People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 133 What? Tang San only had one left out of two! Flanders is confused!

After the announcement, the staff handed Huo Feng a golden fighting spirit badge that had been made according to the records left by Huo Feng.

And handed him another black card, which contained the gold coin rewards he had obtained from all consecutive winning games.

At this moment, Ning Rongrong said with some embarrassment,

"The captain got a gold fighting spirit badge now, so if we participate in team fighting spirit in the future, won't we have to fight against a gold fighting spirit level team?"

"How can we fight this?"

"A Silver Fighting Soul-level Imperial Fighting Battle has already been narrowly won."

After hearing what Ning Rongrong said, everyone nodded immediately.

The team fighting spirit is calculated based on the highest fighting spirit level and highest spirit power level of the team members.

In other words, if there is a member of the Golden Fighting Soul, they must participate in the Golden Fighting Soul level.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but be stunned and looked at Huo Feng strangely.

The latter shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly,

"It seems that getting too many points at once is not a good thing."

This is what they think, but Manager Ao standing aside doesn't think so.

"Well, I think you don't need to worry at all."

Manager Ao looked at them with a wry smile.

"Everyone, let alone the gold fighting spirit level, even if it is a silver fighting spirit level team, I am afraid it will be difficult for you to encounter it, unless another imperial fighting team appears."


Dai Mubai asked curiously.

Manager Ao said:

"Generally speaking, points are gained gradually, and winning streaks are difficult to achieve."

"This is the first time I've seen you gain points so quickly in so many years."

"According to normal circumstances, among level 30 soul masters, there will only be iron fighting spirits and bronze fighting spirits."

"There will be no Silver Fighting Spirit at all."

"Only when you reach level 40 or above, as your strength increases, the advantages of your own martial spirit will be revealed."

"If you have a certain advantage in the same level, your points will increase rapidly and you will be promoted to Silver Fighting Spirit, or even higher level Gold Fighting Spirit."

"I've never even heard of someone like you reaching the Golden Fighting Soul Team at level 30."

"I don't know what's going on in the Star Luo Empire."

"Anyway, in all the big soul fighting arenas in our Tiandou Empire, there is no second level 30 golden soul fighting team."

"Even if it's a level 30 Silver Fighting Spirit Team, I'm afraid there won't be more than five."

"And it's hard to find a better team than the Royal Fighter Team."

"So, you can definitely think that you are the strongest among the same level."

No opponent?

Everyone in Team Shrek laughed.

The eldest among them is only fifteen years old.

As a soul master, who doesn't want to be strong?

The remaining six people also calculated their points.

Guaranteed by a winning streak of twenty-eight team battles, their points were above a thousand points without exception.

Successfully obtained the Silver Fighting Soul Badge.

As for Tang San, Director Ao didn't even talk to them.

He himself also knew some inside stories. The Great Soul Fighting Arena had signed another agreement with the master of Shrek No. 8.

Even so, Tang San's points are all zero now.

Of course, the latter also has the effect of increasing the popularity of the Great Soul Fighting Arena through live activities.

Even in the team battle spirit that just ended, this effect was still achieved.

Therefore, they would specifically talk to Yu Xiaogang about Tang San.

Until they left the Great Soul Fighting Arena, everyone in Shrek still felt it was a bit unbelievable.

Especially the two auxiliary soul masters, Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

He actually got the Silver Fighting Soul Badge within a month.

Especially the latter, Ning Rongrong, Huo Feng, the powerful captain, fascinated her even more.

The same is true for Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu.

After changing back into their own clothes, Shrek and the others walked out of the Soto Spirit Arena.

As soon as they entered the hotel, they saw the three Flanders sitting in the corner of the restaurant, drinking and chatting.

The food and wine on the table for three people didn't seem to be moving much, and they were talking about something.

"Hey, I've got some wine to drink."

Ma Hongjun rushed over directly.

He can also be regarded as Flanders' direct disciple, and he is not as restrained as others in front of Flanders.

"Teacher, we won today, shouldn't we be rewarded?"

Ma Hongjun walked to Flanders and reached for the wine glass on the table.

Flanders flipped the chopsticks in his hand and hit the fat man's hand bones.

The fat man felt pain in his hand, and he hurriedly took his hand back with an ouch.

Qin Ming looked at Ma Hongjun standing next to Flanders with some confusion.

"Teacher, is this little brother also a student of the academy?"

"When did our Shrek Academy have so many disciples?"

Ma Hongjun's figure is still very recognizable even with a mask.

Because he was a substitute off the court this time, Qin Ming had never seen him before, so he naturally had no impression of him.

Seeing Ma Hongjun's awkward expression, Flanders quickly explained to him.

Qin Ming nodded immediately after understanding.

At this time, the rest of the Shrek team had also walked over.

Qin Ming looked at these children, most of whom were under the age of fifteen, in a daze, and was speechless for a moment.

Flanders habitually let out his hoarse and sinister laugh,

"Why Qin Ming, have you forgotten the traditions of our college?"

"We only accept students who are twelve years old."

"Ma Hongjun came to the academy at the age of eleven. Huo Feng, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing all entered this year."

“In recent years, this year, we have received more students.”

Qin Ming nodded, and then suddenly realized something was wrong.

"Why are there only seven people here?"

"Isn't there eight in total?"


The atmosphere in the field suddenly became a little awkward.

Flanders and Shrek naturally knew that Qin Ming was talking about Tang San.

It's just that this guy, except his master Yu Xiaogang.

No one thought he was from Shrek Academy at all.

Because Tang San had damaged the academy's reputation time and time again, Flanders now felt guilty whenever he heard his name.

Flanders picked up the wine glass on the table, took a sip, and then shook his head.

"It's okay not to mention that guy!"

Qin Ming was very smart and naturally saw that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

He quickly unloaded the donkey and stood up with the wine glass.

"Teacher, I'd like to toast you!"

The two clinked glasses and drank, and Flanders smiled again.

The atmosphere in the field became active again.

At this moment, a somewhat panicked figure rushed in from the hotel door.

As soon as he entered the door, he was stunned for a moment when he saw everyone.

After confirming his identity, he rushed straight towards Flanders.

The latter's newly recovered complexion suddenly turned pale again.

The person who could make him have such an expression was none other than Tang San's mentor - Yu Xiaogang!

Ignoring the weird looks from others, Yu Xiaogang leaned directly into Flanders' ear and said a few words.

The latter looked impatient at first, but the next second he suddenly exclaimed,

"What?! Tang San only has one left out of two!!!"

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