People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 127 Tang San’s poison is more powerful than mine? Dugu Yan was stunned!

Is it so outrageous?

Everyone in Shrek couldn't hold back any longer.

Fortunately, Huo Feng and Dai Mubai had relatively strong soul powers and could withstand Tang San's poisonous energy.

But not others.

Under the attack of Tang San's terrifying poisonous gas, Oscar's little sausage seemed to have lost its effect.

"It's really unlucky for him to bring this piece of shit into a spirit fight!"

Dai Mubai cursed loudly.

He never gave Tang San face.

Many times before, it was because of Dean Flender's face that he didn't have an attack.

But this time, he really couldn't bear it anymore.

Tang San's poisonous energy really had no distinction between friend and foe.

It can be regarded as an indiscriminate bombing.

The three girls were so smoked that they quickly covered their mouths and noses.

Don't dare to say a word.

Compared to everyone in Shrek, the faces of everyone on the Imperial Fighting Team were even more ugly.

Especially Dugu Yan.

After playing with poison for more than ten years, she actually felt defeated at the hands of Tang San today.

She was really a little ashamed of the latter's poison.

And she has an antidote to snake venom, so she is not afraid.

But the opponent's thing is impossible to defeat!

To stay on the field.

You must endure this inhuman torture.

Seeing this opportunity, everyone in the Imperial Fighting Team turned pale and cursed loudly.

Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, one on the left and one on the right.

He went straight towards the two Xuanwu ghost masters and killed them.

The Xuanwu Turtle Soul Master's greatest defense is undoubtedly the tortoise shell.

When Turtle Shell takes action at this time, their own defense will naturally drop significantly.

Therefore, it makes sense to let Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing deal with them.

Three breaths have passed, and the four tortoise shell shields have arrived.

Moreover, their routes seemed to have blocked all Huo Feng's paths.

However, in the surprised eyes of the two people.

Huo Feng's figure turned into a black shadow, and then easily dodged the attack.


The Shi brothers were all dumbfounded.

Isn't the captain of this Shrek team an attack-type soul master?

Why is this speed faster than the agility attack type battle soul master?

Isn’t this too outrageous?

Seeing this situation, they immediately made changes.

With a wave of his hands, he immediately retracted the tortoise shell.

The rapidly rotating tortoise shell flew towards Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

"Xiao Wu, Zhu Qing, be careful!"

Huo Feng subconsciously reminded Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

The two Xuanwu Turtle Soul Masters have never used their third soul skill from beginning to end.

As possessing powerful defensive spirits, how could they not consider their own defense after throwing the tortoise shell?

Just as Huo Feng expected.

The two Xuanwu Turtle Soul Masters, who had serious expressions, lit up with purple light at the same time.

The thousand-year soul skill is activated.

Xiao Wu naturally heard Huo Feng's voice.

But at this moment, her body was in the air and she could not change her forward momentum at all.

At critical moments, Xiao Wu also showed her quick adaptability.


The first and second soul rings shine at the same time.

The next moment, her eyes suddenly became soft and charming.

He looked at the two people in front of him with a strong red light.

The second skill of the Soft Bone Charm Rabbit - Charm!

Effect: Stabilizes the opponent according to his mental state.

The freezing time depends on the difference in mental ability between the two parties.

If the gap in mental strength between the two parties is too large, it will cause backlash.

Like Zhao Wuji back then, he directly counterattacked Xiao Wu's charm ability.

The gap between the two Xuanwu Turtle Soul Masters in front of them and Xiao Wu was obviously not that huge.

Although the time of stiffness will be short-lived.

But the soul skill that Xiao Wu unleashed at that moment still achieved the desired effect.

The two Shi brothers were stunned for a moment, and the purple light on their bodies naturally dimmed a little.

Just take advantage of this fleeting opportunity.

Xiao Wu's teleportation skill was activated, but her whole body was still rushing forward.

But he relied on his teleportation ability to move five meters horizontally and avoid the front.

At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing from the other side also rushed up.

The turtle shell exploding soul skill of the Xuanwu Turtle Soul Master is an area-wide attack.

The main uses are to protect yourself and attack enemies.

The tortoise shells of the Shi brothers each shattered into thirty-two pieces, spinning violently within a ten-square-meter area around their bodies.

The strong sound of breaking through the air has caused the air within the area covered by the turtle shell to become distorted.

It looks like a huge meat grinder.

The two Shi brothers did not know when they had separated horizontally.

Not only does this third soul skill, Tortoise Shell Whirling Dance, reach its maximum potential, but it also avoids collisions with each other.

Xiao Wu moved five meters sideways, although she avoided the turtle shell in front of her.

But it didn't completely avoid the turtle shell's attack.

Xiao Wu hummed as her delicate body flipped in the air.

It spun sideways in the air for several weeks before falling towards the ground.

The turtle shells merged in the air and turned into turtle shells again, covering the two Xuanwu turtle soul masters.

Their attack just now successfully injured Xiao Wu.

At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing on one side did not find a suitable opportunity to take action.

Xiao Wu's injury also made her no longer suitable to stay here, so she had no choice but to retreat.

Originally, the Shi brothers never thought about using the third soul skill.

After all, Qin Ming had reminded them before that they were not allowed to kill their opponents.

But Yu Tianheng's serious injury also made them extremely angry.

Although he didn't show anything on the surface, he was actually furious in his heart.

Only then did an all-out attack appear.

"Go up——~!"

At this moment, Dugu Yan shouted loudly.

He opened his mouth and spat out another puff of thick mist, making the poisonous mist on the Soul Fighting Stage even thicker.

At this point Oscar's little sausage effect was beginning to be a bit lacking.

The two Xuanwu Turtle Soul Masters strode towards the direction of Huo Feng.

They knew very well that as long as they could defeat this soul master.

Then, today’s team battle spirit will come to an end.

The Huangdou team also cooperated tacitly.

Seeing that Xiao Wu was injured here, Huo Feng was about to face a combined attack from two Xuanwu Turtle Soul Masters.

Plus Dugu Yan, the vice-captain of the Imperial Fighting Team.

The three of them attacked Huo Feng at the same time.

At the same time, the remaining members of the Huangdou Team were led by Yu Tianheng.

Launched an all-out attack on the rest of the Shrek team.

The purpose is also very simple, that is, to prevent them from having the chance to rescue Huo Feng.

As everyone knows, their idea is really naive.

Although everyone else in Shrek was stopped, no one was in a hurry.

Because they understand that there is no need to worry about Huo Feng's strength.

But the Royal Fighter Team is different.

They obviously didn't understand, and were a little confused at the moment.

It was Yu Tianheng who took the lead in launching the attack, and he didn't care that his soul power had dropped to a dangerous state.

The fury of Thunder, which had gradually become unsustainable, was forcibly ignited in a state of near overdraft.

The huge dragon arm was raised, and with the roar of the dragon, the thunderous force was launched again.

This time, in order to stop Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing.

He relied on his last soul power to forcibly restrain the thunderous energy.

It blasted out in the direction of the two people.

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