The youngsters were afraid, but they were still alive.

"Are you afraid, little ones?" Bai Qi shouted to the crowd.

"Haha, what are we afraid of for those who haven't even arrived in the New World?" Bai Qi said to the ten new pirates of the Great White Shark Pirates.

Speed ​​was naturally not afraid at all. He was a real fighter of the Four Emperors in the New World. Looking at these pirates who had not arrived in the New World, they probably didn't even know how to use their domineering.

How could he, a real fighter of the Four Emperors, be afraid of these small fish and shrimps?

"Then I won't protect you. Pay attention to protection. Let's have a big fight!" Bai Qi shouted loudly.

Well, let's see the strength of these little brothers I recruited~

Looking at the pirates running over, Speed ​​took out his bow and arrow first.

Swish, swish, swish!

Three arrows flew over~

Three enemies fell instantly, and blood flowed all over the ground.

What a strong attack!

The whole battlefield became silent instantly.

The centaur devil fruit user in front of him was very powerful. I thought it would be easy to catch a small pirate group with only a dozen people.

But three arrows killed three people. This strength had to make the surrounding enemies afraid.

"Boss, I heard that many supernovas have come here recently. Could they be supernovas?" A pirate said tremblingly, with fear in his eyes.

"What are you afraid of? You stupid idiot, how could it be such a coincidence that the whole island is so big, and we meet a supernova in the first round?" The boss Leopard said angrily. This kid who has no sense of tact said this at this moment. Wouldn't it make the army more unreliable?

"Yes, boss, I'm tongue-tied." Seeing that the boss was so angry, the younger brother didn't dare to say more. After all, fighting with Bai Qi and others only has the risk of casualties, but if you go against the boss Leopard's intention, there is only one way to die!

Leopard is also an old pirate in Shabaodi Island. In addition to the local pirate Xia Qi and the new supernova external forces, Leopard's strength in this chaotic area can be ranked in the top three!

How could it be possible to be in the top three forces in this chaotic area of ​​Shabaodi Island without some means?

"Little ones, charge for me. The stronger they are, the more treasures they have! Tear them apart for me, and there will be a big reward!" The boss Leopard said bloodshot, with bloodshot eyes.

"Charge!" The minions were inspired, holding the swords, long swords, and maces in their hands, and shouted and rushed forward one by one.

"You are really not afraid of death~" Bai Qi shook his head helplessly.

Swish, swish, swish!

Three more arrows, wrapped in black armed color domineering, slid into the sky quickly, and then flew towards the heads of the pirates.

"Ah~!" Three screams, and three people fell to the ground.

There was a huge blood hole in the head, heart and other important parts~

This time, it did not scare these pirates away.

"Well, it seems that there is still some momentum." Bai Qi smiled.

In a blink of an eye, more than a hundred pirates have rushed to Bai Qi's side.

Many pirates rushed towards Bai Qi. After all, Bai Qi was not a powerful character in their eyes.

Looking at that small body, you know that he is just a little kid.

The world of pirates is cruel and merciless. They will not let you go just because you are a child. On the contrary, because you are a child and weak, there will be more people who want to kill you. They will only pick on the weak. That's the reason!

The pirates were surrounded by nearly 20 pirates.

Some pirates even had a quarrel.

"Fuck, Pete, you are too shameless. I got here first, why did you squeeze me away? Go to that centaur, they need more manpower~" a fat pirate said with a big knife in his hand.

"Fuck you, I was here first. Do you think I'm stupid? Why don't you go to that centaur woman to die?" The pirate named Pete answered unhappily with a mace in his hand.

So, he became the lamb in the eyes of these people, right?

Bai Qi was helpless and smiled bitterly.

His small body doesn't look very strong~

"Hey, kid, why are you still wearing a mask? I'll kill you later and take off your mask to see what you do before you die, hahaha!" Pete laughed, obviously wanting to scare the masked kid in front of him.

"Hahaha! Pete, you

This guy is really mean. He wants to scare this kid to pee before he dies? Hahaha! "

Looking at the nearly twenty pirates around him, each of them looked at him with a mentality of complete abuse.

"Really a weak chicken." Bai Qi crossed his hands in front of his chest and shook his head.

"What? Kid, do you want to die? Damn it!" It was the first time that Pete was despised by a kid like this, and he was extremely angry.

As expected, this masked kid should be scared to kneel down and beg for mercy, and then pee in his pants. But the kid in front of him was so calm, which made Pete feel that he was humiliated.

"Then let's start with you first?" Bai Qi said lightly, looking at Pete as if he was looking at a corpse.

"Asshole kid, pretending to be a ghost, I will tear off your mask and kill you! "Pete was so angry that he rushed up first.

But, just when Pete raised his toes, he felt a fist suddenly appeared in front of him, and then his eyes went black, and the whole world was quiet. He fell down and never got up again.

"Pete, Pete, Pete, wake up..." These were the last words Pete heard.

Before he died, Pete was also confused. Was he knocked down by this kid? It shouldn't be?

Pete will never know what the kid behind the mask looks like.

The pirates around saw a gust of wind blowing, and then Pete fell to the ground with his eyes closed.

And the figure of the masked kid in front of him also moved a little.

Could it be,,,, this kid did it?

Everyone was puzzled~

"Stupid, what are you doing, why don't you kill that kid and come to help? "Big Brother Leopard shouted at the twenty pirates beside Bai Qi.

Brother Leopard gathered nearly fifty pirates, each of whom was fierce. But to their surprise, these fifty pirates and Big Brother Leopard did not take advantage of Speed ​​at all.

On the contrary, they were still being beaten~

This is easy to understand, after all, this group of pirates who have never been to the New World, but they don't even have domineering power~

Don't mention them, even the eleven supernovas who are currently attracting much attention in the Sabaody Archipelago, have not Master Haki.

From the perspective of the new world, this group of people are really just a group of rookies, not to be worried about.

The real scary thing about this group of people is their growth potential, not how strong they are.

On the battlefield, the twenty pirates fighting around Bai Qi just reacted.

"I didn't expect that the centaur was so powerful~"

"Just now, Pete must have been killed by some weird move of the centaur~"

"Let's quickly deal with this kid and get out of the way to help the boss and the others kill the centaur!"

After that, everyone took their swords and slashed at Bai Qi~

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