But it’s okay, Kaguya doesn’t understand green tea.

[Mikoto]: Thank you for informing the ancestor, the ancestor is so good, telling us that there is an exclusive cultivation method in this world, I asked Yuchen, maybe it can help deal with the big tube wood in the future.

[Kaguya]: Ru can have this idea, good, there is growth.

Mikoto: “…”

This woman seems to be a little dumbfounded.


The women laughed again.

Jiu Shinna put her arm around Mikoto’s shoulders, and the laughing flower branches trembled 5.2: “Mikoto, you still don’t scare her, I feel a little bullied.” ”

“I really want to bully her, and I can’t send her to the little black room again?” Mikoto didn’t have a good airway.

“Cut, you think I don’t know what you’re thinking, Kaguya can talk to be fun.” Jiu Xinnai said with a smile.

Mikoto did not answer, but continued to speak in the group chat.

[Mikoto]: Kaguya-hime, what do you mean when you mention the witch’s ability?

[Kaguya]: Oh, that chaotic god is just a divine thought, but the concubine body can’t be killed and can only be sealed, how strong do you think?

Kaguya: Tell you, that mysterious land, but even concubines and feathers they can’t get involved in.

[Kaguya]: Even if the power displayed by the chaotic god is only through the puppet, it is a high-level, high-level, high-realm.

[Kaguya]: If ordinary people are killed by the power of the ghost, their souls are all infected, and their souls are either scattered or sent to wash their lives.

[Kaguya]: In other words, the resurrection is useless to them!

After saying these words, Kaguya-hime revealed a bright and grim smile.

Despair, give despair to concubines.

Please the concubine with your despair.

But the next moment, the smile on her face froze.

“Are these human women thinking abnormal?”

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