People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 132 This kid Tang San is probably dead

"The family members had better be mentally prepared. This child Tang San will probably not be as good as before."

In the hospital, the chief physician said to Yu Xiaogang seriously.

After speaking, he directly handed the latter a list.

The list is clearly written:

Two pills for key parts, one at most!

Seeing this line of words, Yu Xiaogang suddenly felt dizzy and felt like the sky was falling.

An idea suddenly appeared in his mind, this kid Tang San is probably useless.

On the other hand, looking at the other Shrek team members in the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena, their faces were full of excitement at this moment.

"Boss Dai, what kind of academy is the Tiandou Royal Academy that Senior Qin Ming just mentioned?"

Dai Mubai was speechless for a while.

"Fat man, aren't you? You don't even know about Tiandou Royal Academy?"

Ma Hongjun scratched his head in embarrassment and said:

"I really don't know!"

Xiao Wu on the side also nodded,

"I don't know either. Are they famous?"

When Ning Rongrong heard that the conversation turned to his area of ​​expertise, Ning Rongrong quickly said,

"How can it be explained by just two words of name?"

She put her little hands on her hips, her red lips slightly parted,

"Tian Dou Royal Academy was founded by the royal family of the Tian Dou Empire."

"The previous presidents of Tiandou Royal Academy were concurrently held by the emperors of the Tiandu Empire."

"Do you think you have a name?"

"In the Tiandou Empire, the Tiandou Royal Academy is the largest academy for advanced soul masters."

“The facilities are so complete that it’s unimaginable.”

"If I hadn't been admitted to Shrek Academy, I might have gone there too."

Ning Rongrong's extensive knowledge made Xiao Wu very happy.

"Rongrong, you know so much."

The former's pretty face turned red after saying this, and he didn't want to say anything anymore.

At this time Dai Mubai stood up again and continued to introduce,

"It's a pity that although Tiandou Academy itself is good, his royal background has brought great constraints to the academy."

"The first requirement for Tiandou Royal Academy to accept students is that the students must have noble titles."

"It prevents many outstanding civilian students from joining."

"It is precisely because the students are all nobles that the Tiandou Royal Academy, with its complete facilities and strong teaching staff, has always been the first academy in Tiandou."

"But there are not many famous soul masters who come out of it."

After speaking, everyone nodded.

Tiandou Royal Academy, their royal background can be seen from the name alone.

From what Ning Rongrong and Dai Mubai said, it turned out that it was not accessible to ordinary people.

Xiao Wu nodded slowly. He didn't envy the other academy's facilities.

I'm just somewhat curious about this college.

No wonder the members of the Imperial Fighting Team all possess such powerful martial arts spirits and come from such a famous academy.

While saying this, everyone in Shrek was ready to redeem their points.

A month of fighting spirit has come to an end.

Defeating the Royal Fighter Team, the Shrek Team achieved a record of 28 complete victories in the team battle spirit.

And according to the agreement between Flanders and Soto Spirit Arena.

Except for Oscar and Ning Rongrong, each of them will add a record of one-on-one victories.

Except for Tang San and Dai Mubai who have no partners, the other six people will each get a two-on-two winning record.

After so many soul battles, everyone was curious about their own points.

They don't know how high their points will be after these consecutive wins.

Even Huo Feng is still looking forward to it.

This is not just points, but also bonuses.

They are all distributed today, the last day of the month.

After all, who doesn’t like money?

Moreover, Dean Flender had told several of them before.

In addition to participating in the competition, each person will receive an additional five hundred gold soul coins.

The seven of them will also share 70% of the reward of 10,000 gold soul coins.

That's one thousand gold soul coins per person.

The total adds up to 1,500 gold soul coins per person.

As for Tang San, Flanders didn't take him into account from the beginning.

Because according to his expectations, it was strange that Tang San's level could work.

Now it was exactly as he expected.

Not only did he perform extremely poorly, but he was almost exhausted.

Presumably neither Tang San nor Yu Xiaogang had the shame to share the extra reward equally.

Being able to give him five hundred gold soul coins is already pretty good.

Before everyone in Shrek could go to the place where points were calculated, Director Ao had already taken the initiative to come to them.

Then they were directly invited to a points exchange office dedicated to high-level soul masters.

Manager Ao looked proud at this time.

Team Shrek's victory over Team Royal Fighter not only prevented the loss of the Soto Spirit Arena.

Moreover, it also made the Great Fighting Spirit Arena a huge profit.

Of course, Soto Spirit Fighting Arena will not be stingy with these extremely outstanding soul masters in front of them.

Manager Ao handed a black card to Huo Feng, captain of the Shrek team.

"This is the 10,000 gold soul coins promised by the Great Soul Fighting Arena to your team leader."

"This black card is universally accepted by all banks in mainland China and can be directly redeemed for the corresponding amount."

Huo Feng was not polite and put the black card directly into his arms.

"Director Ao, can you calculate the points for us now?"

"We are also tired and want to go back and rest early."

"Of course, of course."

Manager Ao was extremely polite and quickly motioned to the staff next to him to calculate the Shrek team's fighting spirit points over the past month.

He could clearly see the spirit of today's team battle. The captain's strength really opened his eyes.

For young soul masters with such potential, the big soul fighting arena must definitely win over them.

Therefore, Manager Ao was even more polite to Huo Feng.

He has already planned to wait until next month when the Shrek team comes to participate in the soul fighting.

We must pay special attention to them and win over these powerful young people as much as possible.

But how did he know that this was Team Shrek's last spirit fight in the Soto Grand Spirit Fighting Arena.

Soon, the calculation results came out.

The staff started with the calculation form

"Shrek No. 1 points are calculated as follows:"

"In a one-on-one spirit fight, I achieved twenty-eight consecutive victories this month, five of which were more than five consecutive victories, and eighteen were more than ten consecutive victories. Points gained, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five!"

"Two-on-two fighting spirit, with twenty-eight consecutive wins this month, five of which were five or more games, and eighteen games where ten or more were won. Points gained, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five!"

"Team fighting spirit, captain of Team Shrek, has won twenty-eight games in a row, including five games with more than five consecutive victories, and eighteen games with more than ten consecutive victories. Earned points, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five!"

The points at the beginning of the month were two, and the points gained this month totaled 5,565 points. The current total points are 5,567 points!

"The fighting spirit badge has been upgraded to the gold fighting spirit level!"

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