The two of them were so busy that they had to work hard.

"Is that so?" Bai Qi was overjoyed. I thought that the salary of these people was a big problem.

But the other party seemed to care about his reputation in the New World and took the initiative to find him, not even asking for treasure. This is a big bargain. Don't miss it~

"Ahem~" Bai Qi cleared his throat and pretended to be serious.

"Why did you join me~ And you all came to the New World, but there is not even a captain?" Bai Qi was indeed a little confused.

It is not ruled out that someone wants to assassinate him by mixing into his inner circle. It is better to be careful.

"We are from the Moon Pirates, and our captain has been...already killed by Kaido's Beasts Pirates in the New World!" The pirates were very angry.

If it is true as these people said, then there is no logical loophole.

As a person who offended the Beasts Pirates, killing Drought Jack made these people understand. Bai Qi is definitely their best target.

To fully prove them, they need to investigate in the future~

"I will send people to investigate the truth of what you said. If what you said is false, I don't mind having another thousand dead souls under my command~" A domineering aura emanated from Bai Qi.

A thousand dead souls, how domineering! The pirates were so shocked that they couldn't speak. As expected, as the rumors said, this kid named Bai Qi is not an ordinary person~

In this case, we followed the right person!

"Long live Captain Bai Qi!" The pirates were shocked by Bai Qi's domineering aura and shouted one by one.

Bai Qi was very happy to see everyone's performance. "Okay, since everyone recognizes me as the captain, then rest assured, I will definitely not treat everyone unfairly in terms of equipment. Speed, distribute the equipment~" Bai Qi ordered Speed.

"Okay~ Then Captain Bai Qi, will I be their superior in the future?" Speed ​​said naively with big eyes flashing.

Seeing Speed's eagerness to be the superior, Bai Qi was happy. Should he also make three big signs and six flying cells like Kaido?

"Well, this~ By the way! These more than a thousand people will be under your management, Speed, let's call it Unit No. 1~" Bai Qi replied.

"Unit No. 1, I am the captain?" Speed ​​was very excited. It seems that he will have subordinates in the future, and he will no longer have to pull things and work alone.

To be honest, these days, thanks to Speed ​​taking care of such a big ship, Bai Qi would definitely not be able to complete it by himself.

After three days of sailing, Bai Qi and his group finally arrived at the Sabaody Archipelago. This is where the supernovas gather.

From a distance, the entire island is surprisingly large. It is not difficult to understand why the navy likes to turn a blind eye to the pirates here.

The reason is simple. The entire island is so large, but it is full of pirates. This area is also called the chaotic zone.

Taking advantage of the huge island and the characteristics of the hidden area, bounty hunters and pirates emerge in endlessly here. On the one hand, it is very difficult for the navy to catch them, and there are many hiding places for pirates.

To arrest these criminals, it takes a lot of energy to find them.

On the other hand, there are a large number of pirates here. It is normal to have casualties on the way to catch pirates. Facing so many pirates, it is not worth it for the navy to exchange their lives.

And this place is a must-go place to go to the New World Fishman Island. There are many elite pirates from all over the world gathered here, among which the pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million are the most powerful, and they are also called supernovas!

Maybe, instead of catching the supernovas, they will be killed by them.

Bai Qi came here to form the No. 2 squad, an elite pirate group from all over the world. It can be seen that there should be few weak ones. With so many pirates selected by himself, why should he go to the trouble of recruiting pirates in person?

What Bai Qi needs to do now is, on the one hand, to kill the Celestial Dragons! To fulfill his promise to the Empress Hancock.

On the other hand, it is to show off and attract pirates to join his pirate group.

There are many cases of pirates poaching each other. In this world, the strong are always respected~

Finally, the Great White Shark Pirate Ship has docked.

Bai Qi jumped off the plywood. "Speed, just bring ten people. If there are too many people, it will be too obvious. I don't want to be recognized~"

After speaking, Bai Qi put on the mask he bought from the mask shop in Taiqiu Town and put it on his face


Entering the Sabaody Archipelago, Bai Qi found a map directly. "Well, in that case, it's not far from the 13th District, Xia Si's extortion bar~"

"Let's go, the destination, Xia Qi's extortion bar~" Bai Qi ordered.

When he gets there, Bai Qi might be able to meet Luffy and the others. Even if he doesn't meet Bai Qi, he can ask Xia Qi for some information~

"Yes, boss!" The pirates were excited.

You know, Bai Qi is a big pirate with a bounty of 1 billion, and his gang has been to the Sabaody Archipelago. The pirates here generally have a bounty of more than 100 million, which is considered a great pirate~

It's obvious that Bai Qi can walk sideways in this place.

But... Just as Bai Qi was walking, a group of people surrounded Bai Qi and his group.

"Brother Leopard, look, they still have this fruit ability user~" A minion nodded and said to the leader Brother Leopard.

"Hmph, what about the ability users? Just twelve people. We are a hundred pirates. Are we afraid of them?" The leading man nicknamed Brother Leopard said with contempt.

"Just a fruit ability user scared you like this." Brother Leopard said unhappily.

The henchman no longer dared to speak.

"Captain Bai Qi, what should we do?" The ten pirates under Bai Qi said in fear.

"It's the first time to be a pirate. Of course, we will rape them all!" Bai Qi said viciously. A domineering aura descended from the sky.

It actually made the one hundred people who surrounded Bai Qi and his men tremble with fear.

"What are you afraid of! Just twelve people, let's kill them all!" Brother Leopard roared.

"This area is so chaotic, there is no need to worry about the navy. Moreover, seeing that there are only a dozen of them, they must be some guys who don't know the height of the sky and the earth. They dare to come to the Sabaody Archipelago~" The leading Brother Leopard continued to cheer everyone up.

"Asshole! Do you know who we are?" Speed ​​roared. Obviously, Speed ​​was not afraid of the pirates in front of him.

He had fought under Keno in the New World. What kind of scenes had he not seen?

Before he could think about it, everyone rushed over. "Kill them! Take their treasures." The pirates rushed towards Bai Qi and his group like swarms.

Bai Qi smiled. It was a good time to select the members of the first team. Why not?

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