The only thing is that Luffy is like a fool. "Huh? What's wrong? You are all so shocked. What for? Isn't he looking for Pluto Rayleigh just like us?" "Are you an idiot, Luffy~" Xiaoba said speechlessly. "We know Pluto Rayleigh because of me. That's what Sister Xia Qi told us." Xiaoba looked at Bai Qi vigilantly. He continued, "But how does the masked man in front of you know Pluto Rayleigh? There is no way to know!" Xiaoba has even prepared a defensive posture. It is still unclear whether the person in front of him is an enemy or a friend. After this explanation, Luffy understood what was going on. "Hey, why did you ask about Pluto Rayleigh? How did you know about Pluto Rayleigh?" Luffy asked carelessly.

Everyone around looked at Bai Qi.

Bai Qi spread his hands. If he said that he could watch the entire One Piece world from another world, he would probably be dragged into a mental hospital.

Some things, if you say too much, will have a worse effect. "Well, keep it secret." Bai Qi shrugged.

Then, he turned and looked at Xia Qi. "Sister Xia Qi, the important thing is that I have no ill intentions in looking for Pluto Rayleigh."

Xia Qi looked at Bai Qi with a cigarette in her hand. From Bai Qi's eyes, Xia Qi saw sincerity.

"Well." Xia Qi said lightly.

"It's okay to tell you, but can you take off the mask? Bai Qi-kun." Xia Qi said with a raised corner of her mouth.

"If you talk to me with a mask on, I won't tell you the news about Rayleigh~" Xia Qi said.

"Hahaha! Interesting. I was planning to take off the mask after doing that, but... it doesn't matter." Bai Qi crossed his legs.

"Although the navy is a bit troublesome, I still want to know more about Rayleigh. Naturally, finding Rayleigh is the priority." After saying that, Bai Qi slowly took off the mask on his cheek.

Everyone took a breath and focused all their attention on Bai Qi's cheek.

A young face appeared. "It's you, the guy." Xia Qi smiled. "I still admire you, the new guy on Whitebeard's ship." He blew out a big smoke ring again, circling in the air for a long time~

"What? Who is he? And the Whitebeard you mentioned. The strongest man in the world?" Luffy asked several questions in a row.

"Hey, who are you? Are you powerful?" Luffy scratched his head and said.

Xia Qi put out the cigarette in his hand and looked at Bai Qi and Luffy. After a long while, he said, "Luffy, he is the genius boy Bai Qi in the New World that I just told you about~"

Just told you about me? But Bai Qi? I didn't expect it. It turns out that I am quite famous in the Grand Line.

If so, it is possible to attract the navy.

Luffy was very excited. "Bai Qi! When are we going to fight? They all say that I am not your opponent, but I don't believe it!"

"Okay, Luffy, but if I agree to duel with you, I wonder if Luffy, can your pirate group keep the news of my coming secret and not spread it? And Sister Xia Qi, Xiao Ba." Bai Qi looked at everyone.

"No problem!" Luffy, the battle idiot, agreed first. As long as he could duel with himself, Luffy would not care about anything.

Xia Qi also nodded. To be honest, it is careless to trade with others and let other people watch.

Xiao Ba, Luffy, and Xia Qi are all friends, so they naturally agreed readily.

"Thank you all very much. I, Bai Qi, will pay for all the consumption today." Bai Qi's mouth corners slightly raised.

It feels so good to be rich.

"Really? Haha! Bai Qi, you are such a good person." After saying that, Luffy put his shoulder on Bai Qi.

This battle idiot is really so familiar, Bai Qi was speechless.

"Don't be happy so early, this news, you have to give me 500 million Bailey!" Xia Qi said with a smile.

"What?" Sister Xia Qi, Bai Qi is a good person, can you give him a cheaper price~, Luffy was completely speechless, this sister Xia Qi is obviously cheating people~

Brook and Chopper were also surprised, sister Xia Qi really asked for a lion's mouth.

"Hahaha!" Bai Qi laughed, "It's really Xia Qi's rip-off~"

"If you think it's too expensive, don't ask." Xia Qi said lightly. She looked like she had Bai Qi in her hands.

"Haha! Sister Xia Qi, can I trade you for news?

"What about the information?" Bai Qi stared at Xia Qi with interest.

"Exchange information for information?" Luffy stared at the two big eyes and opened his mouth.

Xiao Ba explained: "This is a rule unique to intelligence dealers, because information can be converted into money. If both parties have valuable information, then both parties can exchange information to achieve a win-win situation~"

"But what?" Xiao Ba said seriously.

"But what?" This completely aroused Luffy's curiosity. He put his face on Xiao Ba's cheek.

Xiao Ba didn't dislike it, "But, the premise is that the information between the two is of equal value! "I doubt that Bai Qi has any information about the whereabouts of Pluto Rayleigh that is as valuable as this information." Xiao Ba shook his head.

Pluto Rayleigh! That's the legendary pirate!

People who want to find him are lining up. You can't know Rayleigh's whereabouts just by having money.

If you can know Rayleigh's information with money, I'm afraid Rayleigh would have been discovered long ago. Would he still be working as a coating worker in the Sabaody Archipelago safely?

I think Xia Qi was willing to tell Bai Qi in exchange for money because of her friendship with Whitebeard.

Everyone looked at Bai Qi again.

This Bai Qi, the man who killed Jack the Drought~

Is it really just a bluff? Or does he really have information about the whereabouts of Pluto Rayleigh that is as valuable as this?

"Tell me about it." As an intelligence dealer, Xia Qi also became interested.

"This, it's a piece of news about the future." Bai Qi said lightly, with a sly look in his eyes.

"Oh? Interesting, then tell me about it. "Xia Qi was very interested.

Bai Qi put his face close to Xia Qi's ear and whispered. After that, Bai Qi spread his hands and looked at Xia Qi.

After listening, Xia Qi's face suddenly became unsettled. Even her lips began to tremble: "You, how is it possible? This is impossible!"

"Looking at Sister Xia Qi's performance, my news can be exchanged for the news of Pluto Rayleigh, right?" Bai Qi was very satisfied with Xia Qi's reaction.

Xia Qi was shocked, which proved that this news was very valuable!

"If what you said is true, it can be used as a replacement for the news of Pluto Rayleigh, but..., how can you prove that what you said is true?" Xia Qi looked at Bai Qi with a puzzled look on her face.

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