People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 120 Tang San doesn’t know whether to live or die, blue silver entangles and sneak attacks on

As the captain of the Imperial Fighting Team, Yu Tianheng had already seen it.

The most important figure in the opposing team is not the strongest Dai Mubai, but Huo Feng.

Even now, he still thinks so.

But he was very unhappy with what the latter did.

Therefore, Yu Tianheng planned to quickly deal with the others, and then personally deal with the captain of the Shrek team.

See if the other party really has such arrogant strength.

Or are you just pretending?

At this moment, other soul masters on the Huang Dou team also started to attack.

Black Panther Soul Master Oslo had already jumped up to meet Zhu Zhuqing's charging figure.

The wind chime bird spirit master in the air also had his first spirit ring bright, and he swooped towards Xiao Wu with the sound of howling wind.

The front edges of his wings formed by his arms have become as sharp as blades.

It is his first soul skill, Wing Blade.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other, even though both of them had a certain soul power gap with their opponents.

But they didn't feel any timidity at all and went straight forward.

In the midst of lightning and flint, the battle is already unfolding on many sides.


At this moment, Dai Mubai saw the right moment, and the second soul ring on his body suddenly lit up.

The second soul skill - White Tiger Fierce Light Wave is released instantly.

It blasted towards Yu Tianheng without any warning!

The Imperial Battle Team studied them, and Shrek Battle also studied their opponents.

Before the team battle began, Dai Mubai and the rest of the Shrek Team carefully discussed their opponent, the Royal Dou Team.

Of course, Huo Feng remained uninvolved as always.

The outcome of the discussion is entirely up to them.

But no matter how they analyze it, they all understand that without Huo Feng taking action.

The strength of the Royal Dou team is much stronger than ours.

Although the Shrek team has achieved 27 consecutive victories.

But everyone understands Huo Feng's role in it.

They can't always wait for Huo Feng to come to the rescue, right?

And coupled with Tang San's sudden appearance.

If it were just a head-to-head confrontation based on strength, it would be impossible to gain any advantage over the Royal Fighter Team.

If you want to win this team battle, you must rely on the strength of the team.

The strongest member of the Imperial Fighting Team is the offensive spirit master, Yu Tianheng, who possesses the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Spirit.

Not only does he have the highest soul power, he is also the captain of the Imperial Fighting Team.

There is no doubt that his attack power is the sharpest spear in the entire Imperial Battle Team.

He is also the spiritual leader of the Imperial Fighting Team.

If this spear can be broken first, then there will no longer be such a big gap between the souls in this team battle.

Therefore, Dai Mubai set his target on Yu Tianheng from the beginning.

Seeing such continuous attacks from the opponent, Yu Tianheng was obviously a little surprised.

Without any warning, Tang San, who was supposed to be half-crippled in the distance, suddenly started to move.

And it doesn’t seem to be slow at all

Under the surprised gazes of everyone in Shrek, Tang San stepped onto the ghost shadow trail, and his first soul ring shone brightly.

"Blue silver entanglement!"

Countless blue and silver grasses swarmed up from the ground and wrapped around Yu Tianheng in the air.

Dai Mubai was immediately stunned. Tang San actually chose to sneak attack the captain of the Imperial Fighting Team.

I have to say, the courage is commendable.

He thought Tang San had already been reimbursed just now.

Who would have thought that it would still be alive and well.

Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing were in the middle of a battle and had no time to care.

But Oscar and Ning Rongrong saw it clearly.

Even Huo Feng, who was not paying attention here originally, turned his head.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk?"

Huo Feng couldn't help but murmur to himself.

This guy, who are you trying to sneak attack on?

He had to sneak attack Yu Tianheng.

It's better now, even if it's crippled for a while, that's normal.


Several dark green blue silver grass vines tightly wrapped around Yu Tianheng's body.

At this moment, the latter seemed to be motionless under the sanctions of his "blue silver entanglement".

But this is entirely Tang San's own obscenity

No, there was another person in the room who had the same idea as him.

That is - Yu Xiaogang!

At this moment, the latter was watching the battle on the Soul Fighting Stage with pride on his face.

His eyes glanced in the direction of Flanders from time to time.

It seems that he really wants to show off.

But Yu Xiaogang, who was frustrated by being slapped in the face many times, has obviously restrained himself a lot now.

In the air, Yu Tianheng could not avoid Tang San's blue silver grass.

I was immediately entangled in a "tight knot".


He ignored the blue silver grass wrapped around his body.

With a fierce clench of his right fist, the bluesilver grass wrapped around his right arm broke instantly.

This scene directly brought Tang San back to his original shape.

A glimmer of confidence has just been established in his heart.

is quietly disappearing.

Blue seal entanglement can be said to be his only method with strong attack power now.

But it was cracked so easily by Yu Tianheng.

Tang San couldn't accept it.

What he originally thought was that even if he was entangled with blue seals, he wouldn't be able to control the other party for a long time.

But ten seconds and twenty seconds should still be okay.

but the fact is

It's gone as soon as you touch it.

It's over before it even begins.


At this moment, Yu Tianheng's right arm suddenly swung out, and another thunder dragon claw blasted out.

It hit Dai Mubai's white tiger wave of light head-on.

A burst of thunder exploded and roared in mid-air, and countless purple fireworks scattered in all directions.

The dazzle of that moment was like fireworks in full bloom.

The white tiger's fierce light wave dissipated instantly.

Accompanied by a strong explosion.

The bluesilver grass wrapped around his body turned into charcoal and scattered in all directions.

Even the blue silver grass around Yu Tianheng disappeared.

Although Yu Tianheng only used the first soul skill, his soul power was much stronger than Tang San.

Isn't it easy to smash a few blue silver grasses with the power of the Thunder Dragon Claw?

But Yu Tianheng's fighting enthusiasm was completely ignited, and all his potential exploded at the same time.

The second and third soul rings shone brightly.

At this moment, it was impossible for him to hold anything back.

As long as he can break through the killing situation in front of the opponent.

Then the victory of this team battle spirit belongs to the Imperial Fighter Team.

Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex activates the thousand-year soul skill Thunder Fury.

A ball of extremely dazzling blue lightning suddenly burst out from Yu Tianheng's body.

The fury of thunder!

Effect: Within a certain period of time, the Blue Lightning Dragon Soul Master will be in a state of rage.

The power of thunder and lightning is increased by 100%, and the soul power is increased by 50%.

If he doesn't actively stop the skill, it will be until his soul power is exhausted.

And every time the thunderous wrath is activated, it will consume a lot of soul power and put a lot of load on the body.

If it weren't for being in a crisis, Yu Tianheng would never have released his third soul skill so easily.


Seeing this scene, Tang San who was not far away couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

Why did he feel like he had just done something stupid?

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