People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 115 The battle is about to begin, and Tang San has a stomachache again! What's going on

As the "Shrek No. 8" who is second only to Huo Feng in the Soto Spirit Arena.

He has never had the opportunity to participate in team battles with the team.

This can't help but make many viewers very uncomfortable.

Many people are eager to see what it will be like when "Shrek No. 1" and "Shrek No. 8" appear on behalf of the Shrek team at the same time.

Just an hour ago, they suddenly received news about the Soto Great Soul Fighting Arena.

"Shrek No. 8" will appear as the starter at the same time as "Shrek No. 1".

Moreover, their opponent is the Imperial Fighting Team, which has caused a stir in the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena in the past two days.

The most important thing is that the noble families who invited the Imperial Fighter Team were also in these VIP boxes at the venue.

Therefore, as soon as the news spread, some powerful people quickly came after hearing the news.

Eighty percent of the tickets were booked instantly.

The remaining 20% ​​were also sold out in a very short period of time.

In the central main fighting arena, there are a total of twelve high-level VIP rooms and three hundred and twenty ordinary VIP rooms. These rooms are almost never empty.

The high-end VIP rooms have their own owners, and the ordinary VIP rooms have been booked early.

At this moment, the brightness of the already bright golden light in the central main fighting arena increased again.

And all the light is no longer scattered in all directions but concentrated towards the Soul Fighting Platform.

Instead, it was like a huge spotlight that dropped a golden beam of light from the sky, covering the entire Soul Fighting Stage.

Just from such a light soul guide, you can see how rich the soul fighting field is.

In the middle of the Soul Fighting Platform, a circular shape with a diameter of two meters suddenly protruded from the ground.

While rising slowly, you can see that there is a thick golden pillar supporting the rising circle, and on the golden pillar, a girl is leaning on it.

The girl looked to be only eighteen or nineteen years old.

She was wearing a dignified and beautiful white dress.

Her wavy brown hair, plump breasts and her breathtaking slender waist all reflect her amazing beauty.

The girl held a cone-shaped loudspeaker soul guide in her hand, with a professional smile on her pretty face.

"It's an honor to meet all our distinguished guests again."

The girl in the white dress walked out after the circular platform rose into place, circled in place, and waved to the surrounding stands.

The round platform that sent her to the stage descended quietly and quickly returned to its normal position without leaving any trace.

"It is Doudou's honor to be able to host the team fighting spirit competition in the main spirit fighting arena for all our distinguished guests again."

"I hope all distinguished guests will enjoy themselves tonight."

"Today will be a highlight, and we have only arranged this soul battle tonight."

"Although the two sides fighting are only at Soul Master level, they both already have the honor of Silver Fighting Soul Badge."

"If I had to give them a title, I think the word genius would be very suitable."

"Doudou will explain the whole process to all distinguished guests."

"Now, let me introduce the situation of both sides to the distinguished guests!"

"Emperor Fighting Team, Captain: Yu Tianheng!"

"Shrek Seven Monsters Team, Captain: 'Shrek No. 1'!"

As the host, the girl in white dress Doudou first introduced the captains of both sides.

Then he very skillfully introduced the situation of both sides.

The purpose is simple, that is, to bring a sense of expectation to every VIP audience present.

"Okay, I won't say anything unnecessary about Doudou. Now, let's invite the players from both sides to come on stage."

"Doudou is also a soul master at the soul master level. I really want to see what kind of wonderful performance these soul masters at the same level as Doudou will have."

As he spoke, white light suddenly spurted out from the host Doudou.

Then, there was suddenly a streak of white in her long brown wavy hair.

A pair of white wings quietly stretched out from behind, and three yellow soul rings appeared on her body at the same time.

The third soul ring shone brightly, her wings flapped lightly, and she actually took off into the air with her amplifying soul guide.

Just as Doudou herself said, she is also a soul master at the soul master level.

Although her third soul ring is not the best thousand-year level, the ability this soul ring gives her is obviously flying.

For a soul master with a flying martial soul, this is extremely important.

Doudou's martial spirit is a cute and gentle animal that symbolizes peace - the white dove.

On both sides of the Soul Fighting Stage, two doors opened silently at the same time. Team members from both sides entered the room at the same time and walked toward the center of the Soul Fighting Stage.

On the left, it was the Imperial Fighter Team.

Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Soul Master Yu Tianheng walked at the front of the team, and Dugu Yan habitually snuggled next to him.

Following the two men were the Shi brothers.

Then there's Othro the Black Panther and Windchill the Bell Bird.

The last person walking was the mysterious Nine Heart Begonia Soul Master Ye Lingling.

Compared with the different attires of the Royal Dou Team, the Shrek Team looks much neater.

The same black outfit, the same green mask.

Although they are different in height, they look like a well-organized group at first glance.

These clothes were specially made for them by Dean Flender, and they would only be put on when participating in spirit fighting.

One is to better hide their true situation, and the other is to make them feel more like a team.

Clothes cover the body, masks cover the appearance.

But nothing can be done about the eyes.

As soon as the players from both sides appeared on the stage, the eyes of Huo Feng, who was walking at the front of the Shrek team, and Yu Tianheng, the captain of the Huangdou team, collided fiercely in the air.

The eyes of the two people froze for a moment, and the sound of dragons roaring and tigers roaring seemed to be heard throughout the spirit fighting arena.

Yu Tianheng's heart was awe-inspiring, and Huo Feng's eyes were very calm.

But when he arrived, he immediately felt a strong pressure on his face.

He instantly understood that the captain of the Shrek team was definitely not that easy to deal with.

The other team members also responded coldly, with dazzling light bursting out of their eyes.

The spirit fight has not yet begun, but the momentum of both sides is already colliding with each other.

"Soul masters from both sides participating in the team battle, please note that from now on you have one minute to summon your own martial soul."

"You can only attack when I announce the start."

"Until one party admits defeat, collapses, or falls off the soul fighting platform."

Doudou, who was floating in the air, flapped her snow-white dove wings and spoke to the players on both sides with her soft and moving voice.

That soft voice was a pleasure to the ears of the VIP audience watching the battle, but to the ears of the Shrek Seven Monsters and the members of the Imperial Fighter Team, it meant that the battle was about to begin.

The expressions of the players on both sides were full of fighting spirit.

But there was only one person whose expression was a little strange at the moment.

It was Tang San who stood at the back of Shrek's team.

For some reason, he had a stomachache at this moment.

An ominous premonition suddenly emerged from Tang San's heart

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