People in Douluo: Sacrifice to Heaven System, Sacrifice to Tang San

Chapter 140 Teacher! Tang San had nothing to repay, he could only

After leaving Flanders' room, Yu Xiaogang walked quickly towards his own room.

Now Tang San is still lying on the bed.

And depending on the time, it’s almost time to prepare for a dressing change again.

There is no difference between Tang San now and a cripple.

Because the injured area was located in his lower body, this operation greatly affected Tang San's ability to move.

Although his upper body was intact, he still had to lie on the bed.

Yu Xiaogang can also bring it to him when he wants to eat.

But if Tang San wanted to go to the toilet, he would need Yu Xiaogang's help.

The truth is that the latter is disgusting.

As a result, Yu Xiaogang didn't even eat anything all day today.

I almost vomited out everything I ate yesterday.


Yu Xiaogang reluctantly pushed the door open.

The broken room he and Tang San lived in was barely habitable after some simple tidying up.

Originally, he wanted to buy some new daily necessities.

But now he is penniless.

Don't even think about these things as early as possible.

Even Tang San had to ask Flanders in person for the surgery fee.

Yu Xiaogang is now thinking about collecting Tang San's surgery fees first.

Then he stayed in Shrek Academy eating and drinking.

Although doing so might make Flanders hate himself even more.

But now Yu Xiaogang doesn't care anymore.

When he and Tang San's Martial Spirit Hall's golden soul coins are subsidized next month, they will be much richer.

"Teacher, you are back."

Seeing Yu Xiaogang come back, Tang San struggled to get up from the bed.

This scene shocked Yu Xiaogang.

This guy was almost dying, but he still wanted to get up to greet him.

For a moment, Yu Xiaogang was inexplicably moved.

As expected, he was not wrong about the person.

Although he now admits that Tang San's talent is mediocre.

But no matter what, the character of his disciple is still good.

Compare yourself to it.

You are worthy of being my disciple, Yu Xiaogang!

Moreover, Tang San's mediocre talent was also because they were in Shrek Academy.

If Tang San were placed in any other high-level soul master academy, he would be the best among them.

What's more, Tang San's true talent has not yet been revealed.

What Yu Xiaogang valued was never Tang San's Blue Silver Grass.

Blue Silver Grass was just an experimental martial spirit he used to test some of his theories.

What was truly powerful about Tang San was his second martial spirit - the Clear Sky Hammer!

Thinking of the Clear Sky Hammer, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but shudder.

What if Tang San's father Tang Hao knew that his son was missing an egg.

I was afraid that I would never be able to eat and walk around.

Fortunately, there is one left.

If both of these are gone.

Tang Hao was afraid that he would hammer him to death directly.

But he couldn't hide this matter.

Yu Xiaogang has already thought about it if he has the chance to meet Tang Hao in the future.

He would confess Tang San's situation to the latter immediately.

But the responsibility certainly cannot be attributed to him.

After all, the real reason Tang San was injured this time was in the Great Spirit Fighting Arena.

This form of injury, even if Tang Hao knew about it.

It is also impossible to attribute it to yourself.

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang hurriedly stepped forward and helped Tang San, whose buttocks were numb, to lie down flat.

"Xiaosan, your task now is to have a good rest and recover well."

"Don't worry about the surgery fee, just leave it all to your teacher!"

Yu Xiaogang grabbed Tang San's hand and said these two sentences seriously.

"Teacher, thank you!"

“I really don’t know what I would do without you.”

Tang San was obviously moved by Yu Xiaogang's two words.

He is really not in a good mood right now.

His physical condition once made Tang San frightened.

After all, the place where the surgery is performed is not an ordinary location.

Even for very important limbs, if something went wrong during the surgery, it would only mean that one hand or one foot was missing.

But if something goes wrong in this position.

Then the happiness of the rest of my life and lower body will be completely gone!

Although Tang San said that he had never touched a girl's hand until now.

But does that mean he doesn't want to?

It's because he doesn't have a chance!

Every time he saw Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were surrounding Huo Feng.

Not to mention how envious Tang San was.

But he often likes to appear nonchalant.

To show that he is not interested in women at all.

But in fact, he couldn't figure it out more than once late at night.

Tang San even had the idea of ​​following Dai Mubai and the others to have some fun.

But because he had an almost enemy-like relationship with the latter, it was impossible for him to say this.

You can only solve it privately when no one is around.

This alone made him terrified, for fear of being discovered by others.

Even so, Tang San still encountered such misfortune.

He already remembered the person who hurt him.

The captain of the Imperial Fighting Team—Yu Tianheng!

It was this boy who caused him to die before he left the army.

It almost ended a man's life before it even started.

In the future, when his strength increases, Tang San will definitely deal with that kid himself!

Yu Xiaogang put one hand behind his back with a smile on his face.

"Xiao San, you don't have to say that, I understand everything between our master and apprentice!"

Hearing these words, Tang San couldn't help it anymore!

Even his eyes began to turn slightly red.

Crystal tears welled up in his eyes.

"Teacher, Tang San can't repay you now, he can only"

When Tang San said these words, Yu Xiaogang was completely stunned.

? ? ?

What did Tang San do?

Such familiar lines!

What does it mean to repay nothing?

Only what?

What do you want to do?

If the doctor is right, he just injured one, right?

In this case, Tang San should still be considered half a man.

You wouldn't say such a thing!

To say the least, Tang San's masculine qualities were indeed insufficient.

Although Yu Xiaogang is older, he is still thinking about women.

I have no interest in men at all!

This kid Tang San has a problem with his thinking.

As his master, I must correct him in time.

Other things can be fine, but this is definitely not the case!

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang was about to rebuke Tang San severely.

However, the second half of the latter's sentence made him hold back the words that were already on his lips.

"I can only honor you, Master, from now on!"


"Ah, that's it!"

"Xiaosan, I understand what you are thinking. Now your task is to have a good rest."

“Nurture your mind and body well so that you can successfully carry out the next surgery!”

"Teacher, there are still many invincible theories that I haven't taught you yet."

"I believe those theories will interest you."

"My teacher also believes in your talent!"

Yu Xiaogang reacted quickly and immediately taught Tang San in a calm tone.

If this chicken soup is full of flavor, it will really make Tang San feel good.

But the most important thing now seems to be that it’s time to change the dressing.

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