People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 106 No one will remember Tang San unless he is always the last one

Different from the former, Tang San only won one game in a month by relying on his outrageous operations.

One is ridiculously strong, the other is ridiculously good.

As the saying goes, no one except the first place remembers who comes next.

Unless, you are the last, and always the last, and the last.

That's enough to get a lot of people's attention.

Tang San is in such a situation now.

Especially the day he won his first victory, the entire Soto Spirit Fighting Arena was in a state of excitement.

Quite a few people are discussing which loser will lose to this "Shrek No. 8"?

The person who lost has disappeared since then.

Perhaps because he felt that losing to Tang San was a great shame, from that day on, he never appeared in the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena again.

Now basically any spirit fighting arena where Tang San appears is always packed.

This made the person in charge of digging Tang San extremely happy.

This was originally just an attempt on his part, but who would have thought that the effect would be so good.

Sure enough, black and red are also red, as long as there is heat.

Spectators don't just enjoy watching closely contested games.

I also love watching the hilarious performances of circus clowns.

To sum it up in four words:

Appreciate both the refined and the popular!

Moreover, what makes the audience curious the most is.

This somewhat funny "Shrek No. 8" is actually a member of the Shrek team that has maintained a 27-game winning streak in the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena.

At first, some people thought that Tang San was deliberately trying to gain popularity.

But later, officials from the Soto Spirit Arena came out to refute the rumors, saying that "Shrek No. 8" was indeed a member of the Shrek team.

But because he was a substitute, he never got a chance to play in the team battle spirit.

Therefore, many people want to see what Tang San would look like participating in a team battle.

Especially when paired with the almost invincible "Shrek No. 1".

What kind of scene would that be?

In the two-on-two spirit battle, the combination of Huo Feng and Xiao Wu also achieved 27 consecutive victories.

Under Huo Feng's strong crushing force, Xiao Wu didn't even have a chance to make a move and the battle was over.

Therefore, for the latter, these twenty-seven consecutive victories seem to be quite easy.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing looked envious.

Because the combination of the two of them is not as easy as Xiao Wu and Huo Feng.

However, the two of them are considered to be the highest level beings in the first level of the 20th level great soul master.

Although their two-on-two combination performance was not as good as Huo Feng and Xiao Wu, it was still the second best performance among Shrek people.

Not only did he achieve good results with twenty-two wins and five losses in twenty-seven games.

Moreover, they also won eight consecutive games, earning them a lot of points.

As for the combination of Dai Mubai and Oscar, they only achieved twenty-seven-twenty wins and seven losses.

After all, Dai Mubai was the only one fighting, so Oscar's sausage would only play a limited role in this kind of soul-fighting battle.

Basically, Dai Mubai failed to stop the fighting souls who lost, and Oscar was killed first by his opponent.

Then he unfortunately lost one-on-two.

As for the individual competition, everyone in Shrek Academy became famous across the board.

Dai Mubai had twenty-five wins in the first level of level 30, except for losing twice against control-type soul masters.

Huo Feng was even more outrageous, effortlessly maintaining a complete victory in the first level of the 30th level soul master.

Such a luxurious record made everyone else in Shrek dumbfounded.

They discovered that as long as Huo Feng participated in the spirit fight.

Whether it's one-on-one, two-on-two, or a team fight, you can win the final victory.

The key factors are self-evident.

Xiao Wu is a bit worse. Although her teleportation is very special, she has encountered opponents who just restrained her ability several times, but she still won twenty times.

Ma Hongjun was also very successful at the 20th level, winning 20 times in 27 games.

Zhu Zhuqing's individual competition results were also amazing, even better than Ma Hongjun's.

Twenty-two wins in twenty-seven battles is already a very terrifying winning rate.

After calculating this way, Huo Feng became the biggest winner.

Although the three different forms of fighting spirit winning streaks in the Great Spirit Fighting Arena are calculated separately, his points still soared extremely due to his multiple consecutive wins.

If it weren't for the regulations of the Great Fighting Spirit Arena, and the points gained from winning streaks need to be calculated uniformly at the end of the month, at this time, he would no longer be as simple as the Iron Fighting Spirit Badge.

Despite this, Shrek Academy's amazing performance still attracted the attention of the Great Soul Fighting Arena.

If it weren't for the fact that their fighting spirit badge level was too low and they did not reach the minimum silver fighting spirit level required to participate in the central fighting spirit arena.

I am afraid that I have been invited to the Soto Grand Soul Fighting Arena to participate in the spirit fighting competition in the center's main spirit fighting arena.

It happened to be the second day of this month when Team Shrek came to the Great Soul Fighting Arena to participate in the Soul Fight.

There are thirty days in this month. In addition to one day of rest, after today's soul fighting is over, the month has finally arrived.

At that time, their additional bonus points will also be calculated at the same time, and at that time, they will no longer have the iron fighting spirit badges they have now.

What's even more valuable is that among Shrek's students, Dai Mubai's soul power has exceeded level 38.

This is not only the reason why he has been practicing so hard, but also has a close relationship with the physical training and actual combat in the past four months.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong have also improved their soul power levels, reaching level 28 and level 27 respectively, and are moving towards level 30.

And Xiao Wu, who had been at level 29 for a long time, had already broken through to level 30.

It's just that as a soul beast, she naturally can't hunt soul beasts to obtain soul rings like a normal soul master.

So Xiao Wu has been looking for opportunities to get out of the public eye.

In this way, his soul ring will become reasonable.

Huo Feng also broke through to level 39, and was already within easy reach of the Soul Sect at level 40.

As night falls, the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena located in the bustling center of Soto City is brightly lit again.

Audiences came in an endless stream from all directions to watch the spirit fighting.

From time to time, you can see luxury carriages entering the Great Soul Fighting Arena from the VIP passage under the protection of the retinue.

Those are all nobles or people from big families, and the fighting souls that can catch their eye must naturally be the competition in the center of the Soto Grand Fighting Arena.

Today is the end of the month, and it also happens to be the weekend. The Soto Spirit Fighting Arena has naturally become the best place for Soto people to relax.

Here you can not only watch the exciting spirit fighting competitions, but you can also try your luck by betting on the spirit masters you support.

The Shrek Academy group, including Huo Feng, also successfully entered the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena.

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