People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 135 Huo Feng is such a good man, why did you meet him so early?

It's just a pity that Oscar is still lying on another bed not far away.

As a result, Huo Feng couldn't even open the system mall to see if there were any exciting soul rings.

He remembered giving it a cursory look before.

The age of the fourth soul ring is approaching the ten thousand year level.

At least eight or nine thousand years and up.

Therefore, Huo Feng is now full of expectations.

At the same time, in the girls' dormitory not far away.

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu both took off their coats and lay on their own beds.

The former stretched a long way and couldn't help but said,

"so tired!"

The quilt covers, sheets and other bedding on their beds were all replaced with new ones.

Xiao Wu nodded and let out a sigh of relief:

"Yeah, I didn't feel it when Soto was fighting souls every day."

"Why do I feel so tired when I come back? This must be what the dean calls the fatigue period."

"Rongrong, your skin is so good, even I can't help drooling."

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu were only wearing half-length bras and shorts.

The two lay on the bed with their arms and legs exposed.

Ning Rongrong's skin is really good.

Among the three girls who were Shrek students, her supple and lychee-like skin was the envy of even Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing.

There is no flaw to be found on the fair and tender skin.

Especially the lustrous feeling is really as moving as mutton-fat white jade.

Although they are not fully developed yet.

But girls always develop earlier than boys, and their small bodies are already quite large.

Of course, Zhu Zhuqing is obviously the best among the three girls in terms of development.

Ning Rongrong smiled and stared at Xiao Wu with wide eyes.

"You're great too, I'm white and you're pink."

"It seems that I am not as healthy as you."

Xiao Wu's body proportions are slightly different from those of ordinary people, and her thighs are extra long.

Generally speaking, the ratio of human thighs to height is about 62%, which is the most perfect golden section.

But Xiao Wu's ratio has exceeded 65%, but it doesn't give people an abrupt feeling at all, but is harmonious.

The somewhat long thighs were straight and tight, and the skin was equally delicate.

Although not as white as Ning Rongrong.

But there was a bit of blush on her skin, especially down her slender waist.

Because her waist is really thin, it outlines a perfect arc when it reaches her hips.

Even Ning Rongrong swallowed hard when she looked at the slender thighs that went down from her small buttocks and exposed outside her hot pants.

Especially the perfect figure coupled with Xiao Wu's floor-length scorpion braid.

It gives people a charming girl-next-door feeling.

Of course, if you really treat her as the girl next door and tease her, you will probably suffer disaster.

Ning Rongrong lowered her voice and said:

"Xiao Wu, tell me, why are we not as big as Zhuqing here? I really envy her."

While saying this, Ning Rongrong gently rubbed her chest with her hands.

Xiao Wu's pretty face turned red and she spat softly:

"You have to ask her. How do I know? Is it really good to live there?"

Topics in the girls’ dormitory are often more popular than those in the boys’ dormitory. Ning Rongrong chuckled and said:

"How could it be bad? When I was in the sect, I heard people say that men like women to be bigger."

"Maybe we are too young to understand these things."

Xiao Wu chuckled and said, "You know a lot."

Ning Rongrong stuck out her tongue and said:

"Don't talk about me, it's you. I'm really envious that you and Huo Feng have known each other so early."

Speaking of this, a hint of mystery suddenly appeared on her face,

"I heard that if you want it to grow bigger here, it will be effective if you let a man rub it."

"Why don't you let Huo Feng help you?"

"Bah, Rongrong, why are you so perverted?"

Xiao Wu's pretty face turned red.

"Who told you this!"

"I don't think you want Huo Feng to rub it for you?"

It has been quite a while since Xiao Wu came to Shrek Academy.

These days, she naturally noticed that Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing also had some different feelings towards Huo Feng.

It's just that they don't want to admit it.

Ning Rongrong smiled and did not refute anything. Instead, she explained:

"Sisters in the clan, I heard what they said when they were chatting, it should be true."

Xiao Wu said angrily:

"Don't talk nonsense. If you want to, just go find Huo Feng yourself."

"Don't get involved with me!"

Ning Rongrong rolled over from the bed and sat up.

"Xiao Wu, you said that among the boys in Shrek Academy, it seems that only Huo Feng is better."

Xiao Wu nodded, she indeed agreed with Ning Rongrong's statement.

Although Dai Mubai is good in strength, he is a playboy.

But at least it looks pretty good.

But Ma Hongjun is not only vulgar, he also likes to stare at women.

As for Oscar, he was fine at first, but now he has been ruined.

These three guys have been around since they came back from the Fengyue place.

Not a good impression at all.

As for Tang San, it was even more unlucky to think about this person.

From initial indifference, to disgust, to gradually disgust.

As a result, now because what Tang San did was so outrageous, they were all used to it.

And what happened last night.

Although the dean didn't say anything later.

But they heard the previous sentence clearly.

Now Tang San only has half of the most important thing left for a man.

Can he still be called a man?

At most half.

Tang San was already half-footed in the harem, and he might one day become a father-in-law.

How could any woman like this kind of person?

At least Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing are united front.

At this moment, Ning Rongrong continued to speak,

"The last time I chatted with Zhuqing, even Zhuqing was envious of you."

"She said at the time that such a good man as Huo Feng actually let you get to know him so early, hahahaha."

Xiao Wu curled her lips, as if she felt a little embarrassed.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Ning Rongrong hurriedly put on her coat in a panic.

Xiao Wu was also startled, but her movements were not as fast as Ning Rongrong.

When Ning Rongrong stepped forward to open the door, she reluctantly put on her clothes.

Who would have thought that it was Zhu Zhuqing who opened the door and walked in.

Her expression looked very normal, but Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong's pretty faces turned slightly red.

And the eyes seemed a little weird.

Looking around, wandering.

This made Zhu Zhuqing a little confused.

"What's wrong? Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Zhu Zhuqing asked doubtfully.

There shouldn't be anything on her face, right?

I just came back a little late, but these two ladies actually locked the door.

"Are you two secretly talking bad about me?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong panicked.

The latter waved his hands repeatedly and muttered,

"How can you call it a bad word?"

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