People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 125 Tang San scored twice! Is this okay?

You know, their attack on Yu Tianheng just now can be said to have been planned for a long time.

It is also a way to close the gap with your opponents.

After all, Yu Tianheng is not the only one who is powerful.

If Yu Tianheng can be made to lose his combat effectiveness first, with one less person, our side will naturally have a great chance.

But at this time, Yu Tianheng rushed in again, which meant that not only the Imperial Battle Team still had complete combat power.

What was even more damaging to the morale of the Shrek team was that the opponent's Nine Hearts Begonia Spirit Master could treat the injured at any time.

Such outrageous soul skills made them call him a good guy.

Only then did they truly understand why Ning Rongrong admired Jiuxin Haitang so much.

This special auxiliary martial spirit does have its own uniqueness.

But they didn't worry too much.

Huo Feng's casual sword shot just now made everyone in Shrek understand that even when facing such a powerful opponent as the Royal Dou Team.

Their captain can still maintain the same dominance as before.

The poisonous mist that left everyone helpless could not hold out even with a single sword blow from Huo Feng.

Although there is a reason why snake venom is restrained by the properties of the Fire Sword.

But after this period of team battles, their trust in Huo Feng was deeply rooted in their hearts.

But at this moment, the Imperial Battle Team seemed to have a different look.

All the disdain and arrogance on the team members' faces were gone.

Their expressions became very solemn.

Especially when he looked at Huo Feng, he even felt a little scared.

Although the latter only fired one sword.

But the shocking effect brought by this sword far exceeds its own power.

With the previous lessons learned, the Royal Dou Team will obviously not be as careless as before.

Two Xuanwu Turtle Soul Masters followed closely behind Yu Tianheng.

Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master Yu Feng pounced directly on the Seven Treasure Glazed Ning Rongrong at the rear of the Shrek team.

And Black Panther Soul Master Oslo rushed towards Zhu Zhuqing from the flank.

Dugu Yan sprayed green mist from his mouth and released his martial spirit, covering the whole place from the surroundings.

At this time, each member of the Royal Dou Team stuffed something into their mouths.

Unaffected by the green mist.

The real team battle began at this time.

Dai Mubai roared and faced Yu Tianheng head-on again.

His White Tiger King Kong Transformation has a time limit, and he cannot delay it at this time.

And Yu Tianheng's thunderous fury didn't seem to be withdrawn.

The two great soul masters, dragon and tiger, collided again.

Zhu Zhuqing's figure flashed and he met Black Panther Soul Master Oslo.

Her attack and soul power are not as good as her opponent's, but her speed is much faster.

It won't be a big disadvantage for a while.

Of course, this must be established with the assistance of Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

After all, there is one soul ring difference between the two sides. As time goes by, she will never be a match for the Black Panther soul master.

At this time, Xiao Wu was constantly entangled with the opponent's Wind Chime Bird Spirit Master.

Preventing him from attacking Ning Rongrong and Oscar, but due to the attribute gap between the two parties.

Basically it can only be defended passively.

Therefore, the two Xuanwu Turtle Soul Masters and the deputy captain of the Imperial Fighting Team, Dugu Yan, were dealt with.

It fell into the hands of Huo Feng.

It's just that at this moment, Dugu Yan's confidence has quietly changed due to the previous third soul ring skill being resolved.

At this moment, the heads and legs of the Shi brothers, Xuanwu turtle soul masters, had poked out of the turtle shell.

The two of them let out a low roar at the same time, and the second soul ring on their bodies suddenly shone.

A circle of light that was not strong lit up around the edge of the turtle shell.


The two brothers roared in perfect agreement, and the tortoise shells on their chests and backs separated strangely.

It separated into their hands and turned into two huge tortoise shell shields one meter in diameter.

And without their tortoise shells, they are not only much shorter than their previous bodies before using martial arts.

And the strong body has turned into a thin one.

It seems that the tortoise shell is made of their bones and blood, and the strangeness is breathtaking.

The most attention-grabbing member of the Imperial Fighter Team has always been the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Soul Master and captain Yu Tianheng.

But in fact, in terms of combat effectiveness in the Imperial Battle Team.

The Shi brothers are not much inferior to Yu Tianheng.

Whether it's the Black Tortoise Spirit, Dai Mubai's White Tiger Spirit or Yu Tianheng's Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Spirit.

They are all among the top martial arts spirits.

The low-key Shi brothers are definitely more powerful than most people imagine.

But generally in battle, they don't need to show their strong side at all.

At this time, Yu Tianheng's previous heavy injuries obviously made the two calm brothers really angry.

At this time, the first two soul rings on both of them were shining at the same time.

His eyes were burning, staring at Huo Feng.

They understand that the Shrek team relies on the person in front of them the most.

Therefore, as long as they can get rid of him, the Royal Dou Team can win a complete victory.

Then, Huo Feng glanced at the two brothers, and then turned his attention to Fengling Bird Soul Master.

This guy has been harassing the back row of the Shrek team.

This made Xiao Wu and the other two people a little anxious.

It's really annoying.


Without any warning, the two soul rings on Huo Feng's body shone brightly.

The Thunder Sword and the Fire Sword quickly switched twice in an instant.

Then the first and second soul skills were released simultaneously.

Two sword energies of different attributes, one blue and one red, slashed directly at Phoenix Spirit Bird Soul Master.

The speed was so fast that the latter had no time to react.


The paralysis of thunder and lightning and the burning of fire caused it to let out a scream.

Then he fell directly onto the Soul Fighting Platform.

One-seventh of the Royal Dou Team's money will be reimbursed directly.

Basically lost combat effectiveness.

Seeing this scene, the two Shi brothers looked at each other, their eyes filled with anger.

They shouted loudly at the same time.

They actually chose to take the initiative, and the two huge tortoise shell shields under their control were thrown out.

Head straight for Huo Feng.

The tortoise shell shield whirled and roared in the air, and its unparalleled momentum alone was enough to frighten people.

The most peculiar thing is that behind each turtle shell shield.

They all have a yellow soul power connected to the hands of the Shi family brothers.

The sharp edges of the turtle shield continued to cut the air as it moved forward, coming with a thrilling roar.

At the same time, green mist has also filled the entire place.

A faint sweet and fishy smell hits your nostrils.

Even though they had already eaten Oscar's sausage, among the seven members of Shrek's team except Huo Feng.

Everyone felt that their brains were dizzy.

Fortunately, the anti-toxic effect of the small sausages is very good, so he managed not to show his appearance.


At this moment, a clear and loud fart sound suddenly came from the edge of the Soul Fighting Platform.

Both sides, who were fighting fiercely, stopped what they were doing at the same time.

He followed the sound and looked over.

In the disbelief and disgusted expressions of everyone on the field.

A pile of unknown liquid actually flowed out along Tang San's trousers!

Everyone in Shrek was immediately stunned.

Tang San was running thin, scoring twice on horseback?

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