People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 116 After all, Tang San can still do the whole job, right?

Because he was in the last row of the team, Tang San didn't attract many people's attention.

In addition, he was wearing a mask, so no one could see the strange expression on his face at this moment.

Tang San didn't know why he had stomachache.

Although it was said that the stomachache in the first battle of souls made me a lot more enthusiastic.

But he would rather not have this kind of heat.

And that time it was because Yu Xiaogang bought them expired food for cheap.

That led to stomach upset.

After that, Yu Xiaogang also felt very guilty, at least there was nothing wrong with what they ate.

It was the same today, Tang San didn't want to lose face again.

"Is it because I'm too nervous?"

Tang San murmured to himself.

He has never participated in a group battle.

This is the first time.

Moreover, the Shrek team has always maintained a completely victorious attitude.

Just before taking the stage not long ago, he learned from Dean Flender that today's opponent was very tough.

Therefore, he was indeed very nervous at the moment.

Tang San could only attribute the cause of his stomachache to his own nervousness.

He looked in the direction of Yu Xiaogang.

This battle is not only to prove himself, but also to prove for the teacher.

Tang San knew that he must seize this opportunity.

At the entrance of the passage where the two fighting spirit teams appeared, there were leaders from both sides.

When the team members faced each other, they also saw each other.

The leaders of Team Shrek were originally only Flanders and Zhao Wuji.

But just now Yu Xiaogang was very shameless and wanted to intervene.

Flanders was originally very reluctant, but since Tang San was indeed starting the game today, he could only reluctantly agree.

But only this time.

Tang San was a great spirit master at the twenty-fifth level, not to mention he was pretty good in his own right.

Even a twenty-fifth-level great soul master with outstanding strength would find it difficult to perform in such a situation.

Presumably after today's group battle, Yu Xiaogang realized the true strength of his disciple.

Even if Tang San is selected as the starter to participate in team battles in the future, Yu Xiaogang probably won't have the face to do so.

Tang San also didn't have that face.

The reason why they stood outside the corridor was because they did not have VIP status, so naturally they could only watch the battle here.

On the other side, the leader of the Imperial Fighting Team was none other than Teacher Qin.

Flanders saw Qin Ming, who was a hundred meters away, at a glance. His face suddenly changed, and then he gradually relaxed. His original nervousness seemed to be relieved a lot.

"It seems that I don't need to worry anymore this time. Wuji, look who is on the other side?"

Zhao Wuji also saw Qin Ming, and his eyes suddenly widened, "How could it be him..."

Yu Xiaogang looked at the two of them with doubts on his face.

"You know each other's team leader? What's going on?"

Naturally, he didn't know Qin Ming.

Flanders curled his lips, his face full of impatience:

"It's nothing. If you have the chance, let's wait until after this spirit fight is over."

He obviously didn't want to talk to Yu Xiaogang.

The latter's face darkened and he stopped asking.

He looked straight towards where Tang San was.

Because Yu Xiaogang and Tang San left for a while.

In addition, time was tight, so he didn't know the details of this Imperial Fighter Team at all.

I just know that my opponent is very strong.

So now Yu Xiaogang has high expectations for Tang Sanbao.

If Flanders knew about Yu Xiaogang's idea, he would probably laugh to death.

At this moment, on the central soul fighting stage, almost at the same time, a total of fourteen people from both sides released their soul power.

Fourteen strands of strong fighting spirit soared into the sky, and the white pigeon spirit master Doudou, who was in the air in shock, hurriedly raised his height in the air again.

It was not like she had never seen a group battle with stronger souls than the following people, but it was extremely rare for both sides to have such a strong fighting spirit like the one before her.

In Doudou's eyes, the following fourteen people can only be described with one word, that is - strong!

As an on-site host and commentator, she no longer knows what words to use to explain this game.

She knew that soon, a tit-for-tat soul battle was about to begin.

A tiger roar came from Dai Mubai's mouth, and the passionate and somewhat hot breath spurted out from his body.

Accompanied by the crackling sound of the bones like exploding beans, the muscles all over his body expanded instantly, and the sharp claws popped out from the tiger's palm. Although he was wearing a mask, his sharp, knife-like eyes were full of wild aura.

Immediately behind Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing also released their martial spirits.

The place originally occupied by Ma Hongjun next to Zhu Zhuqing was now taken by Tang San.

His face was obviously very flustered, because it was the first game, and Tang San didn't understand anything.

I don’t even know what to do next.

Seeing Dai Mubai release his martial spirit, he also quickly released his martial spirit.

Dark green bluesilver grass grows from its palm.

Then Oscar and Ning Rongrong, two auxiliary soul masters standing in the second-to-last row, also released their martial souls.

Standing at the back of the team was still Huo Feng.

He was also not careless when facing opponents like the Royal Dou Team.

The martial soul was also released immediately.


The blue thunder sword instantly appeared in Huo Feng's right hand.

On the blade of the sword, the flashing arcs of lightning made people's hearts tremble.

But according to the old rules at the beginning, he should still not take action at the beginning.

Old viewers who often watch Huo Feng's games should know that this is enough to give the Royal Dou Team face.

There was even a time when Huo Feng encountered a relatively weak team before, but Huo Feng never made a move from beginning to end.

The martial spirit was not even released.

"Does the captain of Team Shrek still plan to remain silent like before?"

"That's a bit too arrogant. The Imperial Fighter Team is no better than other useless teams."

In a luxurious box.

Two middle-aged men sat facing each other.

Their clothes are extremely luxurious.

Obviously not ordinary people.

At this moment, both of them turned their heads to look.

Through the glass of the box, their eyes happened to fall on Huo Feng, who was at the back of the Shrek team.

The person who just spoke was a middle-aged man with a full beard. He had a cigar in his mouth and his face was full of disdain.

Although the Shrek Team is indeed good, they spent a lot of money to hire the Imperial Team.

The purpose is to place more bets so that he can earn some money from the Soto Great Soul Fighting Arena.

They know very well the strength of the Royal Dou Team.

Although Team Shrek is okay, compared with the former, it is still far behind.

"Old Li, in my opinion, this Shrek team is completely exaggerated, especially their captain."

"I'm not as interested in him as I am in 'Shrek No. 1'."

"After all, I can still do the whole job, right?"

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