People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 119 Tang San was blown away, and Yu Xiaogang became angry.

Chapter 119 Tang San was blown away, and Yu Xiaogang became angry.

Tang San was still waiting in full formation, but Dai Mubai's sudden change of position gave him no time to react.

The thunder dragon claws sent out by Yu Tianheng hit Tang San heavily on the chest.


After a violent collision, Tang San flew twenty meters through the air before falling.

Wherever the thunder and lightning passed, the air was violently distorted, and a heart-stopping crackling sound erupted.


The severe pain that shot through his body made Tang San gasp in an instant.

Although at the last second Tang San used the Xuan Tian Gong to the extreme, and at the same time used the Xuan Jade Hand to insert a few blue silver grass horizontally in front of his chest.

But the gap between the Soul Master and the Great Soul Master still caused him to be blown away.

Now I not only feel the pain of physical tearing and damage, but also the numbness of being electrocuted.

Tang San felt that all the muscles in his body were still twitching at this moment.

The clothes on his body were also a little torn.

Blood was already flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Now Tang San was in a very embarrassed state.

Fortunately, the mask on his face was tight and didn't fly out.

Otherwise, it would really be a shame.

The only thing that made him not too desperate was that although Tang San was on the edge of the Soul Fighting Platform, he had not fallen off the Soul Fighting Platform yet.

In other words, he can still continue to fight.

The scene just before he was blown away flashed through his mind. Tang San staggered to his feet and looked at Dai Mubai with some resentment.

If he remembers correctly, the latter dodged Yu Tianheng's blow, but instead exposed himself in a dangerous position.

He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and was indignant.

Tang San never expected that Dai Mubai would treat him like this.

But now is obviously not the time to settle accounts with him. When the soul fighting is over, he must report it to the teacher and ask him to talk to the dean to seek justice for himself.

In fact, even if Tang San wanted to settle accounts now, he didn't have the strength.

A twenty-five-year-old great soul master wants to settle a score with a thirty-eighth-level soul master.

I'm not afraid of being laughed to death if I tell you this.

In fact, Dai Mubai was just reacting in an emergency.

He really didn't expect Tang San to stand motionless behind him.

He forcefully took Yu Tianheng's punch.

But he just saw Tang San getting up, so it was nothing serious.

Anyway, he didn't expect Tang San to be of any use.

Asking him to stop two people was just a casual comment.

Now I have punched Yu Tianheng, the captain of the Imperial Fighting Team, which can be regarded as consuming a little of the opponent's soul power.

Contributed to Shrek's battle.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, this guy still doesn't seem to be very smart."

Huo Feng, who was standing at the end, naturally witnessed the whole process.

But because everything happened so fast, he didn't react for a while.

At this moment, all the VIPs in gorgeous clothes in the surrounding boxes had smiles on their faces and clapped their hands and applauded!

"Okay, okay, this 'Shrek No. 8' has indeed not forgotten his original intention. Even when he comes to the central spirit fighting arena, he still chooses to live a healthy life!"

"Who says otherwise? He must be the only great soul master who dares to resist Yu Tianheng's punch, right?"

"Don't tell me, my ability to withstand blows is quite good, but I'm standing up again, and I seem to be able to walk!"

Quite a few people were making fun of Tang San.

They didn't have any special ideas, they were just watching it for fun.

But there are also some people who don't pay attention to Tang San and wholeheartedly support the Huangdou Team.

"Haha, this Shrek battle is just as I expected, it's hard to achieve greatness!"

"I don't understand how the captain of the Shrek team dared to stand behind and not take any action. Yu Tianheng almost reduced their numbers with one punch. Two more punches will probably declare the battle over!"

But there were also people who were aggrieved and had angry faces.

This person is none other than Tang San’s master, Yu Xiaogang!

He saw with his own eyes that Dai Mubai ducked away, exposing his beloved disciple Tang San in an extremely dangerous position.

And the latter suffered a heavy blow because of this.

I don’t know what the situation is now.

"Flender, how do you educate them, as a team, is this how you treat your teammates?"

Yu Xiaogang was very dissatisfied with Dai Mubai's actions. He directly questioned Flanders and glared at him.

But the latter didn't look down on him at all, and raised the corner of his mouth to reveal a slight smile,

"Yu Xiaogang, don't think that everyone is the same as you. This is a team battle in the central spirit fighting arena!"

"Every second of the battle is unpredictable, especially for team battle spirits. Any outcome is possible.

"I advise you not to speculate on the students of Shrek Academy, let alone try to sow discord between them."

"If you are strong enough, you should be able to deal with any situation calmly, right?"

Flanders was originally a little worried about what Tang San had just experienced.

After all, it was my first time to participate in a team battle, and I encountered this situation as soon as I got on the field.

It's hard for anyone to accept.

But if Yu Xiaogang actually questioned himself, then he would have to explain it carefully.

After all, is he not your apprentice?

Flanders didn't even say it directly, if Huo Feng were to stand in Tang San's position just now.

I'm afraid it was Yu Tianheng who flew out.

So, if you don’t have the strength, just stop.

Don't always bark randomly, it's really annoying!


Yu Xiaogang gritted his teeth, but couldn't refute a single word.

He could only get angry.

Because just now he actually felt that what Vlad said was quite reasonable.

But I can't admit it myself.

So now his face is extremely ugly.

It has become a classic again and is as green as if you have eaten shit.

At this moment, Dai Mubai, who was in the spirit fighting arena, reached out with his foot and swept out with one kick.

He charged forward again, running straight towards the legs of the Shi brothers in front of him.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing also rushed out at the same time, one on the left and the other on the right side of Dai Mubai.

The tortoise shells of the Shi brothers fell to the ground with a crash, and their legs retracted into the tortoise shells before they could move.

Yu Tianheng, who was flying in the air, was a little confused when he saw that his Thunder Dragon Claw had blown one of Shrek's men away so far.

After a brief moment of sluggishness, he stepped on the tortoise shell of the Black Tortoise Soul Master in front of him. His body suddenly accelerated and he rushed straight towards Dai Mubai.

The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex waved its arm again, and another Thunder Dragon Claw blasted out!

As the captain of the Imperial Fighting Team, Yu Tianheng has already seen that the most powerful person in front of him is the White Tiger Soul Master.

And the captain of the opposing Shrek team seemed to be standing at the back with no intention of taking action?

Then we can only deal with all the people in front of us first, and then deal with that "Shrek No. 1"!

Yu Tianheng was full of strength, and it had to be said that just blowing up Tang San really gave him a lot of confidence.

In his opinion, the captain of Team Shrek was just trying to be mysterious.

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