The two of them were very happy.

Along the way, Sanji kept showing his courtesy. Until they arrived at the destination.

He sang, acted cool, and showed his gentlemanly manners from time to time. But Speed ​​had no feelings for Sanji at all. In Speed's eyes, Sanji was just a gangster.

"We're here." The Flying Fish rider jumped off the Flying Fish motorcycle.

"Sanji, you're here!" Brook waved at Sanji. Brook and the others had arrived here before Sanji.

"Eh? Is that masked boy here too?" Brook was slightly surprised.

"Hello, we meet again." Bai Qi jumped off the Flying Fish motorcycle and greeted Brook and the others, saying lightly.

"How do you know each other?" This time it was Sanji's turn to be confused. Sanji didn't remember having such a friend who was a masked kid.

I had wanted to ask why this kid wore a mask for a long time, but I didn't ask because of the favor of Speed ​​Beauty, because it would make me look ungentlemanly~

"This~ It's a long story,,,,," Brook began to talk.

Coins beep~~

"Okay, stop talking, it's all bullshit." Listening to Brook's endless and irrelevant narration, Sanji simply chose not to listen.

"The most urgent thing now is to find Cammy as soon as possible." Sanji said anxiously.

"Hey, masked kid, can you help us find him? We are in a hurry now." Sanji looked at Bai Qi and vaguely felt that the boy in front of him was not simple.

It seems that he is born with a domineering aura. When he stands there, he has a sense of majesty without anger. But he looks only seven or eight years old. Sanji can't understand why Bai Qi, who is so young, can give people such a shocking feeling.

Moreover, it seems that the beauty next to him, the animal-type fruit ability user, seems to be the subordinate of this kid. ,, all this is too unbelievable.

Can you be a pirate captain at the age of eight? Sanji lit a cigarette and fell into thought.

"That's no problem, Sanji. Believe me, I can help you find Camie." Bai Qi vowed, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

In the anime, Camie and Rayleigh were locked up together.

As long as he mixed with the Straw Hat Gang, Rayleigh would naturally appear~

"You are such a good person~ Haha!" I don't know when, Chopper has also appeared.

"Come with me, I'll go find the traffickers. If we don't make it to the auction, we can redeem her in advance with the money." The Flying Fish Rider shouted.

Arrived at the traffickers' territory.

Sanji and the Flying Fish Rider went into the house to discuss with the traffickers.

"Asshole, you scumbag!" Sanji roared.

Bai Qi and others also rushed in~

Sanji grabbed the traffickers with one hand, looking at the tone of these scumbags and their condescending attitude towards humans.

Sanji was furious.

"Haha! The person you are looking for is not here at all. If you dare to hit me, the navy will come to arrest you in a while, which will only hinder you from finding your people." The traffickers looked arrogant.

"Maybe, your partner has been taken away by some rich man at the auction? Haha! That's a mermaid, it must be sold at a good price!" The traffickers continued to mock,

Sell? Price?

"Asshole!" Sanji was furious. But he was pulled down by Nami. "Sanji, don't make trouble here, we have to find Camie quickly, you will only make things worse!" Nami said.

"Asshole!" The Straw Hat Pirates had to leave in a huff. From here, we can see that Sanji's temper is not as explosive as Luffy and Zoro.

This is also the reason why he has been the third in command for thousands of years. If it were Luffy and Zoro, they would not care so much. Even if Nami stopped them, they would at least beat up this group of human traffickers.

"Hmph" Bai Qi suddenly smiled.

Then, I don't know when, a snow-white knife appeared out of thin air in his hand. The knife kept making a sound like a dragon's roar.

This made Sanji, Nami and others look confused. What are they doing with the knife at this time?

There are no enemies.

But I have to admit that the knife in Bai Qi's hand is a valuable and famous knife at first glance. It looks even better than Zoro, the sword-loving devil~

Wait, Brook suddenly looked a little weird. You know, Brook and Chopper met at Shaki's rip-off bar.

Bai Qi's.

Of course, I have also heard of Bai Qi's glorious deeds. Could it be that Bai Qi-jun wants to? . . .

While thinking, a bloodstain suddenly appeared in the sky. It formed a beautiful arc in the sky and finally fell into the ground.

Then, a head fell to the ground.

"Ah!~" Nami screamed suddenly.

Chopper collapsed to the ground in fear. "You... you killed him~"

Brook looked strange and said nothing.

Sanji frowned. The masked boy in front of him was definitely a dangerous person in Sanji's eyes!

I don't know how Chopper and the others knew such a resolute and decisive guy.

Speed ​​looked relaxed. To be honest, he was no longer surprised by Bai Qi's method of not talking and taking lives as soon as he took action.

Looking at the shocked and dazed eyes of the people around him. Speed ​​smiled bitterly. Now you can also try the feeling I had when I first met Bai Qi~

That kind of shock was not ordinary strong.

"Nothing, Sanji-kun, I killed this scum for you." Bai Qi licked his lips with his tongue and said lightly. "Let's continue on our way. If the navy wants to investigate, just come to me."

Speed, at this time, has roughly understood that the time for Bai Qi to take off the mask and kill the Celestial Dragons is not far away~

Bai Qi has already started to act. Since Bai Qi is not worried about the navy chasing him now, it proves that Bai Qi will take action soon.

After all, after being noticed by the navy, it is very likely that someone will be sent to protect the Celestial Dragons, and naturally there is a possibility of sending a general.

This is also the reason why Bai Qi wears a mask.

Everyone looked at Bai Qi's back. Sanji spoke for a long time: "Chopper, how do you know that guy?" Sanji looked solemn.

"I just met this guy, too, at Shaqi's extortion bar. He, he, he, he once killed a pirate with a bounty of over 1 billion~" Chopper said with a trembling mouth.

"What? 1 billion?" Sanji couldn't believe his ears.

"There's actually someone so strong? And he's an eight-year-old kid?" Sanji was completely shocked.

It seems that this trip to the Sabaody Archipelago is complicated with various forces, and it's not simple~

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