People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 108 Do you really like watching Tang San make a fool of yourself so much?


"'Shrek No. 1' and 'Shrek No. 8' start at the same time?"

Flanders twitched the corner of his mouth and repeated it again with a surprised look on his face.

"Yes, you heard it right, this is my second request of the Soto Great Soul Fighting Arena"

Manager Ao nodded, his attitude was very sincere.

If it is true as he said, "Shrek No. 1" and "Shrek No. 7" will appear at the same time.

The heat will be unimaginable.

"His this"

Flanders frowned, seeming a little undecided.

The manager meant to let Huo Feng and Tang San, who were currently extremely popular, go on the field together to participate in the team battle.

It is understandable that such marketing methods will definitely set off a new wave of enthusiasm.

But equally, if you can participate in a team fight in the central fighting arena, Shrek's opponent will definitely be extraordinary.

It would be fine if we met some novice teams, just let Tang San go up and have some fun.

Anyway, it's the same with or without him.

At most, it's just a little side effect. With Huo Feng in charge, it means it's not a big problem.

But if you encounter a very strong team.

If there is one more person or one less person, the impact will be obvious.

And there was another question before him.

If Tang San wanted to come on as a substitute, he would have to replace a student.

How this person should choose is also very difficult to decide.

Flender was not in a hurry to answer. Instead, he asked Director Ao,

His expression was still the same as before, and he seemed to be having a normal conversation.

"I wonder why the Soto Spirit Arena is arranged like this?"

"I wonder if you can tell me the specific reason?"

For such a critical matter, you must know the causes and consequences, otherwise you are likely to get into trouble.

Therefore, Flanders must ask clearly first.

Manager Ao sighed and showed a helpless smile:

"Then I'll tell the truth."

"Three days ago, a team of soul masters came. They were all composed of Yin Dou soul masters. They seemed to be soul masters brought in by several big nobles in Soto City."

"For two consecutive days, the great nobles have placed heavy bets on them, and they have won the soul battle without any suspense."

"Just two days have brought great losses to the Great Soul Fighting Arena!"

"Since you are familiar with the Great Soul Fighting Arena, you should also know that generally speaking, soul masters who have reached the Silver Soul Fighting Level are above level 40."

"But all the members of this team are Soul Masters!"

"We can't break the rules and invite a level 40 soul sect team to fight with them."

Having said this, the expression on Manager Ao's face was already very ugly.

The first impression is that he is telling the truth.

After a slight pause, he continued to speak,

"But if this continues, the Great Soul Fighting Arena cannot afford continued losses."

"Perhaps because they have tasted the sweetness, the nobles have increased their bets today. If they lose again, I'm afraid..."

Flanders nodded and immediately understood what Director Ao meant.

His thoughts moved slightly and he asked

"The Soul Master has already reached the level of Silver Fighting Soul. It seems that they are very strong."

"So, what kind of team was used in the Soul Fighting Arena in the past two days?"

Faced with Flanders' question, Director Ao thought for a while and answered,

"Since our Soto Grand Soul Fighting Arena does not have a soul-level silver soul-fighting team, we had no choice but to send out a soul-level bronze soul-fighting team to fight with them."

"One of them is a team that was promoted to the Bronze Soul Fighting Team not long ago. It is also the Mad Fighting Team that has fought against the Shrek Seven Monsters."

"But they were completely defeated and had no chance to fight back."

Hearing this, Flanders frowned slightly.

"Among the soul master-level teams, the level of the Mad Battle Team is already quite impressive. Are the members of the Silver Fighting Soul Team higher than them?"

Manager Ao shook his head,

"No, it's not a matter of soul power level, it's mainly a matter of the difference in soul rings."

"This Silver Fighting Soul Team, like the Shrek Team, is the best soul ring combination."

"With their huge advantage in powerful soul skills, Team Madness has no chance."

Flanders nodded, of course he knew what the so-called best soul ring was.

This means that the first soul ring is a hundred years, the second soul ring is more than five hundred years, and the third soul ring is directly a thousand years.

When it comes to soul masters, they are two yellows and one purple, like Dai Mubai, Huo Feng, and Oscar.

He already had some confidence in his heart, but Flanders still didn't rush to agree.

"Even so, why does the Great Soul Fighting Arena think that our Shrek team will definitely be able to win the soul fight?"

"After all, we only have three soul masters above level 30, and the remaining four have not yet reached level 30."

Manager Ao smiled slightly:

"That makes you humble."

"We all know that in terms of soul power level, Team Shrek can be said to be at the bottom among all Soul Master-level teams."

"But in the previous twenty-seven team battles, we achieved a complete victory!"

"This can be said to be unprecedented even in our Soto Great Spirit Fighting Arena."

"The so-called existence is reasonable. I think the Shrek Seven Monsters team must be able to compete with this Silver Fighting Spirit team."

"Moreover, Team Shrek has a star player like 'Shrek No. 1'!"

"Soto Spirit Fighting Arena chooses to believe in 'Shrek No. 1'!"

Flanders' eyes flickered, and after thinking for a moment he asked:

"If I remember correctly, there should be extra rewards for participating in the spirit fighting competition in the center's main spirit fighting arena."

When Manager Ao saw that the leader of the Shrek team was finally tempted, he felt secretly happy.

He quickly patted his chest and replied:


"Every soul master who participates in the main soul fighting arena will receive a direct reward of five hundred gold soul coins."

"And this time you have been invited by us. If you can win this soul battle, the soul battle arena is willing to pay an additional 10,000 gold soul coins as a reward."

"But because the Shrek Seven Monsters haven't obtained the Silver Fighting Soul Badge after all, the points have to be calculated according to the previous calculation method. Fortunately, their current team battles have been winning streaks, and they have already gained a lot of points."

Before Flender could speak, Director Ao continued,

"For the sake of this spirit fight, please ask the members of the Shrek Seven Devils not to participate in one-on-one and two-on-two spirit fights today."

"Although we can't give them extra points to break the rules, within our authority, our spirit fighting arena can count their one-on-one and two-on-two spirit fighting today as victory."

"Let their registered opponents admit defeat on their own, so that Team Shrek can go all out to face their opponents."

"At the same time, as mentioned before."

"If 'Shrek No. 1' and 'Shrek No. 8' can appear at the same time, the Great Soul Fighting Arena will give an additional 20% reward to the Shrek team!"

Flanders smiled secretly in his heart,

This Soto Spirit Fighting Arena, and the audience in the Spirit Fighting Arena.

Do you really like watching Tang San make a fool of yourself so much?

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