The shock wave that transformed into the form of a Buddha was actually blocked by Bai Qi, which shocked the people around him again.

"This... this kid named Bai Qi, facing Marshal Sengoku and Iron Fist Garp, he didn't lose the upper hand?!" A navy showed a shocked expression, his eyes were wide open, it was really shocking!

This sentence also attracted the surrounding navy to look sideways, looking at Bai Qi.

"Are you kidding? Can this kid resist the legendary navy hero?" A major general, who had personally witnessed Garp's iron fist, smashed the head of a big pirate in the North Sea.

An eight-year-old kid actually resisted the attack of the golden combination. This is impossible. This kid must have eaten some fruit to be so abnormal.

When the wise general Kizaru uses his super intelligence to analyze the ability of the great pirate Bai Qi, I believe that the iron fists of Sengoku and Garp will definitely smash this kid to pieces.

Vice Admiral Smoker was holding the seastone weapon in his hand at this time, his face full of fatigue. Fortunately, Empress Hancock went to deal with other navy, otherwise he really couldn't hold on!

Smoker smoked the cigar in his mouth and looked at the execution platform. His eyes suddenly became solemn, and his lips trembled as he said: "This kid named Bai Qi is the guy who refused the Seven Warlords of the Sea back then. I didn't expect that it has only been a short time? Is he so strong already!" Smoker showed an extremely shocked look.

An eight-year-old kid was able to resist the hard attack of the Navy Marshal. This strength is really terrifying!

Maybe there is some special ability or skill? Smoker also firmly believed that Bai Qi could not possibly have such strong strength.

He must have achieved this strength in a short period of time through some means. I believe that once the battle lasts, he will be defeated!

On the battlefield, Ghost Spider released countless sword energy, using his multiple arms to rush towards Ace and Luffy with sharp slashes.

"Wow! So fast!" Luffy said in surprise. This was faster than Lucci's six-style storm kick when he was fighting CP9. Luffy could sense that if he was hit by such a sharp slash, even if he was a rubber man, he would be penetrated!

"Mirror Fire!" A huge wall of fire suddenly appeared, and the sharp slashes were blocked one after another.

Ghost Spider was about to continue to suppress, but was attracted by the loud sound of the shock wave on the execution platform. He slowly looked at the execution platform...

"Hmph, scumbag, a criminal of the new era, it is your honor to die under the shock wave of Marshal Zhan Guo! This kind of garbage should be sent to the big prison and tortured to death!" Ghost Spider said viciously, holding the sword in his hand tightly.

But the next scene made Ghost Spider completely confused. The vicious criminal named Bai Qi, the little devil of the evil era, just took a few steps back, and then there was nothing else...

Just like that, he resisted it unscathed? What a terrifying guy in the new era...

A trace of coldness flashed in Ghost Spider's eyes. If the justice of the navy is to be maintained, this little devil must die! At present, the threat of Bai Qi to the navy is too great, no less than that of Whitebeard!

The chief staff officer Crane covered his head again. The adjutant beside him hurriedly brought some anti-sickness medicine and handed it to the staff officer Crane.

Vice Admiral He ignored the adjutant and fixed his eyes on the kid Bai Qi.

Not only does he possess the secret skills of the Kingdom of Peace, but his own physical fitness is also so strong? If this kid named Bai Qi does not die in this battle, then... it can be imagined that when this guy grows up, he will be more terrifying than Rocks!

Rocks had Garp and Roger to suppress him back then. But now... looking at the navy around on the battlefield, the current navy's combat effectiveness is not as good as before.

After this group of old guys leave the world one by one, who can stop Bai Qi? Count on these newcomers? I'm afraid that the strength of these newcomers is not enough for Bai Qi~

Thinking of this, Vice Admiral He stroked his forehead again. Now he was not only dizzy, but also had a headache...

Kizaru, who was in the sky above the battlefield, fired a yellow light of the eight-foot mirror when fighting with Pluto Rayleigh. While Pluto Rayleigh was dodging, he looked at the execution platform.

On the forehead

I broke out in a cold sweat. Bai Qi, the guy who once broke my arm, this scary kid, how come he seems to have grown up again?

I had never thought that he could survive the angry attack from Sengoku after he transformed into a big Buddha.

I originally thought that Bai Qi's special move was the kid's spatial displacement ability and the shock damage, which was more restrained against a natural fruit ability user like me.

But now it seems that Bai Qi is definitely an all-round player, and he can already fight against the legendary Garp and Sengoku!

"What's wrong, Kizaru, did you think about the fact that Bai Qi broke your arm?" After dodging Kizaru's eight-foot mirror, Pluto Rayleigh came to Kizaru again and chopped him off again.

The corners of Pluto Rayleigh's mouth rose slightly. Bai Qi, this guy, is indeed a guy who can do unexpected things. Now Pluto Rayleigh finally understood why Bai Qi sent his gang of foreign aid to just contain the generals and lieutenant generals.

It seems that this kid Bai Qi has the strength to fight against the legendary Navy Golden Combination!

On the battlefield, Diamond Joz rushed violently and smashed an ice-element clone of Admiral Aokiji.

After hearing the explosive sound of the execution platform, he looked up at the execution platform. "Are you kidding? Such a powerful attack, Bai Qi, this kid, was blocked by just two swords?" Diamond Joz said with trembling lips.

This kind of strong physique is completely above this big guy!

The last time I talked on the phone, I was still thinking that I could improve my strength through my own efforts, and there was still hope to fight Bai Qi, but now it seems... Bai Qi, the newcomer, has surpassed me by a level~

Bai Qi is now a peerless strongman at the same level as his father Whitebeard!

This made Joz a little excited, and at the same time there was a hint of jealousy~ Damn, God is really unfair, some people are born with terrible talents!

When the entire naval battle was at its most intense stage, a group of albatrosses suddenly appeared in the sky above the battlefield. The birds were pulling a small house, and a woman slowly walked out from the house.

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