The enemy was so fast that he could not catch him.

Bai Qi seemed to have disappeared from this world out of thin air. This was impossible! With his observation Haki, he could catch the enemy no matter how fast he was.

He was confident that this kid was not caught because he was too fast. So it should be... spatial displacement! Is this kid's fruit ability?

Hawkeye Mihawk was confused. How many devil fruit abilities did this kid have? He had the ability to freeze like Aokiji, the ability to shake the fruit like Whitebeard, and now he had the ability to move in space!

To fight against such an opponent, you must be very alert!

The next attack of this kid will definitely determine the outcome of this duel! Hawkeye Mihawk showed a fearful look for the first time.

This kind of opponent is a guy that I have never met in all these years!

Sure enough, Bai Qi suddenly appeared out of thin air behind Hawkeye, but it was too late.

Bai Qi's advanced armed color wrapped around Fubuki, and Fubuki excitedly kept making a dragon-like sound. Are you excited too, Fubuki? The number one swordsman is about to lose to us!

Rayleigh, who was watching the battle, showed a shocked expression. What kind of attack method is this? How did he disappear out of thin air?

Because Bai Qi and Hawkeye were so fast, Pluto Rayleigh naturally activated his observation color domineering to capture them.

In the battle between Bai Qi and Hawkeye, he was a bystander and everything was under his control. But just now, Bai Qi really disappeared out of thin air!

Space fruit ability? Pluto Rayleigh fell into a state of confusion.

This is a terrible skill. Not only attacking, but also defending. The owner of this sudden disappearance skill is absolutely natural to observation color!

"This kid is getting more and more shocking! An attack method that disappears out of thin air? To be honest, I want it too..." Pluto Rayleigh showed an envious expression.

Zoro, who was standing by, saw Pluto Rayleigh's expression and was puzzled. His strength was too low, and he could not catch the battle between Hawkeye and Bai Qi in the sky. He could only hear the crackling sound of swords colliding in the sky.

And the afterimages left behind, this higher-level attack method that suddenly disappeared out of thin air, Zoro naturally did not see.

However, based on Rayleigh's expression, Zoro also roughly deduced that in the battle between Bai Qi and Hawkeye, someone must have used an attack method that shocked Pluto Rayleigh~

I just don't know whether it was Hawkeye or Bai Qi?


"Light speed slash!" Bai Qi shouted.

A real slash that reached the speed of light appeared, and this burst of energy was released less than one meter away from Hawkeye.

Even Hawkeye could hardly dodge such a close-range, light-speed slash. Hawkeye had to hold his big black sword against his chest and open the high-level armed color armor for defense!

But it was still too slow. Bai Qi's slash had already appeared and rushed towards Hawkeye in an instant. The light-speed slash collided with Hawkeye's black sword, and there was a loud bang! Then it rushed to the sea from just one centimeter away from Hawkeye's head.

After the loud bang, a cloud of smoke rose from the place where Bai Qi and Hawkeye collided.

After the light-speed white slash reached the sea, the entire sea underwent a drastic change, and the entire sea area was frozen.

The powerful attack method instantly attracted the attention of everyone present!

"Why is this so similar to... Admiral Aokiji's Ice Age!" Zoro said with his eyes wide open.

Ice Age! Zoro was fortunate enough to have seen it before! But that is the ability of the devil fruit!

How could Bai Qi have the devil fruit ability of Aokiji? Are there two identical devil fruits? Zoro's head is so big. This newcomer who is newer than himself really shocks him again and again!

That powerful energy can turn the sea between several islands into ice!

This also reminds Zoro of what Pluto Rayleigh once said, which stimulated him. If Bai Qi and himself were born in the same world, he would never become the world's number one swordsman!

Damn! Is reality really so cruel?

Pluto Rayleigh was also amazed. This kid is really strong.

"What a powerful attack!" Pluto Rayleigh murmured. Rayleigh could feel that this slash was completely comparable to the world released by Hawkeye just now!

This slash, the battlefield

Rayleigh, Zoro, and Perona all showed exaggerated expressions. The scene was too shocking!

The entire sea was frozen in an instant! Such an attack can be compared with Hawkeye's Great Thousand World Slash!


The shocked Pluto Rayleigh now had his eyes wide open. "This kid... this kid."

Before he finished speaking, the entire island shook. The frozen sea suddenly boiled again, and the entire sea made a kappa sound, and then cracks appeared one by one. In the end, it turned into pieces of ice and ice slag!

Even on the island, there were cracks, and deep cracks appeared on the ground. The entire sea was completely boiling, and it rushed to the island angrily.

The sea was mixed with various broken trees, creatures in the sea, ice, and ice slag, all running rampant!

The baboons in the cave before, these human imitators who gave Zoro a headache, fell into a state of crazy fear one by one.

The fear from the deepest part of the soul instantly infected the entire baboon group. Pile of baboons were running wildly, and some baboons were directly knocked away by their powerful companions~

The entire baboon group was in chaos, as if a doomsday escape drama was being released!

On the battlefield, Rayleigh looked at the battle situation in the sky for a long time without saying a word. The attack of this kid is now really effective.

This burst of energy, the arrogant attack that caused an earthquake and tsunami, this...isn't it the super attack method of Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world?

At the same time, Pluto Rayleigh looked up at the sky, Aokiji's Ice Age, Whitebeard's shock attack, could this kid steal other people's devil fruit attacks?

This is too incredible! This kind of thing has never been heard of in the entire history, recording that someone can steal other people's devil fruit attack methods!

I really don't know if Hawkeye can withstand such a strong slash...

On the sky battlefield, finally... the smoke dissipated, revealing two figures, naturally the protagonist of this battle, the leader of the Whitebeard Pirates, Bai Qi, and the world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk!

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