People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 139 Yu Xiaogang is anxious! Ask all teachers and students to donate to Tang San?

Flanders' mouth twitched.

Now his face is full of black lines!

In the middle of the night, why is this big bastard here again?

He really couldn't understand.

After being idle for such a long time during the day, Yu Xiaogang was fine.

This guy was late at night, but he came and knocked on the door.

He didn't believe that Yu Xiaogang could suddenly have something important?

What he is most concerned about now shouldn't be his disciple Tang San.

It is said that now Tang San has also successfully performed the operation, and everyone is awake.

He took a quick look in the morning and saw that Tang San was in pretty good condition.

It's so late at night, Yu Xiaogang can't possibly have anything shameful to say, right?

Flender put on his clothes and got out of bed with an impatient look, and then opened the door for Yu Xiaogang.

However, he did not let the latter in, but blocked the door himself.

He frowned and asked,

"What's going on late at night?"

"Can't we wait until daytime to talk!"

Yu Xiaogang originally wanted to walk in, but because he really took advantage of Flanders during this period.

Even he, who is known for his thick skin, felt a little embarrassed.

And the purpose of his coming this time was still to ask Flanders to do something for him.

It’s strange to have the confidence.

I saw him forcing out a somewhat stiff smile, and then slowly said,

"You also know that Tang San just finished the operation."

Flanders nodded,

"Aren't they all back now?"

"Now that you're back, take good care of it. Anyway, it's just one that was used up, not all of it."

Not only did Flanders know, but the people who went to carry Tang San in the morning were all sent by him.

And that was who Yu Xiaogang knocked on the door in the middle of the night last night to beg for help.

Now Flanders is almost frightened.

As soon as he heard the knock on the door, his whole body suddenly felt bad.

Listening to Flanders' nonchalant words, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but feel a little angry.

Co-author: This is not your disciple!

But no matter what, this Tang San is also an official student of Shrek Academy.

Even if he is not your disciple, he should not ignore his fate.

Isn't it natural to give some help?

Although he thinks so in his heart, Yu Xiaogang is still very normal on the surface.

"Tang San underwent surgery, but not completely."

Yu Xiaogang's words immediately confused Flanders.

What does this mean?

Did it but not quite?

Tang San only had two in total.

Making one is not enough.

This Yu Xiaogang actually wanted to let his dear disciple do it completely.

After that, wouldn’t it be possible to become a father-in-law directly?

Seeing the confusion on Flanders' face, Yu Xiaogang explained,

"Tang San's situation is rather complicated and serious."

"To put it simply, it was because of the injury that his two balls were twisted."

"And the first operation was just to restore his normal position and put him out of danger."

"But one of the two is completely necrotic and there is no possibility of recovery."

"So after that, a second operation is needed to remove the necrotic one."

Flanders finally understood.

This means that Tang San will need another resection surgery later.

His operation is now complete.

Seeing Yu Xiaogang's guilty expression, he suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Whenever this guy has this look on his face, it's never going to be good.

Flanders was seen putting his leather jacket on his back.

Then he put his hands behind his back and said a few words very calmly,

"Well, I understand everything about Tang San."

"So what's the reason you came to me?"

Originally it was just a tentative question, who would have thought of playing into Yu Xiaogang's hands.

This guy was originally thinking about how to speak.

Who would have thought that Flanders would ask directly.

Then Yu Xiaogang spoke his thoughts without thinking,

"Tang San's second operation requires a lot of surgery fees, and now there is still a shortfall of three hundred gold soul coins."

"As a student of Shrek Academy, I hope you can organize the teachers and students in the academy."

"Give Tang San some help within your ability!"

"After all, everyone has made a lot of money in the spirit fighting arena these days."

Flanders' face became ugly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Did you come to him in the middle of the night to ask for money?

This Yu Xiaogang actually wanted to perform surgery on Tang San at public expense?

That's not a dream!

Who doesn't know that Flanders is famous for being stingy.

That is completely the iron cock of the soul master world, never plucking a hair.

And from what Yu Xiaogang meant, it seemed that he also wanted other teachers and students in the college.

Let’s make a donation to Tang San together?

What about a charity event over here?

Flanders knows that all the students in the academy now have a lot of money.

He made a lot of money from the Soto Spirit Fighting Arena in just one month.

But it's their own money.

The power to control as much or as little as they want is in their own hands.

It's not Yu Xiaogang's turn to be morally kidnapped here.

Is it possible that this guy still doesn't know how popular he and Tang San are in Shrek Academy?

In other words, he and Zhao Wuji gave Yu Xiaogang a normal expression.

There are three teachers and seven students left.

Whoever saw Tang San didn't just roll their eyes.

The main thing is that you two masters and apprentices really don’t do anything about human affairs.

In the end, something happened to me, and I thought of others again.

How could anyone help you?

Flanders shook his head slightly.

"I'm not saying that your request is really unreasonable."

Yu Xiaogang immediately became anxious,

"It doesn't make sense?"

"Why doesn't it make sense!"

"Tang San is also a student of Shrek Academy. Now that he has encountered difficulties, do you, the dean, want to ignore it and refuse to save him?"

"I'm telling you, I."


Yu Xiaogang still wanted to say, but was directly interrupted by Flanders.

A look of helplessness flashed across his face. Yu Xiaogang really didn't clarify his position clearly.

"I can appeal to the teachers and students of the academy to donate to Tang San,"

"But whether to donate or not to donate is their own right."

"I can only be responsible for informing you. I don't care how much you can donate at that time."

Listening to Flanders' words, Yu Xiaogang was obviously a little dissatisfied.

According to his original idea, he wanted to let Flender take the money directly.

Or ask him to notify the students to forcefully donate to collect three hundred gold soul coins.

Now I think about it, if I had gone too far.

Maybe Flanders just quit.

After thinking again and again, Yu Xiaogang said nothing more.

He nodded to Flanders and then left.

He believed that even if Tang San's relationship with other students wasn't that good, it wasn't that bad.

Moreover, as Tang San's master.

Famous master.

Presumably even for their own sake, the teachers and students in the college will donate generously, right?

This is not something too extreme.

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