The body of Zhan Guo swelled again.

"Little devil, I advise you not to be too arrogant." Zhan Guo said almost roaringly. He stared at Bai Qi with eyes like angry King Kong. Bai Qi's operation made Zhan Guo more determined to kill Bai Qi here.

"Good job, Zhan Guo, show us our momentum back then!" Garp's eyes were round and he looked serious.

"Finger gun Huanglian!" Garp swelled his terrifying muscles, used his fingers as weapons, and launched an offensive like a machine gun storm.

The terrifying attack, every blow seemed to poke a big hole in the space. In addition to the powerful force, the temperature around was heated up because of the friction generated by Garp's attack.

Because of the overdrawn just now, Whitebeard's body reaction has obviously slowed down.

He used his supreme sword to barely resist Garp's stormy attack, and he was hit by Garp's two finger guns.

Two blood holes appeared on Whitebeard's abdomen, and his breathing began to quicken.

"Shave!" Garp took advantage of the victory and came directly behind Whitebeard in an instant.

"Raisin kick, Kai bird!" Garp swung a bird-shaped storm kick behind Whitebeard, and a bird-shaped shock wave went directly to Whitebeard's back.

A trace of cold sweat appeared on Whitebeard's forehead. Garp was a man, and the years did not leave too many traces on him.

And he had already declined seriously. Whitebeard tried his best to twist his body and put his supreme sword Kusukuni Kiri horizontally on his chest. Kusukuni Kiri and Kai bird collided violently.

With a rumbling sound!

Whitebeard placed his supreme sword horizontally, and put his feet half a meter deep into the ground. He was actually knocked back a hundred meters away. The ground was covered with two deep marks left by Whitebeard's resistance.

In the sky, inside the bird house, Morgan Gans' eyes showed a serious look. He murmured: "Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, is injured! It seems that this war has come to an end..."

Once Garp fights Whitebeard and has an advantage, there is no doubt that Bai Qi will also face huge pressure. Under the joint attack of Sengoku and Garp, Bai Qi will hardly last three rounds!

"Little guys, if nothing goes wrong, the war is about to end, and take good pictures for me." Morgan Gans said seriously.

"Yes!" Reporters and news editors all threw themselves into their own battles, snap! The sound of the machine operation fee increased again.

No one noticed that the fingers of the intern who was praised before were shaking in a regular pattern, as if sending some signal...

On the battlefield, Vice Admiral Tsuru kept an eye on the battle movements of these top masters at any time, and his frowning brows finally relaxed a little.

"Fortunately, Garp didn't let up because of Ace's matter, and finally suppressed the world's strongest man Whitebeard!" Vice Admiral Tsuru exhaled slowly.

After dodging the two captive arrows of the empress Hancock, he used his fruit ability to instantly clean up a large number of pirates.

"Hancock, you may lose this battle! Your hope is no longer with Whitebeard! If you surrender now and join us, I can apply for a lighter punishment for the previous things!" Vice Admiral Tsuru said seriously.

"I'm sorry, the person I joined is Bai Qi! I believe Bai Qi will definitely turn the situation around!" Vice Admiral Tsuru answered unexpectedly. In the heart of the empress, Bai Qi is the most perfect and invincible!

Vice Admiral Tsuru showed a surprised look, Bai Qi? Is Bai Qi's influence greater than Whitebeard's? This Bai Qi actually has such a great ability that the Seven Warlords of the Sea are willing to work for him~

The little devil of the new era... is really scary~

Whitebeard was panting heavily, but his mentality was not to admit defeat. "Kuhaha! Garp, you are still strong, unlike me, my body is so old!"

Garp stared at Whitebeard with a serious look. Although he had an advantage, he did not dare to be careless. The man in front of him was the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard.

Whitebeard at his peak was actually about the same strength as himself and Sengoku. He just took advantage of Whitebeard's illness.

"Whitebeard, a man as strong as you will also be weakened by illness? You remind me of someone!" Garp's eyes were serious, staring straight at him.

Whitebeard said.

"Pirate King Roger!" Garp said loudly.

"Roger, that bastard, is also seriously ill. He knows that he doesn't have much time left, so he surrendered himself!" Garp touched his forehead with his hand, looking very painful!

"In order to show the majesty of the navy, the navy announced to the outside world that Roger was arrested by me. What a mockery!"

"That bastard! I haven't arrested him yet, but he surrendered himself... Bastard!" Garp roared.

It can be seen that although Garp and Roger are in different camps, Garp still misses Roger very much.

"Kuhaha! Roger, that guy, come to think of it, I miss him too. At the beginning, our two pirate groups fought for three days and three nights! In the end, guess what, we actually shook hands and made peace, and became friends! Kuhahaha! The time when we were young is really nostalgic!" Speaking of his old friend Roger, Whitebeard also fell into memories.

I was young once, too. Haha. Marco and Joz were still young boys. And the little guy from Roger's Pirates, Red-Haired Shanks, never thought that he would become one of the Four Emperors now!

I still remember the banquet with the Roger Pirates. My alcohol tolerance was amazing back then. Three guys from Roger's Pirates came to force me to drink. In the end, I drank them all down!

Unlike now, after drinking a few bottles of wine, I will be stopped by the nurse. Damn it, it's still good to be young!

Whitebeard was in a state of emotion. Life, it's great to have family and friends to accompany you!

After a brief and happy memory, Garp clenched his fists again. Looking at Whitebeard who was already injured.

Garp said calmly: "Whitebeard, our era is over! Now it's the world of these little devils! Although I can't arrest Roger personally, I can put an end to you here, the world's strongest man, Whitebeard! It's worthy of the navy uniform I'm wearing!"

"Don't worry, I will deal with your body properly. You are a man, Whitebeard. I won't let you be humiliated after death!" Garp looked at Whitebeard, with some gray in his eyes.

"Kuhahaha! Don't be too arrogant! Garp! Who will die in the end is still uncertain!" Whitebeard directly raised his supreme sword with one hand and pointed the tip of the sword at Iron Fist Garp. Although he was injured, his momentum was not weak at all.

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