People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 134 Is Tang San still a man? At most half?

"Two and one left?"

"Tang San, what's the matter with two and one left?"

After hearing Flanders' words, everyone around them looked confused.

Because what he said was really strange.

After a brief moment of daze, Flanders realized that he had just been a little rash.

He quickly pulled Yu Xiaogang out of the hotel.

The remaining people looked at each other.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun reacted faster.

A somewhat meaningful smile appeared on his face.

In an instant, others immediately understood what the dean just said.

Especially the three girls, their faces immediately turned red.

After all, Tang San was still a man.

Is there anything on a man that has two balls?

it goes without saying.

It's just that Tang San only has one left, is he still a man?

At most half?

The atmosphere in the venue suddenly became a little awkward.

At this moment, Flanders, who had been out for less than a minute, came back. He waved his hand.

"Okay, you all sit down and order what you want to eat."

"Your stingy dean has generously donated your money for this meal today, don't give me face, just take whatever you want!"

Zhao Wuji looked at Flanders and shouted loudly to the Shrek Seven to change the subject.

The smile on Flanders' face suddenly stiffened.

On the other hand, the Shrek Seven Devils cheered at the same time and immediately called the waiter.

As expected, he didn't give Zhao Wuji any face and started ordering directly.

Ma Hongjun was the first to grab the menu.

After flipping through it, I glanced at it and saw that the menu only had three pages.

He raised his hand and clicked a few times on the menu to signal the waiter to remember these dishes.

Flanders was right next to Ma Hongjun. Seeing that the dishes ordered by his apprentice were all the cheapest dishes, he couldn't help but feel happy.

Well, you are worthy of being my disciple, and you will really save me money!

However, what Ma Hongjun said immediately caused him to fall from heaven to hell.

The whole person was numb.

"Well, I don't want the ones I ordered just now. I'll have one of everything else on the menu!"

"Two more barrels of fine ale!"

Ma Hongjun didn't give others a chance to order.

He directly completed this glorious mission for everyone in Shrek.

Turning to look at Flanders, Ma Hongjun said strangely:

"Hey, teacher, what's wrong with your face? Why is it a little blue?"

"Did you not sleep well last night?"

Qin Ming on the side could still remain reserved, but Zhao Wuji had already laughed without any image.

Flanders' stinginess is well known among the teachers in the academy.

Qin Ming's expression returned to normal at this time, and he smiled and said:

"How can we let the dean spend money?"

"After so many years, I'm finally back. Teachers, please give me a chance to thank you for your teachings."

"Without you, Qin Ming would not be what he is today."

Zhao Wuji laughed and said:

"Xiao Ming, you are still so sensible. Originally, I wanted to see Flanders bleeding profusely."

"You can't see it now."

When Flanders heard that Qin Ming wanted to treat him, his face suddenly became much better.

He turned his head and glared at Zhao Wuji and said:

"You enjoy watching me make a fool of yourself, don't you?"

"Okay, Lao Zhao, we haven't sparred for a long time. When I get back, I'll practice with you."

"It can also help improve your soul power."


This time it was Zhao Wuji's turn to stop laughing.

He and Flanders had competed countless times, so he knew Flanders's strength very clearly.

As a powerful soul master, he had no way to deal with Flanders, who was an agility attack type and a flying soul master.

What's more, Flanders' soul power is two levels higher than his.

At their level, the difference in soul power at each level is not as obvious as the current level of Shrek students.

Every level difference is an absolute gap.

Qin Ming looked at the seven Shrek people sitting down, and finally focused on Huo Feng.

It would be great if this guy was a student of Tiandou Royal Academy.

It's a pity, there is no if in the world.

Soon, the food and wine were served.

Everyone raised their glasses and drank together to celebrate today's victory.

Even Qin Ming from the losing team was very happy.

It lasted until midnight before returning to their respective rooms.

Early the next morning, everyone at Shrek Academy checked out and left the hotel.

This means they have ended the month-long second phase of training.

Perhaps, physically, this second phase of training is not as extreme as the first phase.

But mentally it made the Shrek Seven Devils even more exhausted.

You have to face different opponents every day and work hard for victory every day.

When facing a strong enemy, you not only have to fight against your opponent, but you also have to cooperate with your partners.

Fighting spirits was completely different from their sparring with each other, it was a real battle.

While the actual combat experience was enriched, everyone in Shrek could clearly see the effects of the first phase of the devil's training.

His patience, toughness and resilience in combat have all been greatly improved.

Otherwise, how could they sustain the high-intensity battle of fighting souls every day.

Especially those who participate in three soul battles every day.

The effect of the first stage of devil training is fully brought out in the soul fighting.

Dean Friend brought them in addition to basic training and practical training.

This second stage also contains another meaning, which is the ability to continue fighting.

Returning to the familiar small village, although it is not as prosperous as Soto City, it is also less hustle and bustle of the city.

This unique feeling is so intimate.

For everyone in Shrek, although the conditions of Shrek Academy are not as good as those of Soto City Hotel.

But it's much more comfortable than there.

"Everyone, go and have a rest. You have worked hard during this period."

As soon as he returned to the academy, Flanders immediately gave leave to seven students.

The only requirement is that they fully digest and absorb the actual combat experience gained in the previous month of fighting souls.

At the same time, in addition to necessary things, everyone must devote energy to cultivating soul power.

"Wuji, call everyone here."

The seven people scattered and left.

Flender then asked Zhao Wuji to call someone.

This Shrek Academy is not his alone, there are three other teachers.

We haven’t seen each other for a month, so I still need to report on the basic situation.

As soon as Ma Hongjun returned to the dormitory, he didn't care about the dust accumulated on the bed in the past month, and fell directly on his bed.

"It's better to come back and feel comfortable. Boss Dai, please don't call me."

"I'm going to take a long nap and sleep until I wake up naturally!"

Dai Mubai curled his lips angrily,

"Have you forgotten the little beauty in your city so quickly?"

He was about to laugh at Ma Hongjun, but turned away.

That guy jumped straight onto his horse and fell asleep.

There were even slight snores starting to come out.

Huo Feng was also a little tired, so he simply tidied up and lay down.

Lying on the bed with eyes closed.

His expression seemed very calm.

In fact, Huo Feng was feeling a little excited now.

Because he discovered that just after yesterday's team battle ended.

His soul power has already broken through to level 40.

That is, if conditions permit.

He can absorb his fourth soul ring now.

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