The old man was very angry.

How did Speed ​​escape unscathed?

Wait, I forgot that Jack the Drought seemed to have been killed by a little devil before!

Could it be that Speed ​​left at that time?

In other words, in other words, the little devil in front of him is very likely to be...

"Yes, I have left the Beasts Pirates, and my current captain is the person in front of me~" Speed ​​said lightly. At the same time, looking at Bai Qi felt like looking at a mountain.

The person in front of him?

Xia Qi, Luffy, Brook and Chopper all looked at the masked man in front of them who looked young.

If this kid is the captain of Speed, then the strength of the masked man in front of him must be higher than that of Centaur Speed!

Such a powerful guy, as the former protagonist of One Piece, Luffy will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Luffy was very excited, "Hey, masked man, you look young, do you dare to compete with me~" Luffy looked at Bai Qi eagerly, hoping that Bai Qi would have a good fight with him.

After all, the person in front of him, even the real fighters of the Four Emperors are working under him~

The fighting idiot Luffy really wants to know the gap between himself and the person in front of him.

"Luffy~" Brook and Chopper hurriedly called Luffy.

This fighting idiot!

The opponent's strength is likely to be higher than his own group, and the people who can pry the Four Emperors' subordinates are not ordinary characters.

Luffy, it's crazy to go to fight with others so rashly~

Isn't this a little bit stubborn?

"Hehe, Luffy, don't worry, you will have this opportunity, but I have other things to do today~ We can't fight today~" Bai Qi said softly with a smile on his face.

"Ah?" Chopper Brook was stunned. Luffy really agreed to fight with the masked man?

Moreover, the agreement was successful, and the other party didn't seem angry at all...

"Not today?" Luffy sighed. "Don't break your promise, let's have a good fight in the future." After saying that, Luffy picked up his casserole-sized fist and shook it. At the same time, his eyes were fixed on Bai Qi. Luffy could feel that the person in front of him was definitely not an ordinary little character.

"Hahaha, don't worry, Luffy, it won't be long before we meet again, and we will definitely have a good fight then!" Bai Qi looked at Luffy's ignorant look and was immediately happy.

"Hahaha! See you later~" Luffy excitedly stuffed a fish from the refrigerator into his mouth.

Bai Qi didn't care at all when he saw the many eyes around him. Instead, he spread his hands and calmly sat on the bar chair, "Boss Xia Qi, when will my red wine be ready? Thank you."

Xia Qi was slightly stunned. This kid was so calm even though he was stared at by her.

Based on the experience described by Speed, it seems that he can guess who the person in front of him is~

Could it be? Could this kid be the Bai Qi who has been very popular recently?

Xia Qi's face was a little uneasy. If it was really that Bai Qi, she really wanted to meet him~

After a short thought. "A glass of red wine, coming right up." Xia Qi's lazy voice came.

Bai Qi took the red wine and drank it in one gulp, "Well, this is the strongest red wine I have ever drunk." Bai Qi praised.

"One million Baileys, thank you." Xia Qi's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning. She wanted to see how this recently popular kid would react to her extortion.

"Please give me two more glasses. The wine is really good." Bai Qi said very gentlemanly, without a trace of emotion in his eyes.

Looking at Bai Qi's calm eyes, Xia Qi was a little confused. Could it be that this guy just accepted it like this?

No, it's absolutely impossible. Based on her intelligence, this guy named Bai Qi is not a soft persimmon.

Could it be that the masked man is not Bai Qi?

This doesn't make sense. Speed ​​must have joined the camp of the guy who killed Drought Jack. This masked boy can't be Bai Qi.

Could it be? Bai Qi has other intentions?

The people around were also thinking quickly at this moment.

"1 million Baileys~ This masked boy,..., actually, actually agreed to it?" Chopper's excited mouth opened into a European shape.

Brook also opened his mouth in shock, "So much money, so much money, ah hoo hoo hoo~" Brook fell into a fantasy. He became the richest man and wanted to see

How many underwear are there,,

Luffy looked stupid, "You are really rich, can you buy what you want to eat every day?" Luffy asked seriously.

Such a stupid question was instantly despised by Brook and Chopper. With so much money, you only buy food, is that all you pursue?

Ignoring everyone, Bai Qi drank the newly served red wine again.

"Really good, haha!" Bai Qi praised.

In fact, Bai Qi also knew that Xia Qi was blackmailing him at the moment. However, on the one hand, he was not short of money at all. On the other hand, he still had some things to consult Xia Qi, a woman who was known as a know-it-all.

So naturally he didn't mind, and let Xia Qi take advantage of it first.

A few million Baileys are nothing compared to what Bai Qi wants to get.

"Stinky kid, you don't want to not pay the bill, do you?" Xia Qi suddenly thought of something, staring at Bai Qi.

"Hahaha! Speed ​​gave Sister Xia Qi 200 million Baileys~" Bai Qi said lightly.

"What? 200 million Baileys? 200 million Baileys just said casually?" Luffy almost bit his tongue.

Chopper and Brook are completely demented. Is this masked man so rich?

Compared with poor people like Luffy, the damage caused by Bai Qi is really too great.

It would be strange if a poor person didn't envy a billionaire~

"It's nothing, Xia Qi, after all, I have conditions." Bai Qi is naturally not an easy target to bully, and he said the reason why he gave so much money.

"Oh? That depends on your conditions. 200 million Baileys may not be enough, hehe~" Xia Qi said, blowing smoke rings from her mouth.

"What?" Luffy and the others were shocked again. How could 200 million berries be nothing like money in front of these two people?

Comparing yourself to others is really annoying.

Thinking about his Straw Hat Pirates, Nami, who is in charge of the accounts, is so stingy~

It's harder to get some money from Nami than to kill her...

"Hahaha!" Bai Qi suddenly laughed. "200 million berries is naturally a little too little. These 200 million berries are just used to show sincerity."

"After all, what I want to ask is, where is Pluto Rayleigh~" Bai Qi said lightly.

Pluto Rayleigh? He was once the vice captain of the Pirate King's ship~

When these words came out, the whole audience was shocked.

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