People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 107 Do you want Tang San to be the first spirit to participate in group battles? Flanders is

What is a bit strange is that dozens of people from Shrek Academy entered the Soto Spirit Arena completely dispersedly.

This is not because they hide their identities out of caution, but because they have to.

After this month of soul fighting, Team Shrek has achieved impressive results and has naturally become the focus of the audience's attention.

Especially Huo Feng, the captain of the Shrek team.

Now I don’t know how many people outside want to find out his identity.

If it doesn't work, you can just take off his mask.

Anyway, as long as it can catch the heat.

Although they have never been to the central main fighting arena, the spectators in the outer fighting arena are already very familiar with them.

Shrek has long become a familiar name for the team to these audiences.

"Shrek No. 1" and "Shrek No. 8" are also known to many people.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble and entanglement.

Starting ten days ago, everyone from Shrek Academy will enter the spirit fighting arena with their true colors.

Then go to the designated place, put on another set of clothes, put on a mask, and sign up for the spirit fight.

Because of this, guessing which spirit fighting area the Shrek team will fight in has become a habit that the spectators in the outer spirit fighting arena enjoy.

It's still the same today. When you enter the big spirit fighting arena wearing plain clothes, no one will notice a few children who look like they are only in their teens.

Age has become their best disguise.

I have to say that the Shrek mask on his face is really useful.

Although the team battle starts last, they are the first to sign up.

In order not to encounter each other in one-on-one and two-on-two matches.

Flender first told them the location of a team battle zone, and then asked everyone in Shrek to disperse to different zones when participating in the first two competitions.

This will prevent them from meeting each other and affecting their winning streak.

The registration for this team battle was carried out as the leader of the Flemish Shrek team.

Today Flanders chose to sign up for the Shrek team in the eighth fighting spirit area.

After this month of fighting souls, the Silver Fighting Soul level that originally seemed extremely difficult to achieve has been basically achieved through everyone's winning streak.

Now you just need to wait for the unified calculation of points after the end of today's spirit battle.

Flanders didn't want his disciples to receive too much attention.

Once their age is discovered, attention from all sides will be overwhelming.

As he habitually came to the registration point of the team battle area, Flanders took out the registration badge for the Shrek Seven Monsters team battle and handed it to the staff, and said very calmly,

"Please, sign up for a team fight."

The staff member also habitually took the badge. When he saw the words engraved on the badge, his face suddenly changed and he whispered,

"Team Shrek!"

Flanders frowned, the staff of the Great Fighting Spirit Arena were of good quality.

Even when meeting high-level soul fighters, they would not show many expressions. At this time, the performance of this staff member was obviously unsatisfactory.

"Sorry sir, are you the leader of Team Shrek?"

the staff asked tentatively.

Flanders nodded slowly,

“So be it”

An expression of impatience flashed across his face,

"Please hurry up."

"Sir, please wait a moment."

The staff quickly left the place under Flanders' somewhat puzzled gaze.

Then he quickly ran towards the back of the work area, still holding the Shrek team's team battle badge in his hand.

Although Flanders was very impatient, the opponent had already taken away the team battle badge for registration.

Even if he wanted to change the partition, he couldn't do it and could only wait patiently here.

In fact, Flanders doesn't know that as long as he shows this badge at the Soto Grand Soul Fighting Arena today, he will receive the same treatment no matter which division he is in.

We didn't wait too long. After a while, the previous staff member returned to the registration point with a person.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

The staff politely handed the team battle badge back to the master.

The person who came with him, Flanders, had some impression that it was Director Ao who was the host of the Shrek Seven Monsters' first team battle at the Soto Spirit Arena.

He didn't pay much attention to this person at the time.

Who would have thought that we would be able to come into contact with him again.

Manager Ao smiled and extended the invitation very politely.

"Hello, dear leader, I wonder if we can have a chat. It won't take up too much of your time."

The master said calmly:

"Does it represent you personally, or does it represent the Soto Spirit Arena?"

Manager Ao smiled quickly:

"Of course it represents the Soto Grand Soul Fighting Arena."

Flanders nodded, he had expected this situation.

After all, the results achieved by the Shrek Seven Devils in this month are so outstanding that it is impossible not to attract attention.

Especially Huo Feng, who performed the best and won all the fighting souls throughout the month, will definitely be the focus of attention.

There is also Tang San, whose performance is terrible, but his popularity remains high.

It's also likely to get a lot of attention.

Although Flanders is very reluctant to deal with the big spirit fighting arena.

But the power of the Great Soul Fighting Arena is so huge that even the country is afraid of it, so naturally he will not take the initiative to offend it.

He nodded and was led by Director Ao to a quiet room behind the registration point.

"Mr. Team Leader, I'll get straight to the point."

Manager Ao said solemnly:

"On behalf of the Soto Grand Soul Fighting Arena, I hope that today's team battle involving the Shrek team can be held in the central main spirit fighting arena."


Flanders was not surprised, but responded calmly:

"This doesn't seem to be in line with the rules, right?"

"According to the regulations of the Great Soul Fighting Arena, only soul masters with silver fighting spirits and above can appear in the main fighting spirit arena, and the Shrek team is just iron fighting spirits."

Manager Ao looked ugly and showed a wry smile:

"You don't have to be modest. Based on the Shrek Seven Devils' record this month, after the spirit fight ends today, they will all get the Silver Soul Fighting Badge."

"There's nothing wrong with becoming a Silver Fighting Spirit one day earlier."

"Also, I have a small expectation here. I wonder if you can accept it?"

The next sentence made Flanders frown instantly.

For some reason, he suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Say it"

Flanders responded very calmly.

If the other party didn't say anything, he wouldn't know whether to accept or reject it.

After receiving Flender's answer, Director Ao nodded sheepishly, and then slowly spoke out his expectations.

"On behalf of the Soto Grand Soul Fighting Arena, I hope that today's team battle involving the Shrek team can be held in the central main spirit fighting arena."

"At the same time, 'Shrek No. 1' and 'Shrek No. 8' can start at the same time and participate in team battle souls!"

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