The battle was over, and the battle was over.

"It appeared!" Perona said excitedly. Everyone turned their eyes to Bai Qi and Hawkeye Mihawk in the sky.

"Is the battle over?" Zoro asked innocently. Seeing that neither of them was injured in the sky, Zoro naturally couldn't tell who won.

Zoro and Perona looked at Rayleigh. Among these people, only Rayleigh could see the trend of this battle~

The battle of the world's greatest swordsman! I'm afraid everyone wants to know the answer!

If the island where Hawkeye lives is not an isolated island, but a populated place, then this battle will definitely be filmed by countless people.

Sample, the battle for the position of the world's greatest swordsman. If you take a picture of it and sell it to a newspaper, you may not be able to spend all the money in your lifetime!

Pluto Rayleigh lit a cigarette, took a puff slowly, and calmed down. Then he slowly said: "From my observation Haki just now, Bai Qi disappeared just now..."

"Disappeared out of thin air? What do you mean?" Zoro and Perona said with puzzled eyes.

"It means disappearing from this world, and then suddenly appearing again!" This is Pluto Rayleigh's own explanation, and there is only one possible explanation at present!

Otherwise, how do you understand that this kid can reach the back of Hawkeye with a teleport?

Hearing this, Zoro and Perona both showed shocked expressions. Such an attacking move is too abnormal! No one wants to fight with this guy who has the ability to suddenly disappear and then suddenly reappear. Let's fight~

This attack method is somewhat similar to Luo's, but Luo has restrictions and needs certain objects as replacements, and Bai Qi's attack method is completely unreasonable in Zoro's opinion~

Fighting with such a person, you may be killed by the enemy at any time~

Pluto Rayleigh took another puff of cigarette, and then continued: "Bai Qi, that kid, suddenly disappeared out of thin air and appeared in front of Hawkeye, and then there was that sharp slash."

That sharp slash... Zoro is now very scary when he thinks back. The whole earth and the sea are boiling, and earthquakes and tsunamis appear at the same time, like a natural disaster, like the end of the world!

"Just after Bai Qi's slash, Bai Qi and Hawkeye Mihawk both stopped, so it can be concluded that Bai Qi won this battle." Rayleigh's eyes reflected a white light.

"Bai Qi won?!" Roronoa Zoro said with shocked eyes. This was really beyond his expectation.

In his mind, although Bai Qi was also very strong, Hawkeye was a perfect existence in his mind. Zoro always thought that this battle would end with Hawkeye winning half a move!

But now Pluto Rayleigh told him the result... It turned out that the little boy won!

Perona was also full of disbelief. Is the world's number one swordsman really going to change?

I have followed Hawkeye for so many years. Which time didn't I see those famous visitors from the New World being defeated by Hawkeye one by one?

Even the Four Emperors Red Hair Shanks, before the challenge of the broken hand, had never defeated the man in front of him~

This little boy who came out of the New World recently, this newcomer... unexpectedly, actually defeated Hawkeye Mihawk. From now on, the world's number one swordsman will change? !

This is a big event that shocked the world! It seems that it is not a loss to come here according to the request of the green algae head. I wonder how many swordsmen in this world want to witness this great battle~

And I am lucky to be able to see it.

Although Rayleigh looks calm now, only he knows the turbulent waves in his heart.

As a swordsman, I know better than anyone how valuable the title of the world's greatest swordsman is!

Even the vice-captain of the Roger Pirates is not worthy of that title now! But... this eight-year-old kid actually has it!

This kid is stronger than I thought. In the next war between Whitebeard and the Navy, Hawkeye joined, and Bai Qi himself was still so perverted.

Rayleigh began to recall what Bai Qi said to him on Sabaody Island. Bai Qi vowed that this war would end with Whitebeard's victory.

Now it seems that this kid has already calculated it~ Bai Qi at that time did not brag, everything was carried out according to Bai Qi's ideas.

Terrible! This little ghost is not only strong

Big, even the strategy is so powerful, this... is this still a person?

If you have to use the word perfect to describe a person, then in Rayleigh's opinion, only Bai Qi can be the person.

A man who is perfect in talent, strength, and intelligence!

Hawkeye Mihawk in the sky was stunned for a while. Looking at Bai Qi's doomsday-like slash.

The sea was frozen, and then the sea was shaken into pieces, tsunamis, earthquakes, these natural disasters followed one after another.

The whole island was submerged by the sea. Looking around, the whole island was considered sea water and various floating debris.

Under the sea water of the island, this piece of land must be full of scars. Under the slash of himself and Bai Qi, this island is definitely full of gaps.

If Bai Qi and I don't decide the winner, this island will disappear from this world completely in the future!

