The old man was very angry.

"Stop talking, let's go to the auction house quickly~ If we are a step late, it is very likely that Camie will be bought by someone else~" Nami suddenly remembered that Camie has not been rescued yet.

Ta-ta-ta, Nami and Sanji went straight to the auction house.

Sabaody Archipelago, at the auction house~

The crowd surged. In the Sabaody Archipelago, this kind of shameful thing can be held openly. The reason is simple, because it is recognized by the Celestial Dragons.

The Celestial Dragons are frequent visitors to the auction house.

The host was passionately speaking about the goods for this auction. Without exception, all of them are human!

"Next, the next one is a warrior." At the prologue, a soldier pushed a beautiful dancer.

From the eyes of the beautiful dancer, you can see her fear.

"Damn it!" Sanji clenched his fists.

Hachi also looked worried, "Kami, Kamii, you must hold on, I will save you immediately."

"Don't worry, Hachi." Nami patted Hachi's shoulder with her hand. "With our Straw Hat Pirates, we can buy Kamii."

Looking at Nami's sincere eyes, "Damn it! I really troubled everyone~ You, you are really..." Hachi was moved.

"Haha! Hachi, it's okay, we are friends, aren't we?" Sanji patted Hachi's shoulder with his own hand.

Hachi immediately shed tears of gratitude.

Bai Qi didn't pay attention to the sensational scene here. Instead, he was lurking in the crowd alone. Bai Qi had his own plan.

He was lurking, waiting for a suitable opportunity to go on stage and fulfill the promise to kill the Celestial Dragons!

Bai Qi, sitting in the crowd, looked at the entire arena. Isn't that the guy Luo is right in front of us?

Luo suddenly turned his head back. He looked around and saw nothing unusual, so he continued to watch the auction.

"Captain, what's wrong with you? Is there anything unusual?"

"Strange, why do I always feel like I'm being stared at by some extraordinary guy?" Luo said puzzledly.

"Huh? Captain, you are too careless. Why don't I feel anything?" said a bear with snow-white fur.

"Well, maybe I am indeed too cautious. Let's continue watching the auction~" Luo felt that he was indeed too sensitive, and spread his hands and said.

At the auction venue, on the auction table, another slave was escorted.

"This slave is a pirate captain with a bounty of 17 million Baileys. He can be used as a slave and a human sandbag, haha!" The host continued his passionate speech. The loud voice spread throughout the venue.

Under the venue.

"What, Captain? It sounds good~" said a middle-aged fat woman.

"Captain? This slave is fine. It will be very prestigious to have him, haha!" the middle-aged man said excitedly.

"Damn it!" The captain tried hard, looking at the collar on his neck.

"Damn it! If it weren't for this collar, I would definitely escape." Looking at the ugly corners of the mouth under the stage.

I would rather die than be taken as a slave by them!

At this moment, the door opened with a creaking sound.

Three humans in white clothes and glass covers on their heads walked out from behind the door.

"Oh my god, Tianlong people."

The venue was quiet in an instant.

Some people lowered their heads quickly, fearing that they would be considered disrespectful by the Tianlong people and then executed on the spot.

Tianlong people, if you dare to resist him, you will face the airborne of the general. As long as a normal person will not dare to start with the Tianlong people ~ "Bastard, you slave, running too slowly, Lao Tzu's face is lost, I want a mermaid ~" A wretched Tianlong man, he was having to kick his own human slave. The fat Chalsro was like a spoiled child, which made people disgust ~ She lowered her head and formed a sharp contrast with everyone. Bai Qi directly looked at Charles Ruso. "" "Kida looked at Captain Kid's face showing a strange look. No, just the words of the Dragon people, Captain Kid should not have such a big response. "Kira, there seems to be an extraordinary person in our venue~" Kidd said mysteriously.

"You mean..." Kira looked puzzled. "In the entire venue, except for us,

, only Luo's bounty is relatively high, you mean Luo. I don't think he is a concern~" Kira said confidently.

"Luo? Haha, Luo is nothing, you should pay attention to the masked boy behind Luo." Kidd curled his lips and said with a serious look.

Kira looked in the direction Kidd pointed. Sure enough, the boy was full of an indescribable domineering aura. Especially the bloody eyes that looked directly at the Celestial Dragons.

"He is indeed an extraordinary guy~" Kira said with emotion.

How could Bai Qi not feel this scene with his observation color. It was just that Bai Qi did it on purpose. He was going to make a big fuss later, so naturally the more attention he attracted, the better.

Bai Qi had taken off his mask by himself and made an appointment with the empress. But if I kill the Celestial Dragons with my own hands, then this mask is no longer useful.

The main reason for wearing a mask is to temporarily avoid the pursuit of the navy and Kaido. I want to kill the Celestial Dragons and cannot cause any complications.

Otherwise, if I don't wear a mask and get discovered by the navy, the Celestial Dragons will be protected by layers of protection or escape directly, and my plan to kill the Celestial Dragons will not be easy to implement~

Watching Bai Qi slowly take off the mask, Kira suddenly trembled.

"What's wrong, Kira, why are you afraid?" Kidd looked puzzled, but he rarely saw Kira's expression.

"That guy, that guy. I read a report about him a few days ago. Isn't he a famous pirate in the New World? How did he come to the Sabaody Archipelago?" Kira's face was full of shock.

Kidd looked at Bai Qi. "Is it that kid? What's wrong with him? "Kidd doesn't have the habit of reading newspapers, and doesn't understand why Kira is so frightened at the moment.

"That guy killed Jack the Drought and rejected the request of the Navy's Seven Warlords. He is now being hunted by the Four Emperors Kaido and the Navy." Kira said with a wry smile.

This kid is... really brave~

He actually dared to come to a place with so many people, and there are Celestial Dragons here, with heavy guards, it is easy to be exposed.

"Interesting, did he kill the drought?" Kidd's eyes showed a hint of excitement. "I don't know how big the gap is between me and him, I must meet that guy~"

Bai Qi's mouth corners raised. With Bai Qi's observation color, he can roughly see what people think. He is really a frog in the well, just like Luffy. Do you really think you are at the same level as me?

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