People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 117 Dai Mubai: Go and stop them! Tang San:? ? I? ? !


"Lao Li, do you think what I said is right?"

The speaker was a middle-aged man sitting opposite the bearded man.

He was wearing a somewhat exaggerated top hat.

At this moment, most of his face was covered by the shadow of the top hat.

But when she smiles, the row of teeth exposed is very conspicuous.

"Heroes see the same thing!"

The bearded man picked up the teacup on the table and took a sip.

He once again set his sights on the spirit fighting arena.

Team Shrek has released its own martial soul, so the other side will naturally not be idle.

The formation of the Royal Dou Team is completely different from that of the Shrek Team.

The person standing at the front is not their captain, Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Soul Master Yu Tianheng.

But they were two Xuanwu Turtle Soul Master Shi brothers.

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, shouted loudly at the same time when Doudou announced the start of the spirit fight.

Earthy yellow light rose from beneath their feet, and the sound they made was even more intense than the rioting sounds of Dai Mubai's bones.

Before releasing their martial spirits, the Shi brothers took off their shirts, revealing their solid muscles as solid as granite.

With the release of the martial spirit, the two people's shoulders slowly moved forward, and their entire backs were half arched.

The earthy yellow light formed by all the soul power condensed towards their backs, forming a huge dark yellow tortoise shell.

The lines on the tortoise shell are light yellow, and the whole bones of the Shi brothers seem to have undergone some changes with the appearance of the tortoise shell.

Not only did tortoise shells appear on their backs, but also in front of them, and their limbs also became shorter with the appearance of tortoise shells.

In the middle of the plastron in the tortoise shell, there is a huge symbol, shining with a faint blue light.

Two yellow and one purple, three soul rings coiled around their bodies from bottom to top.

Because their martial souls have grown a lot after producing tortoise shells, their soul rings are coiled around their bodies, and they seem to be somewhat deformed.

The strong aura generated by Dai Mubai was blocked from the front after the Shi brothers released their martial spirits, unable to exert any pressure on the other members of the Imperial Fighter Team behind them.

From the gap between the Shi brothers, you can just see Yu Tianheng.

As one of the top beast martial arts, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus rex ignited the emotions of all VIP audiences from the very beginning.

A dazzling blue light suddenly lit up from the center of Yu Tianheng's eyebrows.

Immediately afterwards, the blue light spread instantly, falling from the center of his eyebrows to his whole body.

Strips of blue-purple electric electricity burst out like small snakes and swam around his body.

On the surface, Yu Tianheng's changes are not big.

Except for the addition of a blue lightning mark on his forehead, only one part of his body has changed due to the possession of the martial spirit.

However, the changes in this area were more thorough than those of all the beast soul masters present.

What changed was his right arm.

The original right sleeve burst into ashes due to the expansion of the right arm, and the length of the arm increased by more than half a foot.

The entire arm was extremely thick and covered with blue-purple scales, and the hands turned into claws, covered with the same scales.

Every joint in his hand became extremely thick, and the blue-purple snake electricity swirling around his body continued to condense or flow on his arm.

The three soul rings, two yellow and one purple, are not hovering around the body like other soul masters, but are hovering over this special mutated arm.

Tang San looked past Dai Mubai and carefully watched the changes on Yu Tianheng's body.

The teacher once explained to him the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, the top martial spirit, in detail.

There are some differences between Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus and other martial spirits.

First of all, as a blue electric dragon soul master, the soul ring he can obtain must be a sub-dragon soul beast, similar to the soul ring Oscar received from the phoenix-tailed crested snake.

Starting from level 30, the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Soul Master will gain one more soul ring on his body that is more similar to a dragon when using his martial soul.

For example, Yu Tianheng's right arm is his first limb change.

When he reaches level 70, the Blue Electric Tyrant Dragon Soul Master can truly transform into a dragon and burst out with extremely terrifying power.

Known as the most terrifying attack-type soul master in the same level.

To put it simply, if Yu Tianheng and Zhao Wuji are both at level 70, then Zhao Wuji's martial soul body, the Vajra Bear incarnation, is by no means a match for the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex incarnation.

Let me ask, how can bears and dragons be on the same level?

Therefore, Yu Tianheng's right arm now no longer belongs to the category of human beings.

Instead, it was a dragon arm with dragon scales attached to it, and the right hand turned into a dragon claw.

Behind Yu Tianheng, there was a green color, and the red-haired and green-eyed Dugu Yan's body seemed to become extremely soft at this time.

She gently swayed her upper body and clung to Yu Tianheng's back. Her green eyes became extraordinarily sharp, and her cold aura contained no human emotion at all.

There was a diamond-shaped green scale between his eyebrows. When he looked carefully, everyone else in Shrek except Huo Feng couldn't help but be surprised.

Because I didn’t watch the former at all.

He had been staring at the blue arc on Yu Tianheng's body.

The electric arc of this blue electric Tyrannosaurus Rex is somewhat similar to the electric arc on his Thunder Sword.

What shocked everyone in Shrek was that Dugu Yan had no legs at this time.

To be more precise, it should be said that the legs were fused together and turned into a thick snake tail.

Relying on the snake's tail to support her body, it's no wonder she swings back and forth.

Black Panther Soul Master Oslo has not changed much. He was originally dressed in black, and now even his hair has turned black, and his beautiful, womanly face looks a little pale.

But his pupils have turned into two vertical lines, and his whole body is full of danger that is waiting to strike. There are also three soul rings, two yellow and one purple.

This optimal soul ring configuration seems to be as easy as commonplace for the entire Imperial Battle Team.

Dai Mubai quickly looked back at Huo Feng's location.

"Is Huo Feng still not taking action at first?"

A wry smile flashed across his face.

Could it be that even opponents like the Royal Dou Team couldn't get Huo Feng to go all out?

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Just like the previous battle, before Huo Feng took action, he was the commander of the Shrek team.

Looking at the opponent's formation, he immediately made a rough judgment.

The two in front were obviously two defensive soul masters.

Yutianhe and Duguyan huddled behind them and launched an attack.

And the opponent's two agility attack system soul masters will definitely take the initiative to attack.

As for the auxiliary soul master at the end, I can't control it for the time being.

We can only deal with the two defensive soul masters at the front first.

"Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, you and I try to break through the defenses of those two Xuanwu Turtle Soul Masters."

"Tang San, the opponent's two agility attack spirit masters may attack Oscar and Ning Rongrong, stop them both!"

Hearing Dai Mubai's words, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing nodded at the same time.

But after hearing the second half of the sentence, Tang San was immediately stunned!


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