People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 126 Yu Xiaogang’s face darkened, I am a principled person!

How could something with such a small probability happen twice?

And it was all done by Tang San.

This is too much of a coincidence!

Everyone in Shrek looked disgusted.

Especially the three girls, the look in their eyes should not be too obvious.

Even Huo Feng, who was normal before, couldn't bear it anymore.

What the hell is this?

The last time he felt it didn't matter, it was because Tang San was the only one on the spirit fighting stage.

No matter how outrageous or disgusting they are, they are just two people in the disgusting spirit fighting arena.

Although they also felt very uncomfortable.

But it's still far away after all.

This time is different.

Tang San came on stage with them.

Not only did it disgust everyone in Shrek.

He even directly put the shit basin on Shrek Zhan's head.

The originally very serious Imperial Fighter Team came to their senses after a brief moment of confusion.

Then, it was hilarious!

They didn't know Tang San's dark history.

Therefore, the scene at this time was even more shocking.

There's a lot of people on the Soul Fighting Stage?

This must be the first person in history!

Such a ragtag group of people was actually arranged to be their opponents.

The confidence of everyone in the Imperial Fighting Team instantly increased.

At this moment, the VIPs in the surrounding luxury boxes did not hide the smiles on their faces.

"I had only heard of this outrageous operation before, but I didn't expect it to actually happen. It really opened my eyes."

"You don't know yet, right? It was also this 'Shrek No. 8' last time!"


Laughter came and went.

The spirit of this team battle is really wonderful.

Not only is the battle fierce, but the quality is high enough.

And the whole aspect of life is not bad at all.

Now some people finally understand why this "Shrek No. 8" is so popular in the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena.

It completely relies on his talent for living.

Without Tang San, no matter how good the Shrek team's record was, it would probably be difficult to have the same effect as it is now.

"Yu Xiaogang, I wonder if you did it on purpose?"

Under the Soul Fighting Stage, Flanders questioned Yu Xiaogang with a black line on his face.

Teacher Qin from the Huangdou team next to him was stunned.

Long time no see, does Shrek Academy even accept such students now?

"Flanders, I, Yu Xiaogang, am also a principled person!"

Yu Xiaogang shook his sleeves with a gloomy expression.

That expression is so ugly.

He never expected that Tang San would be able to do this in the central spirit fighting arena.

Last time it was my fault.

But what about this time?

What’s the reason again!

At this moment, Yu Xiaogang was very angry and didn't realize that Tang San was almost dead on the soul fighting stage.

I just thought that I would question him after the soul fighting was over.


Flanders snorted coldly and said nothing more.

He turned his head and continued to observe the situation in the spirit fighting arena.

Although what Tang San did was outrageous, it had little impact on the situation.

At this time, the one who was relatively relaxed on the Soul Fighting Stage was Dai Mubai, who was facing the strongest member of the Imperial Fighting Team.

Fighting against Yu Tianheng again, Dai Mubai immediately realized that his opponent's condition was not at its best.

The strange white light of the petals helped Yu Tianheng heal his physical wounds.

But the soul power he had released before had not been restored.

You must know that under the siege of the Shrek team, his soul power was greatly consumed.

I don't know how much older than Dai Mubai.

Skin injuries heal quickly, but injuries to the body's interior are difficult to recover from so quickly.

At this time, Yu Tianheng only relied on his lightning ability to deal with Dai Mubai.

When the soul power was already lower than that of Dai Mubai who was attached to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.

Yu Tianheng calmly chose Youdou.

And he tried his best to use the paralysis effect of thunder and lightning, instead of fighting Dai Mubai head-on.

Dai Mubai wanted to seize the opportunity to win, but he couldn't do it.

Being able to become a control soul master, Jade Phosphorus Snake Dugu Yan's ability to control the field with poison is extraordinary.

If Huo Feng hadn't taken action at the critical moment to neutralize her third strongest soul skill, Jade Phosphorous Purple Poison.

I'm afraid that the entire Shrek team has collapsed at this time.

But Zhu Zhuqing's situation is not so optimistic.

The opponents she faced had soul powers seven or eight levels higher than hers.

Although the effect of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda can enable her to narrow the soul power gap between herself and her opponent.

But the difference in one soul ring cannot be made up for.

One more soul ring is not just as simple as one more soul skill.

The improvement in various attributes that a soul ring brings when it is absorbed cannot be compensated by soul power.

Just like Tang San after entering the thirtieth level, his strength and control have improved in all aspects.

Black Panther Soul Master Oslo's speed is faster than Zhu Zhuqing's under normal circumstances.

The Black Panther martial spirit itself is an extremely outstanding existence among the agility and attack martial spirits.

Even with the increased speed of the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, Zhu Zhuqing was unable to completely bridge the gap between the two.

You can only keep fighting with your opponents.

Oslo's attacks became more and more violent.

With the consumption of soul power, Zhu Zhuqing could no longer hold on.

"Zhuqing, come close to me."

At this moment, Huo Feng shouted

Zhu Zhuqing immediately understood.

With a flash of her body, she successfully retreated to Huo Feng.

Also standing next to Huo Feng was Xiao Wu.

After getting rid of the Phoenix Spirit Bird Soul Master, the two assistants Ning Rongrong and Oscar in the back row did not need her too much care.

So Xiao Wu came to Huo Feng and wondered if she could help the latter.

At the same time, huge turtle shell shields on all sides broke through the air.

The rotating tortoise shells blasted towards Huo Feng's direction from four different directions.

"Xiao Wu."

Huo Feng made a very casual gesture.

But Xiao Wu suddenly understood.

She floated up and jumped in front of Huo Feng.

The latter put his palms firmly on Xiao Wu's feet and sent Xiao Wu's body out like a cannonball.

If Huo Feng takes action directly, it shouldn't take long to deal with these two guys.

But that would not have any training effect on the rest of the Shrek team.

Moreover, after experiencing several team battles with souls.

Huo Feng also understood that he should act as low-key as possible.

It's better not to have a one-on-six situation like the first team battle between souls.

Otherwise it would be too noticeable.

In addition, he was standing in the center of the soul fighting arena at this moment.

The surrounding boxes are filled with aristocratic families with profound backgrounds.

Maybe there are people from Wuhun Palace.

This should not be shown too prominently.

Just show off appropriately.

That's why Huo Feng chose to let Xiao Wu take action.


At this time, he turned to look at Zhu Zhuqing again.

Then it was just a look, and the tacit understanding in team battles these days made the latter understand what he meant.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded and prepared to rush out.

At this moment, a very disgusting smell suddenly wafted over.

And it quickly filled the entire Soul Fighting Stage.

Everyone's eyes were once again directed at Tang San, who was lying motionless on the ground.

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