Watching Bai Qi's light-speed slash pass through his face. A bunch of his hair was cut off, and Hawkeye Mihawk's eyes were strange. "You won this battle, Bai Qi! From now on, you are the world's number one swordsman!" Hawkeye said heavily.

"I will keep my promise and join the Bai Group in the next war, and fight the navy to the death." Hawkeye continued.

Bai Qi naturally believed Mihawk's words. This proud man would naturally not do such a thing as breaking his promise.

"Hawkeye, you are also very strong!" Bai Qi said with a fist. This is Bai Qi's words from the heart. Hawkeye Mihawk's world, to be honest, if he doesn't use the flash skill, it's hard to say who will win or lose in the end.

"You don't need to comfort me, Bai Qi, your strength is above mine." Hawkeye said lightly.

At the same time, a trace of excitement unexpectedly appeared in his eyes. "Bai Qi, I'm not sad. There is hope for my sword path again. It's you who let me see hope!" Hawkeye said with surprise.

"I originally thought that I had reached the pinnacle of kendo, but in fact, I was just making excuses for my bottleneck. I haven't reached the pinnacle of kendo yet, otherwise how could I lose to you?" Hawkeye Mihawk said seriously.

Bai Qi was speechless. It turned out that Hawkeye was a lonesome guy. Are masters always so different...

"Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for defeating Hawkeye and becoming the world's number one swordsman! Reward: a flame sword (comparable to the supreme big sword) (can release flame effect).

Get the skill Taoyuan Shirataki!

System, open the panel and take a look.

Host: Bai Qi

Age: 8 years old

Occupation: Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates

Fruit: Tremor-Tremor Fruit (ignore the sea) (Advanced level triggers tsunamis and earthquakes, disaster level)

Heroic: Armament Color Domination Qi (Advanced) Observation Haki (Advanced) Conqueror Haki (Intermediate)

Skills: Light Speed ​​Slash 10 times (consume once) Instantly slash the enemy, reaching the speed of light!

Flash skill 5 times (move to any space within 100 meters instantly)

Rebound skill 5 times (rebound the attack to the enemy in the same form within one second)

Invincible Golden Body: 5 times. (After using, the body remains invincible for a period of time. The current state is 10 seconds)

Mogen Shirataki (Dual Sword Skill)

Item: Incomplete Devil Fruit Illustration {3 out of 10}

Carp Fruit , Tenjo Gold (50 billion berries), 8 billion berries, Rain Rain Fruit, Famous Sword Blowing Snow (with additional ice and snow special effects), Beat Beat Fruit, Flame Sword

Basic attributes:

Power: Capped

Defense: Capped

Agility: Capped

Endurance: Capped

Peach Garden White Dragon? Isn't this Oden's move? Bai Qi showed a happy expression. To be honest, he quite likes Light Oden. That move, Peach Garden White Dragon, is so cool~

It can completely replace Light Speed ​​Slash. The most important thing is that this skill is not a consumable, and you can always use it! This will definitely be very useful in the upcoming war.

This is the purpose of the system rewarding another sword, right? Two-sword style Taoyuan Shirataki? As long as you have two swords, you can release such a move.

Seeing that the island has been submerged by the sea, Bai Qi touched his head awkwardly. "I'm sorry, Hawkeye, your island is..."

Bai Qi was really embarrassed that he fought on someone else's territory and turned their nest into a doomsday scene.

"It's nothing. It's nothing to be able to comprehend the way of the sword." As a swordsman, Hawkeye was not angry at this time, but a happy face.

The bottleneck that he had not broken through for so many years can finally be broken through in the future. As long as the swordsman passes the hurdle in his heart, his swordsmanship will be strengthened.

And the hurdle in Hawkeye Mihawk's heart is that the title of the world's greatest swordsman makes him feel

I have reached the peak and can no longer move forward!

Speaking of which, I really have to thank Bai Qi.

Hawkeye said to Perona: "Those animal imitators are still here. It's safe here. You stay here. I will participate in a dangerous war. You just clean up this island here."

"What? You bastard, you think we are your servants? Clean up? Look at what this island has become!" Perona said unhappily.

However, Perona will naturally not go to the next war with Hawkeye. That is the contest between the world's most powerful pirate group Whitebeard and the Navy Headquarters. I am not stupid enough to die.

As for Zoro, a straight man with a poor sense of direction. Now he wants to go back to practice quickly. He seems to have realized something from the battle just now.

He will definitely defeat all those human imitators with his own strength and leave here openly to meet Luffy.

As for Luffy, he was still acting stupid on the Nine Snake Island... Granny Snake hadn't announced the news of Ace's arrest yet.

Before the war, the whole world seemed very quiet, but behind this quietness there were undercurrents of various forces.

At this time, the Onigashima Island was covered with dark clouds, and Kaido, the Beast, was convening a meeting.

The first thing was the election, who would replace Jack the Drought, that silly thing...

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