People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 124 Cerebral Palsy Vegetative? Tang San's self-doubt

Chapter 124 Cerebral Palsy Vegetative? Tang San doubted himself.

No one noticed that Tang San's body, which was lying motionless beside the soul fighting platform, suddenly twitched twice.

He had been unconscious for less than two seconds and suddenly woke up.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

What woke him up was not just the sharp pain that still existed in key parts.

There was also cramping pain in my stomach.

Just before he came on stage, Tang San felt a little pain in his stomach.

But the effect is not very obvious.

Therefore, Tang San only felt that it was caused by his own nervousness.

Who would have thought that my stomach, which was originally fine, would be aroused by severe pain in key parts.

A weird feeling that was very similar to before quickly swam in Tang San's stomach.

The previous operations in the spirit fighting field were still vivid in my mind.

An ominous premonition suddenly surged in his heart.

He didn't want to have that feeling of being in the spotlight again.

Although the popularity is indeed increasing very quickly.

But it’s so hot, it’s okay not to!

The most outrageous thing is that although Tang San knew it in his heart.

But at this moment he couldn't move at all.

The whole person is like a vegetative state, the brain can move but the body cannot.

Even the brain is good and bad sometimes.

It's like riding a horse with cerebral palsy.

At the same time, Dugu Yan, who was in the middle of the spirit fighting arena, had an angry look on his face.

At this moment, she had completely forgotten Qin Ming's explanation.

After a scream, the third soul ring on her body suddenly lit up.

The originally green eyes turned completely purple.

Even the green scales on the snake's tail were covered with a layer of lavender light.

She opened her mouth and spit out a mouthful of rich purple mist.

Then it spread rapidly in the air and surged towards the Shrek team.

"Get them all back!"

Dai Mubai shouted loudly and called Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, who were about to rush forward to follow up the attack, back behind him.

At this time, he once again stood at the front of the Shrek team.

It's okay if Dugu Yan doesn't take action, but once he does, the balance between the two parties will be completely broken.

Based on past experience, Dai Mubai guessed that Huo Feng would take action soon.

Therefore, they just need to maintain their formation now and try to maintain a defensive posture.

Just hold on for a while longer.

Because of the special nature of Captain Huo Feng, Flanders had told the rest of them separately.

That is to try to extend the time they can persist without Huo Feng taking action.

You can even strive for victory if you have the chance.

Otherwise, if you just think about mixed points and do nothing, it will be difficult to make new breakthroughs in actual combat experience.

At the same time, the Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master and the Black Panther Spirit Master of the Imperial Fighting Team wanted to use their speed to launch an attack.

But when he saw the purple mist spewing out, he hurriedly stopped.

Quickly withdraw your side from both sides.

Obviously, even they are extremely afraid of the purple mist spewed by Dugu Yan.

Dai Mubai stared at the gradually drifting purple mist with a solemn expression.

At this time, the purple mist has separated the two sides like a barrier.

And slowly approaching the Shrek team.

Unless they fly up or retreat from the Soul Fighting Platform, they will be shrouded in purple mist.

Before the poisonous mist arrived, there was already a pungent fishy smell.

The very disgusting smell makes me sick and dizzy.

The Shrek team members ate one of Oscar's sausages without hesitation.

Oscar himself quickly started making detoxifying sausages for emergencies.

"Fire sets a prairie fire!"

At the critical moment, Huo Feng walked leisurely in front of everyone.

Then he swung his sword very casually.

It's the second soul skill - igniting a prairie fire!

A sword energy burning with blazing fire came with a bang.

In an instant, the overbearing Lie Yan sword energy seemed to want to swallow up a large piece of purple mist.

The solid purple mist actually burned at the same time in front of the sudden flames.

It made a series of popping sounds and disappeared instantly.

In the air, under the illumination of the lights, the members of the Royal Fighter Team all had confused expressions on their faces.

It seemed like he saw something incredible.

The barrier between the two teams has completely disappeared.

"No, that's impossible!"

"How could you break my green phosphorus and purple poison so easily?"

Dugu Yan stared blankly at Huo Feng across from him, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Not only him, but every member of the Royal Dou Sentai was stunned.

They knew very well about Dugu Yan's jade phosphorus snake venom.

Even someone as strong as Yu Tianheng would never dare to be contaminated easily.

This third soul ring skill is Dugu Yan's extremely poisonous attack.

The toxin acts very quickly, as long as it is slightly contaminated with purple mist.

It won't take long, it only takes a moment or three to turn into pus and die.

But such a domineering poisonous mist was actually broken away by the opponent with a single sword.

Isn't this a joke?

Qin Ming, who was far away in the entrance passage, was already anxious when he saw Ziwu appearing, so he wanted to stop it.

But before he could speak, Dugu Yan's purple mist had already been dissolved.

Such a rapid and incredible result was something he could never have imagined.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly came from behind the Imperial Battle Team,

"What are you waiting for? Does a small setback make you afraid of your opponents?"

Then, along with a faint fragrance, a white light fell from the sky.

The white light looked extremely strange. It turned out to be in the shape of petals, falling slowly.

Then it landed directly on Yu Tianheng and blended into his body lightly.

Yu Tianheng's body trembled as he fell in Dugu Yan's arms.

Under the surprised gazes of everyone in Shrek, his exposed wounds miraculously healed quickly.

In just a few seconds, his entire face looked much better.

Then, even more outrageously, he stood up directly.

Before everyone in Shrek could react, Yu Tianheng stood up again and shouted:

"Lingling is right, what are we waiting for? Take action."

The light of thunder and lightning reappeared, and he, who had been severely beaten by the Shrek team just now, actually rushed out first.

Snake electricity surged around his whole body, and the aura around him was even stronger than before he was injured.

That's right, that white light that looks like petals.

It floated out from the hand of Ye Lingling, the only auxiliary soul master in the Imperial Fighting Team.

At this time, the formation of the Imperial Battle Team was no longer as neat as it was at the beginning.

Team Shrek was finally able to see Ye Lingling's martial spirit, Jiuxin Haitang.

Holding in Ye Lingling's hands, it was a pink begonia flower.

Begonia flowers are composed of white and pink petals. Begonia flowers are brightly colored and graceful.

The flowers, leaves and branches slipped from both sides of Ye Lingling's palms, the soft vines faced the wind, and the ducks and birds hung down.

Like a lady whose hair covers her face, she is affectionate and charming.

At this time, the purple light on her body had just subsided.

Obviously, the white petal-like light before was her thousand-year soul ring skill.

Seeing Yu Tianheng rushing forward again as if nothing happened.

On the Shrek team's side, except for Huo Feng, the faces of everyone else couldn't help but change at the same time.

Why does the captain of the Royal Fighter Team seem to be more powerful than before?

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