People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 128 Yu Tianheng and Dugu Yan were successfully sacrificed, and 5,000 sacrifice points have b

At the same time, the third soul ring on Black Panther Soul Master Oslo also lit up.

His erect pupils shrank instantly.

In the swirling purple light of the soul ring, the bones on the whole body crackled.

Immediately afterwards, a very frightening thing was that a leopard-shaped light and shadow separated from his body.

The light and shadow flickered and moved quickly towards Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing.

It is the Black Panther Soul Master's third soul ring skill - Leopard Shadow Clone.

A war between the two sides is about to break out.

On the other side of the battlefield, Dugu Yan looked at Huo Feng with eyes full of disbelief.

Because as soon as the poisonous mist she releases comes close to Huo Feng, it will immediately melt like ice and snow.

At this moment, the long sword in Huo Feng's hand has been switched to the Fiery Sword.

The flame sword wind formed a spherical barrier around the body.

The poisonous mist couldn't get any closer.

"Mutated martial spirit?"

"Graphite, stone grinding, be careful."

Dugu Yan looked at Huo Feng's martial arts switching freely and immediately felt something was wrong.

She had never seen such a martial spirit that could change forms at will.

It can only be attributed to the category of mutated martial spirits.

The forward momentum of the two Shi brothers suddenly slowed down for a moment.

After a half-second pause, the second soul rings on their bodies lit up at the same time.

The turtle shell once again turned into two shields and appeared in his hands.

At their current level, the most powerful skill is the combination of the second soul skill and the third soul skill.

The shield can explode into pieces at any position to attack.


"Light Wings Continuous Slash!"

The third soul ring on Huo Feng's body suddenly lit up, and then the flaming sword in his hand suddenly turned into a golden giant sword.

The giant sword flicked fiercely, and three sword energy filled with golden light slashed out.

The two Xuanwu Turtle Soul Masters were suddenly shocked, but at this time there was no way out.

After thinking for a moment, the four-sided turtle shell shields in their hands were thrown out.

The huge shields on all four sides let out a harsh roar again.

They firmly believed that even if Huo Feng possessed a mutated martial spirit, he would never be able to block it with the two of them joining forces.

What's more, their opponents had just used their third soul skill and were currently in a state of declining soul power.

If they can severely injure the captain of Team Shrek, then they will have a chance to end this team battle.

However, the reality is always not what they want.

Huo Feng's strength far exceeded their expectations.

The four-sided tortoise-shell shield encountered three bright sword energies, but it did not last for two seconds.

It was blown away.

The sudden backlash of soul power made the brothers' chests feel tight and they spurted out a mouthful of blood.

And at this moment, a figure had bounced up like a star ball.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he was already in front of them.

It was Huo Feng.

However, the long sword in his hand was transformed into a thunder sword at this moment.

"Broken sword slash!"


The Thunder Sword flashed with electric light and stabbed towards the Shi brothers in the blink of an eye.

The tortoise shell is outside, and its own soul power is backlashed, and it is not good at speed.

At this moment, there is only one method in front of the Xuanwu Turtle Soul Master, to block it forcefully.

The two of them shouted loudly at the same time and swung their fists with all their strength towards Huo Feng in front.

Soul power burst out, and earthy yellow light rose into the sky.

The soul power of Xuanwu Turtle Soul Masters is as thick as their tortoise shells.

It's a pity that this condensed soul power is not even 50% of their strength.

The use of soul skills and their own consumption make it impossible for them to maintain their best condition.


The defensive power that the two were proud of was like paper in front of Huo Feng.

Although the turtle shell successfully returned to the Xuanwu Turtle Soul Master, it instantly turned into yellow light and merged into their bodies.

But Huo Feng's thunder sword still drove straight into their bodies.


The two Xuanwu Turtle Soul Masters screamed, and blood spurted out from their wounds.

They could no longer stand and both fell to the ground.

The strong electric current caused their whole bodies to convulse violently.

Although the stabbing was not a vital part, they became the most seriously injured among the Imperial Team.

Such a violent and bloody scene made Doudou, the white pigeon spirit master in the air, stunned.

Her red lips were slightly opened, and she wanted to speak but no words came out for a long time.

The remaining members of the Imperial Team also froze at the same moment.

Especially Dugu Yan was the most surprised.

Because the Shi brothers fell in front of her eyes.

But there is nothing he can do.

Huo Feng didn't give her a chance to hesitate, and rushed over in an instant with his sword in hand.

Seeing the electric arc dancing on the Thunder Sword, Dugu Yan's eyes already showed the light of fear.

Before this team battle began, she never thought that her side would be defeated.

But at this moment facing Huo Feng, she no longer had any desire to fight.

Not only would they lose, but they seemed to lose completely.

The strongest third soul skill was easily broken by the man in front of him.

With poison as her fighting strength, what qualifications does she have to continue fighting Huo Feng?

All she could do at this moment was to spit out another breath of poisonous mist.

Huo Feng frowned slightly, and the long sword in his hand instantly transformed into a flaming sword.

A sword wind slashed out, and the purple poisonous mist that Dugu Yan tried his best to spray out again disappeared instantly.

At the same time, he had arrived in front of the latter.

With his feet on the ground, he jumped up slightly.

Then a palm was slapped on Dugu Yan's chest.

Don't tell me, it feels pretty good.

But right now he didn't have much time to think about it.

[System, sacrifice Dugu Yan! 】

Looking at Dugu Yan who had already flown upside down, Huo Feng issued a command to the system in his heart.

As soon as the words fell, Dugu Yan felt as if he had been hit hard.

The whole person collapsed on the ground.

【Ding! 】

[Dugu Yan’s sacrifice was successful! 】

[Hidden mission completed: 1/2! 】

At the same time, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing on the other side of the battlefield were already at a disadvantage.

When Huo Feng saw this, he slashed out with his sword.


The two figures were thrown into the air at the same time, and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Soul Master Yu Tianhengren was spraying blood in the air.

Huo Feng dodged and chased the latter with another kick.


Yu Tianheng hit the ground in response.

His teammate Oslo was no better than him. He was unconscious in the air while spitting out blood.

Fortunately, his soul power was not weak, and he was not like Yu Tianheng who had been severely injured before.

Otherwise, the situation will only get worse at this time.

The Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Spirit is indeed one of the most powerful beast spirits.

Despite being hit hard twice, Yu Tianheng still did not pass out.

But now he fell to the ground but couldn't get up.

[System, sacrifice to Yu Tianheng! 】

Huo Feng said secretly in his heart.

Yu Tianheng, who was already in extremely poor health, suddenly felt as if his body had been hollowed out.

He originally wanted to try to struggle to get up, but suddenly his eyes darkened.

When his head tilted, he knew nothing.

Completely passed out.

【Ding! 】

[Yu Tianheng’s sacrifice was successful! 】

[Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission! 】

[Task reward; 5,000 sacrifice points have been received, please check the host! 】

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