"Teacher, look at the time and see if it's time for me to change the dressing."

Tang San's reminder made Yu Xiaogang wake up from a dream.

The first thing he did when he came back just now was to prepare to change Tang San's dressing.

As a result, if the latter hadn't reminded him, he would have forgotten it.

Yu Xiaogang endured both physical and psychological discomfort and struggled to change Tang San's medicine.

Then he lay down to rest.

It's late at night now.

Today's day's tossing is quite tiring.

Thinking of it, Flanders would arrange for teachers and students in the academy to donate money to Tang San tomorrow.

Yu Xiaogang's face twisted into a smile.

Even the content of the dream has been thought out in advance.

One night passed quickly.

Because he remained in a highly excited state all night, Yu Xiaogang didn't sleep well all night.

He was thinking about donating money to Tang San all the time.

He even thought about whether he could get others to donate more.

After the operation, he put the remaining money directly into his pocket.

Isn't it perfect?

But after three shots, no one came to notify me.

This couldn't help but make Yu Xiaogang very dissatisfied.

It’s that time, even if it’s a holiday.

All the teachers and students in the college should also get up.

Why hasn't Friend started arranging voluntary donations?

Could it be that he regretted it?

Thinking of this, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but frown.

He didn't hesitate anymore and rushed towards Flanders' office.

"Dong dong dong——~!"

"Flanders, what's wrong with you? What time is it now!"

As soon as he reached the office door, Yu Xiaogang knocked impatiently.

He didn't hear a response, so he pushed the door open the next second.

Those who didn’t know thought it was Flanders begging him for something.

He was so arrogant in asking for help. Apart from Yu Xiaogang, he probably couldn't find anyone else.

As soon as he entered the office, Yu Xiaogang saw two people.

It was Flanders and Zao Wou-Ki.

At the moment, the latter two are discussing the specific matters after moving to Tiandou Royal Academy.

Who would have thought that Yu Xiaogang rushed in directly on horseback.

And he was mumbling something he didn't know what to say.


"I didn't know this was the dean's office!"

Zhao Wuji just cursed and turned around.

He actually heard it was Yu Xiaogang's voice.

But I just want to take this opportunity to enjoy my addiction.

Others may still care about the reputation of Dianyu Xiaogang as a "master".

He, Zhao Wuji, was not used to it at all.

In his opinion, this "master" is just a "dissert" who likes to indulge in obscenity.

"Hey, it turns out to be 'Master'. The dean and I are discussing some important matters related to the college."

"If anything happens to you, come back later!"

Before Yu Xiaogang could react, Zhao Wuji pushed him and left.

But Flanders in front never looked back.

Now, he couldn't help but want to give Yu Xiaogang a double look.

Without even thinking about it, he knew that this might be another way to urge him to donate money to Tang San.

This guy really has no eyes.

It would be great if he could agree to Yu Xiaogang's unreasonable request.

This guy has the audacity to come over and ask?

It's really shameless.

You really think of yourself as a thing.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Seeing his thin body being carried away by Zhao Wuji's burly arms.

Yu Xiaogang seemed to be insulted.

His whole face turned red.

When had he ever been wronged like this?

"The dean and I have something important to discuss. 'Master', please go outside and wait for a while."

"Don't worry, it won't take a few minutes."


Before Yu Xiaogang could react, Zhao Wuji closed the office door directly.

The former was left staring at the door panel with a confused expression.

How unreasonable!

This is simply unreasonable!

This Zhao Wuji dared to drive him out?

And he kept saying that he had something important to discuss with Flanders.

There was something important that he, Yu Xiaogang, couldn't hear.

He is the teacher of Shrek Academy.

Although apart from Tang San, he has never taught anyone else.

Besides, Yu Xiaogang also thought of a question.

Shouldn't Shrek Academy's top priority now be donating money to Tang San for surgery?

How could there be anything more important than this!

His cheeks were twitching and his expression was extremely ugly.

But Yu Xiaogang really didn't want to feel Zao Wuji's strong physique again.

Although he was very angry, he could only sit on the steps.

Wait for the two people in the office to finish talking.

A quarter of an hour later, Zhao Wuji finally opened the door and walked out.

Then he walked away.

It seemed that Yu Xiaogang was not seen at the door at all.

This scene directly made the latter furious.

Is this guy just trying to ignore me?

Yu Xiaogang was about to walk into Flanders' office angrily.

Who would have thought that he had just arrived at the door and the latter came out directly.

"Let's go."


Yu Xiaogang frowned,

"Where to go?"

"Of course I went to donate to Tang San. Is it possible that you don't need it anymore?"

Flanders replied calmly.

Yu Xiaogang's frown suddenly relaxed.

What Zhao Wuji did just now was also thrown out of his mind.

"Yes, of course!"

When Yu Xiaogang said this, he was quite confident.

Flanders was almost speechless.

He has seen shameless people, but never such a shameless one.

Then he walked directly towards the playground without looking back.

Yu Xiaogang also hurriedly followed behind.

When they arrived at the gathering location, all the teachers and students of Shrek Academy had arrived.

Flanders and Yu Xiaogang are already the last two.

Seeing everyone gathered, even Zhao Wuji just stood there.

Yu Xiaogang nodded with great satisfaction.

It seemed that the teachers and students in the academy were still very enthusiastic about Tang San's donation.

At this moment, Flanders spoke,

"Today is everyone's rest time, so I'll keep the story short."

"Everyone knows Tang San's condition, right?"

After hearing Flanders' words, everyone nodded with a strange expression.

They already knew that Tang San was missing one.

And it was Dean Flanders who said it himself that day.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun even hid behind and laughed.

This scene was seen by Yu Xiaogang impartially.

Although he was very angry, he still held back for the sake of donating money.

"If that's the case, then I'll tell you directly."

"Tang San is still lying on the hospital bed. He has no ability to take care of himself. He is almost like a disabled person now."

"And his teacher 'Master' himself is a disabled person."

"The two disabled masters and apprentices are now encountering some difficulties in life, so the 'master' proposed that the teachers and students of the college can lend a helping hand,"

"Give the master and apprentice some donations to cover the cost of Tang San's second surgery."

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